DOLCE AMORE Episode 11

We started with Roberto calling Alesandro to ask him where Serena was because he had not been able to reach her. 

Alesandro was in charge of Serena when she was in the Philippines and had offered her a guide to go with her to Bohol but Serena turned the guide away when Tenten said that he would go with her. Alesandro had hidden this from Roberto but he decided to call him. Alesandro then called Franco; the young boy who had fetched Serena and Tenten from the airport and asked him why she could not be reached. Franco told Alesandro that Serena’s phone fell in the river and got spoilt but he would get her to call her parents.Franco looked for Serena who was still enjoying her outing with Tenten and Nanny Melds and asked her to contact her parents because they were worried about her.
Serena finally called Roberto that evening and explained that her phone got into the river which was the reason she had not been able to call him. She assured her father that she was fine because she had already found Nanny Melds so there was nothing for him to worry about. She also asked to extend her stay in the Philippines for a festival that was taking place in Nanny Melds’ place and Roberto let her stay. Roberto then asked to talk to Nanny Melds and he asked her to take good take care of Serena.
Serena did not return to Nanny Melds’ place but she booked a hotel near her place. She booked one for Tenten too and when Tenten escorted her to her room, she told him that if she wanted to practice pronouncing the letter “S”, he could just call her room.
At home, Dodoy and Taps missed Tenten so they asked Binggoy to text him and ask him how he was doing. When Tenten received the text, he called them back and told them that he was having a great time in Bohol and wished that he could bring all of them there too. Binggoy asked him to bring them some Souvenirs.
Luciana called Gian Carlo and gave him Serena’s number at the resort she was staying at. Serena was hoping that Tenten would call her and when the phone rang, she picked it up on the first ring. She said Tenten but Gian Carlo told her that it was him. He proceeded to ask how Serna was doing and she told him that she had never had so much fun in her lifeand  she had already met Nanny Melds . She added that the people in Bohol lived a simple life and even when they did not have much, they did their best to welcome her. Gian Carlo offered to send a gift package to the people in Bohol and Serena agreed that it would be a great idea.
After the call, Serena went to have a shower. Tenten contemplated calling her in her room and when he finally did, Serena did not answer so he thought that she was already asleep. Serena ran from the bathroom in a hurry and tripped. By the time she picked up the receiver, Tenten had already hung up.
The following morning, Nanny Melds woke up Serena for breakfast. She had prepared a special breakfast for Serena and they went out to the beach to eat. She asked where Tenten was and Cardo told her that he woke up early and went out for a swim in the beach.
When Tenten emerged from the water, he caught the attention of some girls and they went to talk to him after he was out of the water. They however laughed at him when they realized that he had a lisp and left him alone.
Tenten changed and joined Serena for breakfast. She gushed about the girls that had noticed him and asked him to go talk to them. Tenten said he did not want to because he was hungry and continued to munch on his food. Serena overheard the girls talk about Tenten and his lisp as they laughed. She got upset and tried to get Tenten to confront them but he said that he was used to being made fun of so he did not mind. Serena however did mind and went to scold the girls for judging Tenten just because he had a lisp without even knowing him. She told them that he was an amazing guy and they would be lucky to have someone like him as a boyfriend.
After the incident, Serena was determined to fix Tenten’s lisp and she called a doctor in Italy. After the call, she suggested that Tenten try to saw words with a lot of “S” letters in it. Nanny Melds gave them a snail poem and Serena asked Tenten to repeat it.
After a while, Tenten had still not made any progress and he got frustrated because he felt as if Serena was losing her patience with him. Serena suggested that Tenten sing the poem instead and gave him a guitar. This got Tenten to stop overthinking and he was finally able to pronounce the letter S!
Back in Italy, Gian Carlo’s father said that the merger between the De Lucas and Marchesas would not push through until Serena was back. Luciana talked to Gian Carlo about Serena extending her stay in the Philippines and he said it was okay since he was sending a package in the Philippines and he wanted her to be there to receive it. Luciana mentioned that Serena was supposedly with a guy there and this surprised Gian Carlo.
It was the music festival in Nanny Melds’ place and Serena was one of the performers. As Tenten watched her, he realized that the three signs that Serena had mentioned about falling in love had happened; darkness will turn into light, birds sang (Nanny Melds was dressed in a bird costume and was singing) and the world seemed to move slowly. He got up and rushed out of there but Serena followed him. He was trying to convince himself that he had not fallen in love with Serena when she joined him and asked him what he was doing/ saying. That was where we ended…

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