DOBLE KARA Season 3 Episode 19 & 20

Episode 19

We started with Julio going back to the travel agency to talk to Seb. Seb asked him why he attacked Paulo, Julio said that it was because Paulo had continued seeing his sister even when he told them to stop.
 Seb defended Paulo and said that he was a good person but Julio did not want to heat any of it. He almost came to blows with Seb and Alex had to separate the two of them to keep them from fighting. After Seb left, Alex tried to calm Julio down but she agitated him by saying that Seb was right since he had gone overboard by hurting Paulo.
When Julio got home, he took away Patricia’s phone and laptop. He told her that he did not want her to get distracted and she had brought it upon herself by disobeying him.
Hannah went to see Kara and told her that Laura was showing Becca videos from Sara. Kara went to confront Laura and asked her why she had done it. Laura told Kara that she only wanted to east Sara’s loneliness and make Becca happy as well because she missed Sara. Kara told Laura that she too felt as if she was in a prison because she was entangled in the fight to win her daughter’s affection who preferred Sara over her.
The following day, was the first anniversary of Ishmael’s death and Laura packed some food for the entire family so that they could have a memorial by Julio’s grave. After the day was over, Laura talked to Kara and told her that she was not siding with Sara and was only trying to help her stay in contact with Becca.
Itoy was left taking care of Becca the next day and Becca told him that she wanted to give the certificate that she won on family day to Sara so that she would not forget about her while in jail. Itoy empathized with Becca and asked her how  she was going to give the certificate to Sara and Becca did not have an answer.
Itoy decided to take Becca to visit Sara in prison. Sara was delighted to see Becca but she was not happy to learn that Itoy took Becca to see her without Kara’s permission. Itoy said that Kara was at the shop and they would go straight home after they left the prison so that Kara would not know anything. Becca proceeded to give Sara the certificate that she won by dancing with Kara but Sara did not want to accept it because it was for Becca and Kara. Itoy told Sara to take the Certificate as a keep sake from Becca before things changed. Sara asked Itoy what he meant and he said that Kara and Seb were planning on moving to America with the kids. The news took both Sara and Becca by surprise and Becca cried as she told Sara that she did not want to go to America. Sara told Becca that she did not want her to go either and asked Itoy to talk to Kara and try to persuade her against the decision to leave.
Seb’s lawyer brought him Hannah’s adoption papers. With them, they could now process the children’s passports and leave for America. Seb arrived home and was sharing the good news with Kara when Itoy arrived home with a crying Becca. Seb and Kara wondered why she was crying and Becca said that she did not want to leave. Itoy asked Becca to go upstairs as he talked to her parents.
Itoy told Kara and Sara that he had taken Becca to visit Sara because he felt sad for her and she ended up finding out that they were planning on taking her to America. Seb and Kara went to talk to Becca and tried to explain that they were only looking for a way for them to start over but Becca said that she wanted them to be together but that would not be possible if they left.
Hannah overheard the conversation and called Alex to tell her about it. She cried on the phone as she said that she did want to go abroad because she had no friends there and Alex said that she would take care of it. Alex told Julio about Kara’s plan to go abroad and Julio said that it was a good thing because they would finally leave them alone. Alex said that she would not allow them to go because she could not let Kara leave and be happy.
That evening, Becca called Banjo and asked her to go get her. Banjo asked Becca to go to sleep and he would go visit her the following morning. Becca however sneaked out of the house and left without telling anyone.
When Kara went to wake up Becca for school the next morning, she was neither in her room nor anywhere in the house. They all started to look for her. Seb and Kara went out to the playground but it started raining so they had to take shelter. Seb called Cynthia to ask if Becca had gone to the club. Cynthia said that she had not seen Becca but would ask around if anyone had seen her. Kara looked sickly and Seb wanted to  take her home but she insisted on looking for Becca first.

Episode 20

Cynthia started asking the people at the club if they had seen Becca when Banjo arrived. She told him that Becca was missing and Banjo said he knew where Becca might have gone from her call during the previous night. He rushed out of the club without telling Cynthia where he was going.
Becca was at Sara’s place and the landlady found her sleeping outside the house. Becca asked her to open the house for her and she went in to sleep. When Banjo arrived, he found Becca sleeping and he decided not to wake her. He called Seb and told him that he had found Becca.
Seb and Kara arrived to get Becca and they asked her to talk to them if she had a problem instead of running off because they had been worried about her. As they stood to leave, Kara felt dizzy and collapsed on the bed.When Seb took Kara to the hospital, the doctor said that she only had a fever and needed bed rest.
While in prison, Sara got free minutes to make a video from Nancy since she was not able to contact her boyfriend. Sara called Andy who told her that they were in the hospital since Kara had fallen sick. Sara asked is Becca was around and Andy gave her the phone when she joined him. Becca told Sara not to be mad at her because she had left the house without telling Kara which was why she got sick. Sara told Becca take care of Kara as she recovered and not to cause any more trouble for them. She insisted on world peace and asked Becca to be a good girl while they were apart.
After Sara’s call, Becca went to see Kara and covered her with the sheet. Kara woke up and Becca apologized for waking her. She told Kara that she wanted to make her feel better so she hugged Kara and hummed a lullaby for her. The lullaby helped Kara sleep but ended up waking Seb who slept on the couch.Seb talked to Becca and told her that her mother loved her very much and she was very worried about her when she disappeared. Becca apologized to Seb and promised not to make them worry again.
Sara told her friends in prison that she had encouraged Becca to give Seb and Kara a chance because she was confident in her love and would always be her mother. She argued that if Becca started loving her parents, they would no longer see her as a threat to them and hopefully they would cancel their plans of going abroad.
When Kara woke up later, Becca had food ready for her. Kara thanked Becca for her lullaby and told her that she hoped that she would become a better mother to her and Hannah. She told Becca that they never made a decision without thinking of her welfare and asked that Becca give them a chance to show her that they loved her as much as Sara did. Becca agreed to give Kara a chance and even called her Mum! Kara was delighted to hear it and when Seb walked in, Becca called him Dad. Seb and Kara were touched by Becca’s change and they all hugged to celebrate the new milestone.
Itoy was on edge around Kara since he thought she was mad at him for taking Becca to see Sara. After Kara was discharged, she talked to Itoy at home and they were able to settle the issue because Kara was no longer mad.
Kara and Seb were very happy to see that Becca was finally warming up to them but Seb told Kara that they had to be patient with Becca because their relationship was fragile and they could easily lose the progress that they had made.
Paulo was worried about Patricia since she never answered his calls or texts. She was not active online as well so he decided to go to her house to see her. He climbed over the wall and found Patricia studying. She told him that Paulo had confiscated her phone and laptop which was why she was not able to communicate with him. Paulo stayed to help Patricia study but he had to hide when Julio arrived home. Patricia distracted Julio so that he would not see Paulo and Paulo was able to see Julio’s gun from where he was hiding. When Patricia let Julio in the house, Paulo left without being detected.
Paulo told Andy about seeing Julio with a gun when he got home and Andy suggested that they tell Seb about it.
In prison, Rona was frustrated because Sara was not affected by her harassment tactics. Her goons said that it was because Sara always had the help of her friend and Rona decided to make Sara’s friends stop helping her. She arranged to have Nancy’s hair cut in an unfashionable manner and it was too late when Sara arrived to help her. Sara helped Nancy out by styling a fashionable bob on her instead. Nancy told her that it was because of her that Rona kept harassing them so Sara went to see Rona and asked her to direct her attack on her but not on her friends. Sara’s friends were however not convinced that Rona would leave them alone just because she asked and we ended as they told her this…
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