BE MY LADY Episode 57 & 58

Episode 57 

We started with Gab preparing her party. Her friend asked her about the guy who’s pictures she shared online and Gab giggled.
She said that the guy was only her friend but her friend insisted that she liked him. Gab admitted that she did but he was courting her cousin. She then texted Phil and asked him not to forget about going to the party.
Pinang was going through her clothes looking for something to wear when she received a call from Phil he greeted her good morning and said that he would see her at the party. Pinang replied saying that they would see each other later.
Marcy joined Pinang in her room and told her to buy a new dress for the party but Pinang refused saying that it was not necessary to waste money on a dress. She added that Miggy would lend her something to wear. Nars and Miggy went to Pinang’s to get ready and help Pinang as well.
Pinang looked stunning in a white romper, complete with a brown belt, brown wedges and a flower arrangement on her forehead.  Marcy gushed about how beautiful she was while Emil was worried that Phil may not let Pinang return once he saw her.  The ride to take them to the party arrived and they were on their way.
Phil arrived looking dashing with a white shirt, blue jeans and boots. Gab went to greet him and thank him for coming but Pinang, Nars and Miggy arrived right after and Phil’s attention shifted to Pinang. He told her that she looked beautiful while she said he was handsome.
Margaret waited for Julian so that they could go to the café together. Margaret said she would help Julian review for his physics classes because he was failing. They were supposed to commute to the café because Margaret did not have her car with her and Julian offered to pay for it. Yohan, one of the varsity footballers who liked Margaret said that he would drive her but Margaret said that she always went with Julian. Yohan said that both of them could come so they rode with Julian instead.
At the café, Yohan waited until Margaret was done changing so that she could take his order. He reviewed his classes there and Julian walked around sulking as Margaret served Yohan. Julian heard Margaret ask Yohan to help him the football try out so that he could make it to the team
Gab introduced Phil to her friends since they had seen his pictures on social media and she had also shared a lot about him. Nars and Miggy could not help but notice that Gab’s friends knew a little too much about Phil. Gab asked the girls not to embarrass her and apologized to Phil because she uploaded his photos without his consent. One of the girls said that the pictures had gone viral and asked if Phil had seen them. He only smiled and said that he had not gone online. Nars and Miggy wanted to get Phil away from the girls because Pinang seemed uncomfortable so they said they would get something to eat. One girl however asked if Phil had a girlfriend and he seemed unsure of what to answer. He finally said that he did not have a girlfriend but there was someone very special with him. Pinang smiled as Nars and Miggy shouted from joy and the four of them walked away.
Pinang had fun at the party after Phil finally convinced her to dance with him.
Some guys disturbed Pinang at the party, asking her to have a drink with them but she said that she did not drink. Phil found them pestering her and told them to leave her alone. He brought ice tea for Pinang, Nars and Miggy. He went with Nars to grill some meat while Miggy went to the wash room. Gab saw Pinang seated by herself and went to chat with her.
Pinang said she was having fun but the discussion took a different turn when Gab asked Pinang whether she loved Phil. Pinang was hesitant to answer but then asked Gab if she too liked Phil. Gab nodded yes then continued to tell Pinang that Phil was a nice guy and he did not deserve to wait around for nothing. Gab told Pinang that if she had no intention of accepting Phil, she should let Gab have him instead. They were interrupted by Miggy who got returned and Pinang was not able to say more.
Nars went to bring the meat they had grilled to Pinang and Miggy and Gab took the chance to go chat with Phil. She told him that she loved Brazilian cuisine and Phil said something about missing his grandmother. As he went to stir the fire, he got his hand burnt and Pinang rushed to take care of him. She poured water in the burn and asked Phil if he was fine. Phil said that he was fine as long as she took care of him. She then took him to one of the tents to rest as Gab arrived with an ointment. She said that she would put the ointment on the burn then went inside the tent and zipped it in. Pinang was left outside wondering whether it was necessary for her to close the tent.
Inside, Gab put the ointment on Phil’s hand but Phil told her to go outside and attend to her guests. Ga said it was tiring hosting a party and asked if she could stay for a while with him. Phil asked if she was okay and Gab said she was not. She admitted that she had developed feelings for him after seeing how well he treated Pinang and asked if he was willing to wait for her until she said yes to him. Phil made it clear that he loved Pinang and would wait for her. Gab was disappointed but she thanked Phil for being honest with her. He leaned in to kiss him on the cheek.
Pinang was getting suspicious about what Phil and Gab could be doing in the tent for so long. She went to open the tent in time to see Gab Kiss Phil.

Episode 58

Phil walked away as both Phil and Gab stood up to go after her. Gab got to Pinang first and caught her arm. She told her that it was only a goodbye kiss and Phil really loved her. Gab’s friend called her to start the bonfire and asked her to join them. After Gab left, Phil got his chance to talk to Pinang and told her that he too was taken by surprise when Gab kissed him. He added that Gab was a nice person but he only loved her.
After the bonfire was up, Gab toasted with all her guests and thanked them for going to her farewell party even though it was on short notice; she would be going for a two-year internship in Japan. She said that she was an impulsive person and often made mistakes but she got to learn from them and especially that summer, she had learnt a lot about love.
Gab talked to Pinang personally again and apologized about earlier but Pinang brushed it off and said that it was fine. Gab hugged Nars and Miggy saying that she would miss them then asked to talk to Phil privately. She apologized to him too adding that she really liked him for Pinang. She asked make sure she accepted him and he would have to deal with her if he hurt Pinang.
Chelsea saw the viral photos of Phil online in the rice fields and she complained to Steve; her husband that Phil looked so happy and content but he never seemed happy when he was with her.
Pinang was all jovial the following morning after the party and she told her family that the party was fun. At the hospital, she treated a couple who had eloped from their home but ended up getting in an accident. Nars and Miggy told Pinang that she should be as brave as that young couple and fight for her love with Phil. They added that Pinang should tell her family about Phil going to visit her at the hospital every evening.
Emil went to talk to Pinang when she got home and said that he knew she was keeping something from him. Pinang was alarmed, thinking that Emil was talking about Phil’s visit but he was actually talking about what Pinang and her brothers were planning for Marcy’s birthday.
Mackie and Lotlot tried to convince Lotlot’s mother to let her go with Mackie to Taiwan but she asked to speak to Emil and Marcy first. Mackie brought his parents with him to Lotlot’s house and they told Lotlot’s mother that Mackie had been dating her daughter for a long time and they did not want to stop the two of them from pursuing their life together if that was what they wanted to do. Lotlot’s mother was worried that her daughter would go to suffer abroad but she finally agreed to let her go.
Steve called Phil to tell him that his mother missed him and was suffering from birthday blues. Phil said that he was planning on going back to Singapore for his mother’s birthday and Steve agreed that they would surprise her.
 Phil went to have dinner with Pinang, Nars and Miggy as he usually did each evening. They asked for dessert then Nars and Miggy went to get dessert. Pinang munched at her cake and ended up smearing some of it on her lip. Phil took a napkin to wipe it off but Pinang took it from him and wiped the cake off herself.
Emil and Marcy had decided to take some dinner to pinang at the hospital but she did not answer her phone. They were told that Pinang was at the cafeteria so they went to see her. They walked in at the cafeteria and saw Phil wiping Pinang’s lip.
Phil approached them to greet them as Pinang followed him. She was worried that her parents would be upset so she tried to explain but Emil said that they would talk about it at home. They gave Pinang the food they had brought and left.
Phil rushed outside to speak to them and explained to Sir Emil that it was he who had insisted to see Pinang at the café because he was returning to Singapore and wanted to spend as much time with her as he could. He added that Nars and Miggy were always with them so it was not as if he was dating Pinang. Emil said that he was dating Pinang but asked Phil to go back and finish his dinner because he really did not have enough time to spend with Pinang. When Phil went back to the table, he apologized to Pinang for insisting to see her but Pinang said that she played her part too because she agreed to it.
When Marcy and Emil got home, Emil asked Mackie to pick up Pinang when she was done with work and went inside. Marcy stayed behind to tell Mackie and Julian what happened at the café but they did not react because they already knew that Pinang had been seeing Phil.
Pinang could not concentrate at the hospital so she called Emil to ask if he was mad but Emil surprised her by saying that he was not mad at all and asked her to go back to work.
When Marcy joined Emil, he told her that he was not happy to see that he had denied his daughter happiness and she had resulted to seeing Phil behind their back. Marcy asked him to let Phil court Pinang.
When Mackie arrived to get Pinang, she received a call from Phil. Phil said that he would go talk to her parents and explain what happened but Pinang said it was not necessary because her father was not mad. Phil was glad to hear that and then Pinang hang up because she had to go home. Phil did not hear the line get cut so he proceeded to say to that he loved Pinang although reluctantly. He realized that Pinang already hang up when there was no response and laughed; relieved that Pinang did not hear it. That was where we ended…
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1 comment:

  1. Woooow did Phil tell pinag that he is in love with her??
