BE MY LADY Episode 31 & 32

Episode 32

We started with everyone arriving at the restaurant so that they could have dinner. Emil, Grandpa Apo Julian, Mackie, Lotlot, Marcy, Pinang, Elsa, Miggy and Nars were all there.

As they waited for the food, Pinang said that she would go to the bathroom. Lotlot asked Mackie to go give her the sandals he had bought for Pinang so that  he could apologize to her. Mackie followed Pinang with his gift and waited for her. He said he was sorry for what he had said and congratulated her on the bar exam. They went back to the table and the food finally arrived.
Phil and Dahli’s family arrived at the restaurant a little later because they had gone for mass first. Phil walked into the restaurant and was taken aback when she saw Pinang. He wanted to turn back but Nars and Miggy called him. He greeted them then said that he had to go to the bathroom and rushed off. Dahlia greeted them too and Emil asked her to join them. Dahlia said that she was there with her entire family and they were too many so they would not join them.
After eating, Pinang’s party dispersed. As she walked out of the restraint, she bumped into Phil. He said that he meant what he said on the text and Pinang got flustered. She thanked him for making the Caramel Custard and he said that he was glad he knew her secret; that she thought about the people she loved as she made them. Pinang said that he too had thought about a person he laughed but before he could answer her, Nars and Miggy came to get Pinang.
Since Julian took Margaret’s phone with him, it kept ringing but he refused to answer it. Mackie asked if he bought a new phone but he said that it was from a friend of his who had left it at the cafĂ©. He said that Julian should answer it because it might be important. When it rang again, Julian answered it and it was Margaret. She thought that a thief had stolen it but Julian said he had picked it up after she left it in the store. Margaret thanked him and said that she would pick it up in the morning from his house then ride to school together. Mackie overheard the call and teased Julian because he sounded cheesy on the phone.
Elsa finally told Miggy that she was not returning to Singapore because she had broken up with her husband.
Pinang had a hard time sleeping because she was used to reviewing so she stayed up late. Phil texted her and asked if he could call because he wanted to give her the sandals that he bought. Pinang took a while to answer as she contemplated whether to do it or not but she finally said it was okay. Phil’s phone ran out of charge and he was unable to read the text. He thought about going to see her but thought it might be misconstrued like the last time with the charger. He went to Dahlia’s house and charged his phone. Pinang’s text came through telling him to call her but when he did, her phone was turned off.
Pinang had waited for Phil to call until she got mad and finally went to sleep. She also switched off her phone which was why Phil could not reach her. In the morning, Phil called again very early as Pinang was preparing her Caramel Custards. She ignored it until Grandpa Apo told her to answer the call. Pinang took the call but then her battery died just as she picked it up. She laughed at that while Phil was worried that she was mad at him because she did not answer.
Emil prepared to go to the seminar and gave a lengthy good bye to his family because he would be away for five days.
Margaret went to pick up Julian at home and Marcy gave her some caramel custard to take along. Julian was all over the place before they left and his behavior left Marcy smiling.
Miggy called Pinang because she was bored and they said they would go to the mall after Pinang delivered her custards. They invited Nars too who suggested that they evaluate the feelings that Pinang had for Phil. Pinang said that she was upset with him because she had waited all night for his call but he never called back.
Phil went looking for Pinang when he arrived to take care of his ducks. He asked Grandpa Apo why Pinang had failed to take his calls and Apo said that Pinang answered it but her battery died. Phil called Pinang and asked her to tell him once she was back home because he wanted to talk to her about something.

Episode 32

Phil went to see Pinang later that evening. He left the pair of sandals that he had bought outside her door and texted her to get it from there. He went away to hide and when Pinang saw the sandals, she smiled. Phil was delighted because it meant that she liked them.
Terrence told Phil that he had sent him the money from their profits and when Phil got home, he was glad to see that he only needed a little more money so that he could get enough of it to buy Marcy’s land.
Pinang was taken aback by Phil’s gift and she did not know how to respond to it. In the morning, Nars, Miggy and Elsa dropped by and found Pinang making her caramel custards. Marcy said she was going to the market and Elsa offered to drive her there.
When they were gone, Pinang took Nars and Miggy to her room to show them the sandals that Phil gave her and they screamed all over the house. Julian and Mackie went to see what was wrong and they  said that they were just fussing about something. After Pinang’s brothers were gone, Pinang said that she was worried that accepting the sandals may imply that Phil was courting her. Nars and Miggy told her that it was just a gift from a friend like either of them so she should not overthink the gift.
They went back outside and they teased Pinang about Phil having special feelings for her because he bought her a present. Pinang refused to admit it but turned all shy when they said that Phil had arrived. Pinang subtly turned around and was welcomed with more teasing. Nars and Miggy dragged her to where Phil was and forced her to thank him for the sandals. Pinang was curt as she greeted him good morning and thanked him for the sandals then hurriedly walked away. Phil called her and asked if she liked them and Pinang shook her head as she walked away. Miggy and Nars assured Phil that Pinang really loved the sandals.
That evening, Pinang wore Phil’s sandals while in her room and her stomach started gassing up again. She thought about the instants that had happened and came to the conclusion that she had a crush on Phil!  
Gabby went to San Isidro with her mother Sol and Andy welcomed them back. Gabby said that she would vacation there for a while before she went abroad for her internship. She visited Pinang and invited her to go hiking with her if she was free. Pinang also gave her some caramel custard to eat.
After five days,  Emil was set to return back from his seminar and Pinang created a space in the middle of the wall to hang his certificate. Marcy wanted to make a special dinner for him when he got back but was busy so Pinang said that she would do it.
When Pinang went to the market to buy the food, she ran into Phil and he offered to help her carry the groceries. Pinang said she was fine but then her phone rang and she could not get to it. Phil took the bags from her as she answered the phone. It was Andy and he said that he wanted to celebrate with Emil for his achievement in the seminar. Pinang said that she was preparing a small dinner for the family but Andy asked her to invite the people from the farm and he too would go with Sol, Gabby and Anita. After Pinang was done with the call, she told Phil about the party and invited him as well.
Emil was welcomed home by everyone and he hang his certificate on the space reserved for him on the wall. They then sat to eat and when Sol arrived, she noted that there were a lot of ducks. Andy told him that they belonged to Pinang because she used the eggs to make Caramel custards. Gabby arrived  later because she was out biking and Pinang introduced her to Phil.
As they were eating, one of the ducks escaped so Phil and Pinang started to argue who it belonged to. Sol took notice of it and asked Marcy about it. Marcy explained to Sol that Phil had been renting out a piece of land to raise his ducks. Sol did not know about it and ended up insulting Marcy for it. Pinang got upset and told Sol that they would return all the money that Phil had paid them to her. Sol said that it was fine because it was her charity to them and it was only a small amount of money. Andy told Emil not to worry about it and he would talk to Sol about the matter and then they left.
Phil did not know what the commotion was about and asked if there was a problem. Mackie told him that there was a problem with his ducks and Phil asked if he would have to move them. Marcy told him to wait for Sol and Andy’s decision first. That was where we ended…
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