THE PROMISE Episode 47

We started with Yna going through her interviews and Angelo called her to see how she was doing. 

He asked if she already had a job and Yna sadly said that she was not able to get one. Angelo asked her not to become sad because she was a good cook and someone would eventually hire her. He wanted to ask when she would be done with her interviews so that he could go pick her up but he was interrupted by some of the people organizing Eduardo’s event because there were some problems. Angelo told Yna that he would call her later and she told him to attend to the issues as she went to her final interview. She did not get the job there either so she went to wait for Belen who was still selling fish at the market.
As she waited, Yna saw an spot for rent there and suggested that they take it and sell their food. Belen was not up for it because it was in the corner and people would not see it easily but Yna said that they would be able to attract more customers with their food. They talked to the owner who agreed to rent in to them at a somewhat expensive price. Belen was worried that they would end up spending most of their savings but Yna told her that they would earn it back.
As Amor was getting ready for the campaign, her stylist asked what she wanted to wear. She said she would wear red because it was Eduardo’s campaign color. Claudia called Amor to ask the same and Amor said that she would wear red. Claudia said that she would wear something simple and elegant to match with Eduardo.
As Amor’s glam team helped her with her dress, it got smudged with some of the makeup that they put on her so she was not able to wear it. They suggested another red dress but Amor decided to go with blue instead.
At the event, Angelo tried to leave for half an hour so that he could pick up Yna but he was asked to stick around and welcome the guests as they arrived.
Bea Bianca asked to take Angelo’s clothes to him and she entered his room just as he was changing. Angelo thought that it was Miguel since Bea Bianca went in without even knocking but she told him that she went in there to change because she thought that there was nobody there. She was all around Angelo but he detached himself from her and said that he knew what she was up to.  He added that he loved Yna and respected her as Jasper’s sister so she had to stop what she was doing. Bea Bianca told Angelo that she knew where she stood with him and admitted that she liked him even before and he did not have to worry about her. Angelo took his clothes and left the room.
Everyone was ready for the event but Claudia refused to enter the venue until after Amor arrived so that she could be the last to arrive.
The person who was supposed to introduce Claudia did not know her face so he was told to look out for the most beautiful woman in blue! Amor was the one who got there first so she was introduced as Mrs. Buenavista to the delight of Eduardo! Claudia walked in just in time to hear the introduction but the presenter realized the mistake and re introduced Amor, then Claudia.
Amor was the special guest for the event and she gave a great speech praising Eduardo for his great governorship and asked everyone to vote for him because he really cared about the people of Punte Verde.
Eduardo took the stand and thanked Amor for her kind words. He also asked the people to vote for him so that he could continue to help them. Yna and her family watched the campaign on a public TV in the market. Bea Bianca was invited to perform for the guests and she got Angelo to dance with her. She grinded her body against him and Yna had to excuse herself to go but something because she did not want to watch.
After the event the press was invited to ask questions and one brazen reporter asked Amor if she was Eduardo’s lover. Amor denied this and the reporter went on to ask why she was supporting Eduardo because he was her ex and she had once accused Diego for raping her. Amor was taken by surprise but she collected herself in time to answer that everything was in the past and what she wanted now was to support Eduardo and his wife. She then excused herself and left.
Angelo confronted Eduardo about Amor and asked him if he was sure she had already left everything in the past. Eduardo assured Angelo that there were no ill feelings between them and she had come back to stop David from taking revenge on him. Angelo was still suspicious and asked Eduardo why it took Amor four years to go after David adding that maybe the revenge plan was orchestrated by Amor.
After the event, Angelo continued to help Eduardo with his campaign while Yna started working on her food staff in the market. The stall became quite successful as people loved her food and  they were able to make enough to care of their bill…
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