BE MY LADY Episode 59 & 60

Episode 59

We started with Pinang and her family having breakfast. Phil arrived to get Julian so that they could have football practice and his presence brought a little tension as Sir Emil watched him.

As they were trained, Phil asked Julian if his father was upset with him and Julian said that he was not. Phil said that Sir Emil did not seem glad to see him and Julian suggested that Phil get his father his favorite fruit from the market and offer it as a truce.
Phil went to the market to get the fruits that Mr. Emil liked but found very sour ones. As he was buying them, Arsing, Badong and Roger saw him and went to see what Phil was up to. When they tasted the fruits, they suggested that they be the ones to give the fruits to Mr. Emil and if he liked them, they would say that the fruits came from Phil. If he did not like them, they would say that they got the fruits themselves. Phil did not want to agree at first but he finally did, considering the delicacy of the situation.
Arsing, Badong and Roger caught Mr. Emil just as he was about to leave with Marcy and gave him the fruits to taste. Emil was delighted to see his favorite fruits but he cringed the moment he tasted them because they were too sour. He asked the guys where they got the fruits and they said that they bought them to show their love for him and Mr. Emil joked that their love must be very sour. He asked them to divide the fruits among themselves and left with Marcy. Phil had been watching Mr. Emil’s reaction from a far and saw that he did not like them.
Pinang came back from delivering the caramel custards and tried the fruits when she found them on the table. The sourness made her sneer and Phil approached her, asking if the fruits were that bad and Pinang tried them again. She told him that they were too sour and Phil was disappointed as he explained that he had gotten them for Mr. Emil to apologize for seeing her in secret. Pinang said that he did not need to apologize because her father was not mad.
Phil asked Pinang if he could see her that evening for dinner at the hospital but Pinang was skeptical to answer. Phil said that he wanted to spend as much time as he could with her before he left the following day but decided that he would not go have dinner with her that evening. Pinang said that she would be free the following day and since it was her mother’s birthday, she would be going to the market to buy the ingredients for the banquet that she would be preparing. She also invited Phil to join him and Phil agreed since his flight would be later that evening. Pinang then excused herself so that she could go to work.
In Singapore, Chelsea heard Steve make reservations to a restaurant for three for her birthday and immediately thought that it was because Phil would join them. Steve said that he wanted to introduce her to his business partner and Chelsea’s face fell. She decided that she would invite Phil herself but he never answered her call.
Phil went back to the market to look for sweeter fruits and the vendors there directed her to another market that was further away. Phil took an hour ride to go to the other market and was finally able to get the sweet fruits. He ordered 5 kilos of them.
At the hospital, Pinang, Nars and Miggy were told that some of them would be transferred to the emergency department since they needed more nurses there.
That evening during dinner, Nars and Miggy said that they missed Phil having dinner with them and asked Pinang if she missed him too. Pinang said she did and Nars commended her for not denying him. Phil called then because he knew it was Pinang’s dinner break to check up on her. As they were talking, he asked her if he had someone to come back to once he returned to the Philippines but instead of answering, Pinang said that she had to go because her break was up. Phil was disappointed as he hang up and Pinang wondered why she could not just say yes to him. When she told Nars and Miggy what happened, they too got mad at her as Nars said that it was very easy to see.
Pinang was preparing the banquet with her brothers and when she got home that evening, they each gave her a contribution to buy the things she needed from the market.
 Emil got his gift for Marcy’s birthday and set his alarm for midnight so that he could give it to her. They had pawned their wedding rings to raise the money to buy their farm and Emi was able to buy them back. As he gave them to Marcy at Midnight, he promised that they would never have to sell them again.
In the morning, Julian accidentally said that they were preparing a barbeque for Marcy and she told them not to waste any money on her because it was not necessary. Emil texted all of them and said that they would still continue with their plans.
Pinang met a very jovial Phil at the market after delivering the caramel custards. He drove the scooter as Pinang held on to him from behind and they drove around buying ingredients. Phil then bought pearls for Marcy and Chelsea as birthday gifts.
Later, Phil went to Dahlia’s house to pack up. He gave them gifts as a thank you for giving him a home during the time he stayed with them and they offered to let him stay again with them if he returned. He then went to help Pinang with her cooking.
Once they were done cooking, they set up the table and Phil looked sad because he would soon have to leave. Pinang asked him what was wrong and Phil asked her again if he had someone to come back to if he ever returned to the Philippines.

Episode 60

Pinang was about to say something but then Mackie arrived along with Lotlot. They interrupted Pinang and Phil and they could no longer continue with the conversation. Nars arrived alone since Miggy could not come; she had a prior commitment with Elsa in Manila. Julian arrived too and they all helped Pinang set up the rest of the stuff for the barbeque.
Pinang excused herself to go change and Nars went with her. Pinang wanted to wear the sandals that Phil gave her but was afraid that it might seem as if she was flirting with him. Nars told her not to think of it that way because it was a gift and wearing it would show Phil that she appreciated it. When Pinang went back outside, Phil smiled when he saw that she was wearing the sandals that he had given her.
Emil arrived with Marcy and everyone greeted her happy birthday. They sat down to eat the amazing food that Pinang had prepared and everyone complimented her cooking skills. After dinner, Mr. Emil got out his guitar and sand his favorite song. After he was done, he asked if anyone wanted to sing and Julian sprung up. Emil asked him to sit because he was not asking him. Phil said that he wanted to sing Be My Lady and Emil tried to play it for him. It was clear that the song was dedicated to Pinang and there was an awkward silence as Phil sang it.
Later, Julian gave Phil a packet of Caramel custards to take to Singapore and said that it was from Pinang. Phil then gave Marcy her pearls and said that he got the same ones for his mother too because he felt like he had two mothers. Marcy teared up as she hugged Phil and wished him a safe trip back. Emil finally got his sweet fruits as well.
Dahlia’s van came to pick up Phil at Pinang’s house to drive him to the airport and he had to say goodbye in a hurry. He teared up as he bid Pinang goodbye and walked over to the van.
Pinang was sad as they cleared the table and Emil offered her some sweet fruits to make her smile. Someone noted that Phil forgot his phone and the caramel custards and Pinang said that she would take them to him. Mackie wanted to go instead but everyone wanted Pinang to be the one to go. Nars said he would go with her and they hopped on the scooter driving off in a hurry. Emil called Pinang and told her to tell Phil that he was done with his restrictions and would allow him to date her. Pinang broke into a smile as they proceeded to leave.
Phil was sad at the airport as he was leaving. He bid Arthur and Dahlia goodbye and was reaching for his phone when he realized that he did not have it with him. Pinang and Nars arrived right then and Phil dropped his bag as he approached Pinang. She gave him the stuff he had left behind and then addressed the question he had asked her; if he had someone to go back to. She told him that he did have someone to go back to and Phil could finally smile. His flight was announced so he could not stay much longer. He hugged Dahlia, Arthur and Nars then kissed Pinang’s hand as he left. Nars told Pinang that Singapore was not that far and Phil could visit often. He also offered to get video call apps for Pinang so that she could call Phil.
Pinang finally got back home and Emil teased that he was about to reconsider his decision of letting down his restriction if Pinang had arrived five minutes later.
When Pinang went to sleep, she tossed and turned waiting for Phil to text. When he did text her, he said that his flight was delayed and he would arrive in Singapore at 4.
When Pinang woke up in the morning, Phil sent her a picture telling her that he had arrived safely in Singapore.  He sent another picture while working out and Pinang sent a picture too saying that she had been feeding the ducks. Phil called to ask how his ducks; Ever, Lasting and Love were doing. Pinang said that they were doing just fine and asked Phil what he would be doing for the rest of the day. Phil said he would catch up with his friends then go to dinner with his mother for her birthday.
Phil met up with Terrence and Rose to give them the goodies Dahlia and Arthur had packed up for them and they proceeded to catch up.
Chelsea went to the restaurant Steve had booked and was upset to find that he was not there. She called him to say that if he made her wait by herself, she would go back home but Steve asked her to wait. She was barely done with her call when Phil came up behind her and wished her a happy birthday. He said that he intended on surprising her and Chelsea was glad to see him. She asked him to sit and Phil apologized for staying in the Philippines for too long adding that it was because he enjoyed himself and ended up staying there longer than he expected.
During dinner, Phil kept looking over his watch and Chelsea asked if he had another appointment. Phil was anticipating Pinang’s dinner break so he told Chelsea that he only had to make a call but it could wait.
Pinang was also waiting for Phil’s call. She was looking for Nars and Miggy as she went to the cafĂ©. A motor cycle drove past Pinang and splashed water all over her. When the driver stopped, Pinang told him to drive more carefully and he said that it was an emergency area and then ran off in a hurry. We ended as Pinang said that the guy was rude…
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