DOLCE AMORE Episode 36

We started with Angel going to get Serena and Tenten so that they could leave. She commented that the two of them seemed to be enjoying themselves and Serena said that she was getting to know her brother in law.

When they were boarding the bus, Alice talked to Tenten and asked him to stay away from Serena because it was not the right tie for her to know the truth. After they got into the bus, Angel asked Tenten to sit next to him but he said he had something to finish and wanted to sit by himself.
While they were on their way, Serena went to sit next to Tenten and told him that she had ideas for the sing that he would compose for her. She said that they could include some Italian in the song. Tenten told her to write it down and give it to him later so that he could include it. He then asked her to get back to her seat because he still had some things to do. Serena was upset because of the dismissal as she walked back to her seat.
Uge realized that the bus was a little dull so he got out his guitar and started to sing which cheered everyone. They also sang along and joined in.
Back at home, Binggoy felt excluded in the plans to help Serena and Tenten get back together. The others said that they would trust him once again if he passed a quiz about SerTen’s love story. Binggoy passed with flying colors and they decided to tell him about the plan to nudge Serena toward learning the truth. Binggoy was not up for it because Alice did not want Serena to know the truth.
Angelo and the rest arrived at the first stop of their Album tour and there were a lot of fans waiting to see her. She sang “Muling Magtagpo” amid jubilation from everyone while she watched Tenten wistfully.
After the show, they left for the resort to rest. Serena gushed about Angel’s singing and said that she was her number one fan. As Roger went to see if the place was safe for Serena, Angelo told Serena that she had requested for them to have a single room so that they could spend more time together. Serena asked if it was okay because she felt as if she was intruding on Angel’s time with Simon but Angel said that it was fine.
JJ was hoping to revive Serena’s memory of Fireflies at the resort but the resort manager said that there were no fireflies there. JJ was upset and Tenten realized what he was trying to do. He called JJ aside to talk about the fireflies and he denied trying to revive Serena’s memory.
Serena was also disappointed that there were no fireflies at the resort even though she had never seen them. Angel asked her why she wanted to see them so bad and Serena told her that Luciana once told her that she was fascinated with fireflies as a child. This was apparently because Gian Carlo had told her about them and how they could fulfill his wishes.
Serena thus she ran away from home to look for fireflies so that she could grant Gian Carlo’s wishes. Angelo was awed by the beautiful story of Serena and Gian Carlo and said that the two of them were meant to be together.
Tenten was outside when Serena told the story to Angel and was upset because Gian Carlo had clearly changed the facts of the story.
After Serena changed into her night dress, she went outside for some air. She saw a firefly and started to follow it. It flew away but it led Serena to where Tenten was sitting. She did not see him but Tenten approached her. He asked her what she was doing and she told him that she was following a firefly. She asked him if he believed they were gone like the hotel manager said and Tenten said that they could be gone because of the climate change. Serena said that maybe they were gone because no one believed in them anymore but Tenten said that maybe some things would never return. He said goodnight to her but Serena stopped him.
She asked Tenten if he was upset with her because he looked at her like he was angry. She apologized for getting in the way since Simon could not get to know Serena with her around. Tenten said that he was not mad and Serena asked him to let her be her friend for Angel’s sake. They continued to talk about fire flies and Tenten said that he no longer believed in them because a lot had happened in his life but he wanted to start believing in them again. Serena asked Tenten what he would wish for if he caught a firefly and he said that he would wish for her to remember everything. Serena asked him why he would give his wish to her and he said that it was because he saw how much it hurt her not to remember and if it was up to him, he would help her remember it all. Serena thought it was sweet and thoughtful of Tenten. She then told him that she was afraid of remembering because she always felt sad when she tried to remember and felt confused. She therefore did not want to remember hurtful memories but instead, make new ones with her family and Tenten too. Serena asked Tenten to keep his wish because he might need it then told him goodnight with a very persistent handshake.
Serena went back to the room she shares with Angel. Simon went to the room he shared with JJ but found him still awake. When he went to shower, JJ left the room and went to make Gecko noises outside of Serena’s room. Serena got spooked because she was afraid of geckos and rushed out of the room. She was running when she ran into Simon and tripped over him. We ended as Tenten caught Serena before she fell….

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