DOLCE AMORE Episode 16

We started with Serena and Gian Carlo going out for their date.
 They ate and then drove around Manila as Serena showed Gian Carlo some of the sights around the city and then Gian Carlo asked if Serena knew any place that they could play football because he needed a place to exercise. Serena told him that she did not but said she knew about something better. They drove to a neighborhood where Tenten’s friends played basketball.   Gian Carlo was asked to join them and although it was hard for him at first, he got into it and started enjoying the game. He even removed his shirt. Serena joined in the game too and managed to shoot some hoops. After they were done, Gian Carlo gave Serena his shirt so that she could wipe away her sweat but she handed it back to him and told him that she would change her clothes once they got to the hotel.
At the hotel, Gian carlo was having a drink by himself when Franco joined him. Gian Carlo told Franco that he did not feel like he connected with Serena anymore and since she could not stop talking about Tenten the entire day, he felt as if he had been replaced as Serena’s best friend. Franco advised Gian Carlo to get close to Tenten so that he could put in a good word for him to Serena.
When they went to sleep, Gian Carlo asked Franco what kind of a person Tenten was because Franco had admitted to having met Tenten. Franco said that Tenten always liked to act cute but he was a nice person and he always made Serena laugh hard. He emphasized that when Serena was with Tenten, she was always laughing. When Gian Carlo asked if Tenten was good looking, Franco said that he had average looking but when you paid attention to him, he was quite handsome. After that, he said he was going to sleep.
Meanwhile, Serena slept with Nanny Melds and she had a dream about going on a date with Tenten. Nanny Melds woke Serena up because she was dreaming about her husband as well. She told Serena that if you dreamt about someone a lot, it meant that you loved them. Serena grew nervous as she admitted that she had dreamt about Tenten but she said that she loved him as a friend and just missed him because he had always been with her ever since she arrived in the Philippines.
On the other hand, Tenten could not sleep as he had gotten himself an Italian book so that he could try learning the language. He pronounced the words with a heavy lisp and ended up waking up Bunggoy. He hid the book as Bunggoy teased him for trying to learn Italian so that he could impress Serena.
Since Serena could not stop gushing about Tenten, Gian Carlo insisted that they go see him. Tenten woke up late the next morning after his Italian language session and walked outside only to find Serena with Gian Carlo outside. Serena went to greet him good morning with a hug but Tenten pushed her away saying that he had not brushed his teeth yet. He covered his mouth while saying so but Serena pushed his hand aside and said it was no big deal. Tenten ended up unleashing his morning breath on her since she refused to keep off. The act ended up lightening up the mood as everyone laughed. Serena greeted Tenten and introduced Gian carlo. Gian was very happy to finally meet Tenten but he commented that Tenten looked familiar Tenten said that most Filipinos looked alike and put an end to the matter. Binggoy took Gian Carlo away and went to tell him about fishing boats that they used there and left Serena with Tenten to prepare some snacks.
As they prepared some refreshments, Serena told Tenten to look at him but he did not want to. He kept acting busy so Serena took a hold of him and turned him to face her. Gian Carlo only watched them as he chatted with Binggoy and the rest of the guys. Serena told Tenten that he had once said that one could tell when something was wrong when they looked into someone’s eyes and Tenten’s eyes said that he was troubled. She asked him to tell her what was wrong. Tenten tried to tell her that everything was fine but he did it with a heavy lisp. Serena asked him why his lisp was back and made him repeat the words until he said them perfectly. Tenten managed to convince her that he was okay and so Serena invited him out to lunch with Gian Carlo since he had refused to have dinner with them the previous night.
During lunch Tenten did not speak so Serena asked him again what was wrong. Tenten said that he was heartbroken because a girl he liked did not like him back. Serena thought that it was the girl Tenten had pretended to go on a date with but Tenten seriously said that it was her that he had feelings for; the only one he wanted to love until the end. Gian carlo watched on as Serena got surprised and asked what Tenten meant but Tenten finished by laughing it off and saying that it was only a joke! Gian Carlo liked the “joke” so much, he could not stop laughing. Tenten clarified that he could not have feelings for Serena because she was only his friend.
JJ asked Tenten why he refused to take the chance to tell Serena how he felt for her and Tenten said that he could not do it especially in front of the man that Serena was supposed to marry. JJ told Tenten and trust in himself but Tenten told JJ that even if he was in love, one should take care not to fall for people outside his league.
On the way to the hotel, Serena said that they should invite Tenten to go with them to Bohol but Gian Carlo refused. Serena said it was fine since Tenten had to work, adding that she wished she could heal broken hearts because Tenten was hurt. She later thought of a brilliant idea of setting Tenten up with Sarah, a friend of hers and Gian Carlo that they had met at an Italian restaurant. She called both Sarah and Tenten to arrange for the blind date.
Tenten complained to JJ about having to go on a blind date and JJ asked him why he agreed to it of he did not want to.

Serena imagined Tenten and Sarah hitting it off on their first date with Tenten’s  jokes and he told Gian Carlo not to worry about Sarah since Tenten was a good guy and it was not hard for anyone to fall in love with him. That was where we ended…

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