Beautiful Strangers: The review...

Beautiful Strangers ended a week ago and this is my special review for the show.
Overall, it was a very entertaining show and for the most part, we enjoyed it. I do not have much to critic because the show was well written and well executed through out and for this reason, I will restrict my review to the last episode of the show. I will start by sampling some of your comments from the Finale episode...

Aqulin Aqulin  I expected at least Noel and Kristen's wedding. They should also have given gani a happy ending...he has been so loyal. I really hate it when villains just die in the end, they don't even get to suffer. Alejandra and Ronaldo should not have died. How about Alejandra getting really burnt and ending in prison? Ronaldo had already asked for forgiveness and was ready to go to prison so they should not have killed him. killing them only added more pain to Lawrence ( he didn't deserve it) I was left with so many answered questions!!!! But at least Ronaldo wore a plain shirt for the final episode

 Kerry Lyh No, it didn't end as well as I expected. At least they should have shown Noel n Kristine's wedding. I don't even remember their engagement. they should also have given us a part of funeral for the two Alejandra and Ronaldo though I felt sorry for him..there was not even a part for romance between the was the shortest episode I've  seen in the finale

 Mercy Achieng The ending was not my expectation at all,no wedding of Noel and Kristine i thought they were the main lead protagonists.Whats of Leslie and Jason? they made us believe there was chemistry between them. ooh Gani i prefer he could have ended up with Hannah since she already changed her bad behaviour. How did Noel get freed from jail?  a lot of issues at hand not tackled though am satisfied with Alejandra's punishment

 Eunice Lovey About multiple of the expectations I offer my self in humbleness and solemn to let some of you know that it doesn't always have to end the same....but all in all Shakira I will miss you long time booboo

 As For me, I am quite open minded and I really like it when a show executes finales in an unorthodox manner. I therefore do not have any issues with Noel and Kristine's wedding not been shown because they already implied that it was going to happen. What I had an issue with was how the antagonists; Alejandra and Ronaldo were finished off. For one, the show never made it clear whether or not Ronaldo was a villain. All the issues started with him and Alejandra simply had to stepped in to  clean up his mess. Yet, he was mostly portrayed as a victim. He apologized to Joyce and intended to confess his crime, but in the end, he opted to die instead of turning himself in. He had a chance to leave the house as it was burning, but he did not leave

For two, I Alejandra dying in the fire was too simple an ending for her. She had wrecked havoc on the lives of so many people and she should have suffered a little bit more. One thing I however agree is that she died in a fire after having tried to kill Joyce a record three times through fire.

For three, the other characters like Gani, Nester, Shakira who were part of the supporting cast did not really need an ending. They were there to propel the plot along and we were not given any more details about their personal lives, so there was no need for the show to consider them during the end, with the exception of Leslie and Jason. The show teased their getting together for a while and that is the one thing I felt they owed us. 
That is all I have to say about beautiful Strangers' finale but please feel free to share your comments too. :)


  1. Joyce why are you so wicked to my dear lovely Kristine 😭😭😭

  2. Please Joyce is not wicked but Kristine is the wicked.
