DOLCE AMORE Episode 54

We started with Tenten telling his family that he realized that  Serena was a bit nervous and Mumy Taps told him that maybe she was just nervous about the wedding.

Serena met up with Gian Carlo after he found where she was. Gian Carlo threw Serena’s plan in smoke when he told her that he found Julio and they were no longer going to be able to make him testify against him. Gian Carlo added that Serena had broken their agreement and ultimately, he did not want anyone else hurt apart from Binggoy. There were so many people that Serena had to worry about including Tenten, the Urtolas and the Ibarras, so he asked her to think of them if she did not want any of them to get hurt.
Serena was brooding over Gian Carlo’s words when Tenten joined her and asked if she was looking for fireflies because there were none. He said that he wanted to see a firefly as well and thank them for giving him someone like her who loved him. Serena said that she had a wish for everyone to be safe and happy. It was the eve of their wedding and Serena told Tenten that it was bad luck to see the bride before the wedding and Tenten jokingly closed his eyes so that so that he would not have to looks at her. Tenten sang to her and they danced as Serena cried and told him that she wished that night would not end.
The following day, everyone got beautiful for the wedding and Serena finally arrived. Before Serena got into the church, she received a call from Gian carlo and he told her that he realized that she had already made her decision and she looked beautiful in her wedding dress. Angel arrived and snatched the phone away from Serena, telling her that it was time for her to get married.
Tenten, his parents and the Urtolas walked down the aisle with “Your Love” playing and everyone settled down to watch Serena walk in. Serena walked inside the church slowly and in tears as she contemplated Gian carlo’s actions. There was a gun pointed at Tenten already and in the middle of her walk, Serena said she was sorry. She dropped her bouquet on the floor and ran out of the church.
Tenten ran after Serena who went towards Gian Carlo’s car. Gian Carlo got out and offered his hand to Serena as she looked back at Tenten. Tenten offered his hand to her as well but Serena continued on and got into Gian Carlo’s car. They drove off immediately and Tenten ran after them. He fell down as he chased the car and Serena was gone.  Gian Carlo called the henchman at the church and called him off since he already had Serena. He told Serena that he had kept his promise but she asked how she would be sure that he would not hurt Tenten. Gian Carlo told her not to contact Tenten and her family and neither of them would be harmed.
Tenten went back to the church to get his car but Mummy Taps stopped him. She told him that Serena had already made her choice and since they had already lost Binggoy, she was not going to let Tenten go too. The following day, Roger and Leo told Tenten that Serena had left for Italy with Gian Carlo. Tenten got mad at Serena for not fighting like they had agreed to and said she was a coward.
When Gian Carlo arrived with Serena in Italy, he immediately started planning his wedding with Serena.
Tenten and his family went back to their farm but they found that their crops had already been infected so Tenten went to report it to the agricultural authorities.
Later in the evening, a rich woman arrived at the farm. She asked for Simon and introduced herself as his mother. Mummy taps told her that they could not take her word for it and the woman told them that she had been investigating their family for some time and she knew that Simon was her son. Gretta; the woman who had been following Mummy taps for some time appeared and it turns out that she was employed by Vivian. Simon told Vivian that he had no interest in knowing about her since he already had a family.
Vivian talked to Taps and Dodoy and asked them to let her speak to Simon only for a while. She said she knew that it was not the right time for her to look for Tenten because of what their family had been going through but she could not wait any longer since she was dying. They allowed her to speak with Tenten. She told  Tenten that she was dying and since she did not have an heir, she wanted to leave her money to him. Tenten told her that she did not need her money but Vivian told him that he knew Tenten had problems and the money would go a long way in helping him. She gave him her card and asked Tenten to call her if he changed his mind them left.
Gian Carlo asked Serena to give him a kiss and she imagined he was Tenten as she kissed him goodnight.
The following morning, Tenten looked over Vivian’s card and we ended  as he called her…

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