DOBLE KARA Season 3 Episode 13 & 14

Episode 13

We started with Becca rushing into the courtroom and asked the judge to let her testify on behalf of Sara.

 Everyone was surprised to see her there at the hearing and Kara got up to get her out of the room. She apologized to the judge and asked Becca to go with her but Becca went past her and walked up to the judge. She was in tears as she asked the judge not to send her Momma to jail because she had not kidnapped her. She said that Sara only loved her and was not a bad person. Since Kara could not control Becca, Sara went up to Becca and asked her to go with Kara. Becca said that she was only there to defend her but Sara told her that she was strong and could handle herself. She asked Becca to go with Kara again and threatened to get mad if she didn’t so Becca went with Kara and Seb.
Once outside, Kara asked Becca how she was able to get to there and Becca said that she hid in the van and rode with them when they left. Kara asked why she did it and Becca said that she needed to defend her Momma and Kara had refused to let her so she had decided to do it. She added that it had always been her and Sara but Kara told her that she now had them and they too loved her as well adding that I was dangerous for her to go to there and all they wanted was the best for her.
When they got home, Kara and Seb scolded Andy for not taking better care of Becca and he apologized profusely because he thought that she was asleep.
Barbara met with her investigator for an update regarding Alex and he said that there seemed to be something more going on between her and Julio because they were always together and she even went to his house. Barbara told him to keep investigating.
As Julio was leaving the travel agency, he spotted someone taking pictures of him when he was getting in his car. He managed to lose the man as he drove out of the parking lot because the guy was boxed in. He met with Alex away from their hideout and when she asked him why he had changed the meeting place. Julio told her that he noticed someone was following him and he was sure it was because of her. Alex apologized to him and told him to be patient with her because everything would be over as soon as Sara was convicted.
After the hearing, Sara, Banjo, Laura and Itoy stayed behind to talk to the lawyer about the case and he told them that what Becca said was merely an interruption and would not be considered when the judge made his final verdict. Laura asked him what their chances were and he said that they were not good because there was a lot of evidence against Sara.
When Sara returned to the club, she started giving some of her things away to her friends there and tried to joke that she would not use them in prison. Banjo asked her not to say that but Sara said that she was only preparing herself because there was the possibility that she would get convicted.
Laura was frantic as well because she did not want Sara to go to jail. Itoy told her that the only person who could put an end to everything was Kara and he advised her to talk to her.
Laura waited for Kara to get home and asked her to drop the charges against Sara because she was incapable of kidnapping her child. Kara got upset and asked Laura not to blindly disregard the evidence since it all pointed to Sara. She accused Laura of failing to support her and making her out to be the bad person because she was seeking justice for everything that happened to her. Laura said that it was not her intention to make her feel that way because all she wanted was to prevent Sara from going to jail. Kara however said that she would not drop the charges.
Kara complained to Seb about Laura siding with Sara but he asked her to understand her because she was only a mother looking out for her child.
The following day, Laura left the house early and went to see Sara. Sara wondered why she was so early and suspected that she had fought with Kara. Laura said that she had asked Kara to withdraw the charges and Sara asked her not to intercede on her behalf because she did not want her being at odds with Kara because of her.
Alex went to Particia’s school and saw her meet with Paulo. She promised that she would not tell Julio about their meeting then invited them out for a snack. Patricia could not go so she went with Paulo instead and he was surprised to see her being so nice to him. She said it was the other side of her and continued to prod him for details of Sara’s hearing, feigning concern for Seb.
Later, she went to Julio’s house because Patricia invited her to teach her how to cook. Patricia noted that Alex liked Julio and told her that she approved of him as his girlfriend. When Alex said this to Julio, he yanked her by the hair and told her to  stay out of his personal life. Patricia joined them and Alex hurriedly left saying that she needed to be somewhere.
When Laura got home, Kara talked to her again and Laura told her that she was supporting Sara because she needed her more; just like how she did when Kara was sick. Kara said that she was trying to understand her but also asked her to let her fight for her own family.
On the day of the verdict, Becca was excited because she was sure that Sara would be released and said that she would prepare food for her when they got home.
Unfortunately, Sara was found guilty and sentenced to life imprisonment for the crime of kidnapping. Laura was distraught and she escorted her to her jail cell along with Itoy as she promised to do everything to get her released.
Kara and Seb went home but they did not seem happy as well. Becca went in to see them and asked them where her Momma was but Kara told her that she would not be coming back. Becca threw a fit and told Kara that she wanted her Momma back.

Episode 14

Sara settled in her jail cell but she was still unable to sleep. The guard saw her and told her to sleep and one of her cell mates told her to sleep before the guard returned. There was no place for Sara to sleep so she slid over and asked Sara to join her.
The following day, Becca asked Kara to take her to visit Sara in prison but Kara refused saying that it would be dangerous for her. Becca got mad and told Kara that she did not love her because if she did, she would not have sent her Momma to jail. Seb arrived and found them arguing. He asked Becca not to answer back to her mother and asked her to go to her room.
Alex had gone to the courtroom to hear the verdict and prepared a ceremony for Julio when she got back to their hideout. She thanked him for all his help in helping her with her plans and said that they could finally be together because everything was over. She hugged him in public and Barbara’s investigator was there to take the photos.
 When Camile Rose visited Kara, Kara told her of all the problems they were having especially with Becca even after Sara was convicted. Camille Rose told Kara that maybe they needed to start over somewhere else.
Sara’s inmate was very friendly and when she heard about her case, she advised her to file for an appeal. She was not a lawyer but she used to forge legal documents so she knew a lot about the law. She told Sara that she could file the appeal within 15 days and could have a chance of the court reverting its verdict if she had substantial evidence to present.
When Laura visited Sara in Prison, she told her that Kara refused to let Becca visit her but she would do her best to try and convince her. Edward also went to see Sara and told her that he would do his best to get her out of prison. He brought the lawyer who said that he would be working on Sara’s case further and would visit as soon as he had news. Sara told Edward that she would owe him a lot and may not be able to repay him but Edward said that he was doing it because he loved her.
Seb saw how hard it was for Kara and him to make Becca forget about Sara so he told Kara that he had made a decision and wanted them to move elsewhere. He said that he had inquired from his friends who lived in America and they had offered to help them get settled there.
Seb then met with his lawyer to ask about the legalities of them moving to the states and he said that there would be no issues because Kara had a dual citizenship and was considered an American citizen so she could easily petition for him as her husband. He added that there would be no problem with Becca because she was their daughter but they might have an issue with Hannah. Seb told him that they had been with Hannah for a year and her parents had not gone to claim her. The lawyer said that the American law required that the child stay with adoptive parents for at least two years but he told Seb to get her adoptive papers ready and he would try to expedite the process. Seb said that settling Hannah’s papers would be his priority but his lawyer asked him to think carefully about his decision to leave.
Banjo went to visit Becca and she cried to him because she had not been allowed to see Sara. Banjo tried to calm her and explain to her that the situation was complicated while Kara listened in on them and cried because Becca proved each with her actions and every word she said that she loved Sara very much.
In prison, Sara got desperate because she missed Becca as well and wanted to give her a call. On the day she had planned to make the call, she was told that she was not on the list of the people who could make calls. Her friend told her that she had to seek permission from “the commander” first. The commander was an inmate too but ranked higher with the guards in the prison so she was used as a stepping stone to get favors among other things in the prison. Sara however said that she did not want any association with her and refused to talk to her.
Laura was desperate to look for something that would get Sara freed so she met with Barbara to learn what she had discovered. Barbara showed Laura photos of Alex and Julio that she had just received from her investigator. She told Laura that there seemed to be something going on between them and although Alex had no money, Julio was rich and had the means to help Alex with her plans.
That was where we ended…

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You can watch Doble Kara Season 3 on StarTimes Novela E Plus from Monday to Thursday at 8:50 pm.

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