BE MY LADY Episode 83 & 84

Episode 84

We started with Phil about to kiss Pinang but he opened his eyes and saw a worried look on her face. He pulled back and asked Pinang if she wanted some water instead and Pinang said yes so they both got up.

Monica hurt her arm when repairing a car and Mackie rushed her to the hospital.
They went out to eat and then Phil took Pinang home. They did their hand kiss and after Phil left, Julian, Mackie and Emil started to tease Pinang about how she was with Phil. Mackie told Pinang about Monica's injury and asked her to take care of her during her shift at the hospital.
The following day at Julian and Margaret hada a little awkardness between them because of the dinner. Margaret asked Julian if his mother was offended because she refused to take food home and Julian said she wasn't. Margaret explained that she was not used to taking food from other people's houses and Julian told her that his mother usually packed food for the guests. He also apologized for being rowdy and Margaret said that she wished her family were like that because they were too serious.
Phil took Pinang to work and she told him that she wanted to learn more about the kind of work he did. Phil was puzzled and thought Pinang would find it boring but Pinang insisted. She told Phil that he usually supported her with her problems at work and she wanted to do the same for him. Phil was delighted and agreed to teach her about what he did.
When Pinang got into the hospital, she saw Doctor Joselito getting some coffee and greeted him good morning but he pretended not to hear her and went in the hospital. Pinang was puzzled by his behaviour and she later told Nars and Miggy that Doctor JM might be going back to his grumpy self.
Doctor Joselito organized an outreach program and volunteered to take up most of the work in an effort to get away from the hospital and from Pinang.
Nurse Malou talked to the new nurses and told them about the program. She said that they were required to volunteer as part of the hospital staff but when Pinang picked up the volunteer form, she said that int was not necessary for her to go. Pinang insisted and said that helping others was part of the reason why she became a nurse.
When Doctor Joselito looked at the volunteer list, he became frustrated because Pinang would be going and he told Nurse Malou that it was as if fate was trying to bring them together.
Phil told Pinang all about his work after he picked her up from work. They had a meal as Phil explained everything especially about his game app and how he did the coding as well as the layout. Pinang asked how he did it and Phil said that he enjoyed playing games ever since he was younger since he could not go outside to play most of the time. Pinang said that it was weird how one enjoyed playing games by themselves because she and her brothers usually played together or with others so that they could interact and meet more people.
When the cheque came, Pinang and Phil fought over paying the bill as they both insisted that they wanted to pay for it. Pinang wanted to pay but Phil absolutely refused to let her and the waiter just stood there staring at them. Pinang suggested that they take turns paying during their dates and Phil agreed, saying that he would go first.
Julian and Margaret were given a project at school and the lecturer asked that they do the project as groups of six so they teamed up with their friends. During the discussion at school, Julian and Margaret could not concentrate and they kept staring at each other. They had a lot of work to do so they decided to do it at one of their homes. Margaret suggested that they go to her house and everyone agreed.
When Margaret got home, she told her grandmother about the project and she agreed to let them study at their house as long as they behaved.
Marcy prepared a new dessert and took samples to the restaraunt she was selling the caramel custards to so that they could taste it.
Phil said that he missed hanging out with Nars and Miggy so the four of them organized a game and went out to play after work. Nars refused to let Phil partner with Pinang and got him as his team mate instead.Phil and Pinang could not be serious and flirted with each other the entire time. Pinang and Miggy were supposed to receive hand flicks for losing the game but Phil refused to hurt Pinang and settled on kissing her hand instead.
Terrence asked Phil to do some work last minute so he was not able to sleep. When Phil took Pinang to work, she asked him not to fetch her later so that he could get some sleep. Phil refused to agree so they played Rock, Paper, Scissors and Pinang won. She therefore told Phil not to get her.
At the hospital, Nurse Malou told Doctor Joselito that he might have had  a chance with Pinang if he had courted her before she got a boyfriend so it was his fault he was suffering. Doctor JM still had a drafted text that he had intended on sending to Pinang ages ago, telling her that he liked her and asking her out for dinner or coffee but he had never sent it. He got his phone contemplating on sending it to her but then Pinang appeared.

Episode 84

When Doctor JM saw Pinang, he walked away without even greeting her.
As Pinang was having lunch with Nars, Miggy and another nurse, she shared the desserts that Marcy made so that they could give some feed back. Doctor JM was at the cafeteria too and the nurse asked him to taste the dessert. Doctor JM said that he was cutting down his sugar levels and refused to join them. They decided that he must have been going through something which was why he had been grumpy.
Pinang texted Phil to see how he was doing and he answered the first text. He did not answer the second one because he put his earphones on and continued working. Pinang had asked if Phil had eaten because he had been working too hard. When he did not reply, she decided to bring food to his house after work and then asked Nars and Miggy to go with her because her parents did not like her going to Phil's house by herself.
Doctor JM had been working on consecutive shifts and refused to go home even when his replacement arrived. Nurse Malou found him having coffee and told him to go home and rest. She said that there would never be a shortage of patients and he needed to rest before he fell sick too.
Nars and Miggy waited for Pinang after their shift. When Pinang joined them, they saw Doctor Joselito and Miggy told Pinang to talk to him and ask if everything was fine with him. Pinang did not want to but Miggy insisted because she was the one who was his friend. As Doctor JM passed them, Pinang stopped him. She said that maybe it was not her place to ask him if he was going through something but she wanted him to know that they were there for him if he needed someone to talk to. Doctor Joselito said that really was not her place and stormed off, leaving Pinang, Miggy and Nars stunned. Miggy even apologized to Pinang for making her talke to him.
The three of them bought food and took it to Phil's house. He was asleep when arrived and shared the snacks that they brought with them. They talked about the doctor's attitude and Miggy pointed out that he was fine before Pinang went to Singapore. She asked what had changed in the time that Pinang was in Singapore and Phil said that he and Pinang got together. Pinang said that she no longer wanted to talk about the doctor and Phil said that it was better since he did not want her thinking about anyone else other than him. They fought over washing the dishes so they played a game of rock, paper, scissors to settle it and Phil won so he washed them.
Julian was glad that they would be going to Margaret's house and he would be able to thank her grandmother for lending him money when they were trying to buy back their farm. Margaret asked him not to mention it and finally told him that she was the one who had lent him the money, not her grandmother.
When Julian and their school mates went to Margaret's house, they were amazed at how the place looked. Julian could hardly concentrate and stared around the house. He asked to go to the washroom and Margaret showed him where it was. When Julian was in the bathroom, he knocked over a flower vase and it broke. He called Margaret to show it to her and she told him that it was nothing. Margaret told Julian that he was more needed at the discussion and the maid would take care of the broken vase. Julia however offered to replace the vase.
Monica was discharged from the hospital and returned to work but she was  given clerk duties since her arm had not yet healed. She got bored and tried to work on one of her cars but Mackie said he would do it because he did not want her injury getting infected.
When Phil took Pinang home, Nanny Marcy announced that she got the deal for the desserts and everyone congratulated her.
When Phil took Pinang to work the following morning, she asked if they could go shopping later so that she could buy her mother a pan for making the desserts. Doctor Joselito bumped into them and they both greeted him but he walked right past them without saying a word. Pinang commented that his behaviour was intense and Phil joked that his love for Pinang was more intense.
When Pinang got to her post, Doctor Joselito approched her ready to apologize for his behaviour but he surprised Pinang and she hit her head. The doctor got her some ice and told her that he was sorry for being rude to her. Pinang said that it was okay and reminded him to always smile even if he was going through something. The doctor thanked her and walked away.
After work, Pinang and Phil bought a huge pan for Marcy to prepare her dessert mixture. They made the dessert with the entire family's help and Phil got to take some cake home.
When Doctor Joselito got home, he decided that it was time to delete the message he wanted to send to Pinang. His brother James got home and heard his heavy sigh. James teased  the Doctor about Pinang and took away his phone and read out the text. Doctor JM tried to wrestle it from him and they ended up pressing the send button! That was where we ended...
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