DOBLE KARA Season 3 Episode 15 & 16

Episode 15

We started with Sara finally approaching the commander because she needed to get use her phone to call Becca.

 The commander told Sara that she had to prove herself first before she was given the phone. The commander gave Sara a list of chores to carry out for her.
Laura went to visit Sara in prison and Sara told her that she would have access to a phone later so she asked that Laura give Becca the phone once she was home.
Paulo and Patricia met up as they usually did and Patricia told him that she had been hanging out more with Alex. She told him that Alex was great and asked Paulo why they were not close. Paulo told Patricia to be careful with Alex because the reason she left the house was because Seb kicked her out since she always caused fights with everyone.
At work, Kara was depressed because she was having trouble getting through to Becca. Camille Rose told her that she could do better if she tried to copy some of Sara’s parenting skills. Kara decided to take her advice and went to see Cynthia at Club Felicidad. She told Cythia that she wanted to get closer to Becca and wanted to know some things that Sara and Becca used to do together. Cynthia obliged Kara and told her some things that the two of them did together but she warned Kara that it may not work because those were special things that Becca only did with Sara. Kara thanked her and left.
When Laura arrived, Becca was sulking at the dining table. She ran to greet Laura and asked her how Sara was doing. Laura told Becca that Sara was fine and then the phone rang. It was Sara calling from prison and Laura gladly passed over the phone to Becca. They were glad to hear from each other and Sara assured Becca that she would be getting out of jail soon and they would soon be together. She asked Becca if they were taking care of her there and before she could answer, Kara walked in. She appeared upset to Laura asked Becca to say goodbye to Sara and hung up. Becca told Sara that she loved her then handed the phone over to Laura who placed it back on the receiver.
Laura asked Becca to go freshen up as she stayed behind to speak to Kara. Kara was mad because Laura had let Becca talk to Sara while they were trying to keep Becca away from her so that she could forget her. Laura told Kara that Becca would not stop loving Sara just because she kept them apart. She gave Kara the example of when she left for America with Antonio and Lucille but never forgot about her and asked her to let Becca talk to Sara.
When Kara went to read a story to Becca at bed time, Becca did not pay attention to her. Kara asked if she wanted to do something else and promised to do it but Becca told her that she might get mad. Kara asked her to go ahead and ask and she said that she wanted to be with Sara. Kara considered her request and asked he if she would let her read her a bedtime story if she would agree to let her speak with Sara on the phone. Becca happily nodded yes.
When Seb heard about the plan, she asked Kara if she was sure about letting Becca speak with Sara. Kara said that keeping Becca away from Sara was not doing her any good so she decided to let Becca speak to Sara on the phone. Seb told Kara that he would support all her decisions but he asked her if she was good with the arrangement. Kara said that it hurt to keep giving way to Sara while she was the victim but they had to do everything for Becca’s sake.
Laura then talked to Seb later and she was glad that Kara had listened to her advice. She then told Seb that she had a hunch that Alex was involved in Becca’s kidnapping. Seb asked why she said that and Laura told him about the pictures  that Barbara showed her pointing out that it was a little suspicious that Alex was involved with the one person who was connected to Dina. Seb said that Alex was only working for Julio but Laura said that it was more than that.
Kara visited Sara in prison and told her that she was allowing her to talk to Becca on the phone and that she should not do anything to ruin the arrangement that they had.
Seb met up with Alex and asked her what the real nature of their relationship was. Alex said that Julio was her boyfriend and they had started dating after he kicked her out of his house. Seb told her that Julio could not be trusted but Alex said that she could handle herself and Julio was a good person because he was the only one who helped her when Seb kicked her out.
When Seb relayed this information to Laura, Laura said that she did not believe that Alex had just started dating Julio because when Itoy found the money in Alex’s things, she was still living with them. Laura told Seb that Alex had been seeing Julio for a long time and had kept it from them.
Becca was excited about being allowed to speak to Sara so she sat next to the phone waiting for the call. Seb found her there and told her that he would give her the phone once Sara called and proceeded to prepare pancakes for her because she was hungry as Hannah watched their interaction from a distance.

Episode 16

Sara continued to ask for chores from the commander so that she could have access to the phone and constantly call Becca. Sara thought that the commander was nice but the friends she had made in jail asked her to be more careful with the commander was cunning and not always nice. She said that she had to put up with her to keep in contact with her daughter and one of the inmates told her that she could try to escape from jail but Sara said that she would get out legally.
Becca’s mood brightened after she was allowed to speak to Sara and she went back to her old bubbly self. She told Itoy that she was happy now because she was able to talk to her Momma and was glad because her Aunt Kara had allowed it. Itoy asked Becca why she still referred to Kara as her Aunt instead of her mother and Becca said that she could not replace her Momma. Itoy told her not to see it that way but instead see it as having two mothers.
Kara visited a child psychologist to talk about the decision of letting Sara talk to Becca. The Psychologist said that Becca would not be able to erase the love she had for Sara easily because she considered Sara as her mother and since it made her happy, it was fine. She asked Kara to be patient with the child as she learnt to love her as well.
When Kara got home, she tried to get Becca to eat but she refused saying that she had to study first. Kara wanted her to eat but Becca said that she wanted to study hard so that she could become a lawyer and get her Momma out of jail.
Laura went to visit Sara along with her lawyer to learn about the status of the motion that they had filed to revert Sara’s judgment. Unfortunately, the lawyer said that their motion had been rejected but he sort to move the case to the court of appeal to have it heard by the higher court.
Sara was distraught when and she told the commander about her situation when she went to get her chores. The commander told Sara that it would be difficult to get the courts to listen to her case so she told her about their escape plan. The commander had been observing Sara and saw that she was a fighter so she was seeking to recruit her in the plan. She said that they had already arranged everything and they needed her to join them but Sara turned down the offer. The commander told Sara that if she was not with them, then she was against them.
Alex was puzzled as to how Seb had learnt about her involvement with Julio so when she went to meet up with Patricia, she took the chance to ask Paulo if she had told Seb anything. Paulo said that he had not.
Julio received Patricia’s report card and found out that she had dropped some of the important subjects. When he confronted her, Patricia said that she had only done it to concentrate better on the ones she was taking but Julio was not convinced.
Laura was worried about Sara since her motion had been rejected and she asked Seb to help her gather more evidence. Seb told her that he could not help her but Laura said that all she needed was an opportunity to talk to Alex and Julio.
Seb then called Alex and said that he wanted to invite her and Julio to dinner. Alex was taken aback by the invitation and asked Seb why he was doing it. He said that he only wanted to get to know Julio and assure himself that he was a good man for her so Alex agreed. Alex extended the invitation to Julio and he agreed to it although with some hesitation.
In prison, Sara continued to do the chores as she did so that the commander could give her the phone but this time around, it did not work. This was because had refused to join in on the escape plane and even after she worked herself to the bone, she was not given the phone.
Meanwhile, Becca sat by the phone all day waiting for Sara to call and Kara got upset because Sara had disappointed her. Itoy asked Kara to be a little understanding because something might have happened in jail to prevent Sara from calling. Becca fell asleep on the couch so Kara carried her upstairs.
Sara got frustrated when she could not access the phone but one of her friends managed to steal it from the commander for her. When Sara finally managed to answer the phone, it was Hannah who answered. She told Sara that it was a wrong number and hang up on her! Sara called back and this time, it was Kara who answered. Sara thought it was Hannah again and said that she was ill mannered. Kara interrupted her rant and when Sara realized it was Kara, she told her to teach Hannah some manners. She asked to speak to Becca but Kara said that Becca was already asleep because she got tired waiting for her call. Becca had already woken up and when she heard Kara on the phone, she asked to speak to Sara. Kara completely ignored Becca and Sara who was on the other end demanding to talk to Becca and put the phone back on the receiver.
Becca was inconsolable and could not stop crying all night. Kara tried to talk to her but she said that she had waited for Sara’s call all day. Kara explained that Sara needed to learn a lesson not to keep her waiting.
Seb also scolded Hannah for hanging up on Sara but she said that she did not know who it was. Seb asked her never to answer the phone to avoid any problems.
Laura then talked to Kara and Kara said that she had hung up because Sara had kept Becca waiting and had the nerve to be upset when she called. Laura told Kara that all the same, it was Becca who had gotten hurt. That was where we ended…

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