DOBLE KARA SEASON 3 Episode 45 & 46

Episode 45

We started with Sara telling Edward that she did not love him anymore and they would never get back together.

Sara went to the club feeling sad after visiting Edward. Banjo asked her why she felt down and Sara told him about letting Edward go. She looked very hurt because of it so she could not deny that she still loved him when Banjo asked her. Sara also apologized to Banjo because she could not fall in love with him no matter how hard she wished it. Banjo said he understood because one could not teach the heart who to love and even asked Sara not to give up on Edward. Sara said that she could not do it because she did not want to get him involved in his problems and get him hurt.
Cynthia overheard their conversation and decided to fire Sara. She gave Sara her final pay and told her that she wanted her to leave the club for Banjo’s sake. Cynthia also talked to Banjo and asked him to look for someone who would love him instead of pinning over Sara and getting hurt.
Arellano learnt that Alex managed to leave the country via boat and left for Malaysia. He went to tell Seb and his family and they seemed happy to learn that Alex was no longer around. Sara however was frustrated because she wanted Alex to pay for what she had done and for having Edward shot. She was also hurt because she had let Edward go even though she loved him but she told Kara that she could not bear it if he got hurt again because of her.
Alex settled at a safe house in Malaysia and said that she would stay there as she planned her revenge plan against her enemies in the Philippines. She asked her men to return to The Philippines and take care of her business as well as follow up on what her enemies were doing.
Three months later, Sara was working at Kara’s event organizing business and everything was going on well their family. Sara also got along well with both kids so she played with them and took them out. Seb however always looked distracted and deep in thought. He also took his phone calls in private which made everyone suspect that something was wrong.
Sara talked to Seb about his behavior and she told him that she understood that it was his right to worry about Alex because she was still his sister. She said that she hoped Alex would repent and turn herself in and make things right between her and Seb like the way she had done with Kara.
Alex also gave birth to her son in Malaysia with only minor complications. After her son was born, she named him Julio Hernandez Junior and promised him that she would seek revenge on everyone who had taken away his father.
Becca and Hannah also got along well. Becca defended Hannah when some of their friends called Hannah adopted in school. At meal time, Hannah saw some delicious doughnuts and wanted to get one but Becca told her to eat the food that was packed for them. Hannah insisted on having one so Becca lent her some money. When she got back, she offered Hannah the doughnut but Becca said that her food was enough and refused to eat the doughnut.
At work, Kara had a problem with a client because Sara had promised to bring her something and Kara did not know about it. The client was mad and Kara was in turn upset with Sara for not telling her what she had worked on with the client.
Sara was in a hurry to get the cupcakes that Kara needed and she saw Seb talking to an investigator about Alex. She approached them and Seb asked her not to tell Kara that she was heard about him looking for Alex. Sara said she could not promise that but Seb assured her that he would tell Kara about it eventually.
Sara got the cup cakes and the rest of the stuff she needed and took them to the event. Kara was upset for what she had done and sent her home. When Seb saw Sara home, he asked her why she was home early. Sara said that Kara was upset with her and he thought that it was because Sara had told her that he was looking for Alex. Sara said that she did no such thing but warned Seb to tell her about it before Kara learnt if from anyone else. Seb said that he would do it once he found Alex but he just needed to find her before someone else because he wanted to protect Alex’s son.
At school, Hannah started to vomit and the rest of the children who ate the doughnuts at the cafeteria. They then collapsed on the ground alarming the teachers.
Alex finally went back to the Philippines with her son to exact the revenge that she had been planning against her enemies.

 Episode 46

Kara went to another event venue with her staff but they arrived there to find the set up ruined hours before the event was supposed to start. The banners were ripped, the floral arrangements were gone and all the chairs and tables were a mess. As they tried to reorganize things before their client arrived, their catering service track was hijacked and they had no food to serve the guests. It was chaos because the client was on her way but they managed to redo the set up and order more food.
Kara then got a call from school telling her that the children had been fallen sick and Hannah was among them. Kara left Sara in charge of the event and rushed to the hospital.
Seb met with his investigator and learnt that someone fitting Alex’s description had been seen in the pier which meant that she was back in the Philippines. Seb asked his investigator to  find Alex before the Police did. As he was leaving, he saw that he had many calls from school and called back. He learnt about the accident that the children had and rushed over to the hospital as well.
Alex settled well in the hotel that her men had acquired after someone failed to pay their  debt and offered to give it up instead. She then visited Julio’s grave with her son and once again told him that she would take revenge from the people who denied him the opportunity to meet his father.
Kara arrived first at the hospital and found Becca taking care of Hannah. Seb arrived a little later and Kara asked him where he had been instead of being at the school. Seb said that he was sorry because he left his phone at the car but he did not tell Kara where he was.
The other parents at the hospital went to complain to Seb about putting their children in danger. They asked him what happened and he said that he did not know but the police were investigating the incident. They were not appeased by his answer and threatened to sue the school.
Back at the events, things went from bad to worse. The fireworks that were set up for that evening suddenly went off scaring everyone that was there. Andy was the one who realized it and Sara asked him to take care of it while Itoy went to order others. Sara saw a strange man snooping around and went after him. He threw a water bottle at her and ran off as Sara hid from him. Sara saw the water bottle and read the name of the hotel.
Overall, the event was a disaster and the client was furious. After it was over, she asked to have her down payment back and because nothing was as they had agreed in the contract. Laura asked that they compromise so that the client would not have to pay for the rest of the money that she owed but the woman said that she would sue them and make sure no one ever hired them for another event.
Hannah was discharged from the hospital and everyone gathered around to learn what had happened. Kara was still upset with Seb and demanded to know what he was doing when the incident at the school happened. Seb had no other choice than to admit that he had gone to see an investigator that he had hired to look for Alex. Kara was mad because she had thought that they had decided to leave Alex alone and Seb said that he could not because Alex was still his responsibility. Sara defended Seb and Kara realized that she too knew about it. Sara said that she found out by accident and decided not to tell Kara because she did not want to get involved in their issues. Seb also said that he asked Sara not to tell Kara. Sara then commented that everything happening around them seemed more like sabotage and Kara asked her to stop being paranoid.
Banjo had decided to accept a job in Dubai because he had to accept that Sara would never love him back. Cynthia encouraged him to go and leave everything behind so that he could move on from his heart break with Sara.
The following day, Seb’s lawyer brought him pictures from the CCTV footage at the school and they did not notice anything amiss from them. He told Seb that he had talked to the affected families and they had accepted to settle for Half a million Pesos each! Seb said it was too much because he would have to sell all of his properties to make the settlement and the lawyer said that it was better than having to go to trial.
As the lawyer was leaving, Sara looked over the photos and recognized the man that had shot Edward in some of them. He told this to Seb and they realized that Alex was behind the food poisoning.
Seb was furious after and he told Kara that he was sorry for neglecting the children for Alex’s sake while she was still did something as horrible as putting the children’s lives in danger. He said that he would call Arellano and tell him everything he had learnt about Alex so that she could get caught.
On the day that Banjo was supposed to leave, he went to see Sara and asked her to go out with him since he was leaving. On  the way to their date, Sara saw the hotel name from the water bottle she had seen earlier and asked Banjo to stop. She saw the man who threw the bottle at her and a few minutes later, he drove out with Alex! Sara asked Banjo to follow them!
As they were tailing Alex, Sara called Kara to tell her where they were so that he could call Arellano. Kara also went out with Seb to follow them.
Sara put pressure on Banjo not to lose Alex and when Alex realized she was being followed, she told her driver to drive faster. Banjo was about to catch up with them and moved from his lane to try and block Alex’s car but there was an oncoming vehicle and Banjo veered off the road to the edge of the cliff. They did not fall off immediately but they were in a precarious position. Whenever anyone moved, the car pushed forward and the car doors were jammed too. Banjo however helped Sara out and asked her to go get help.
As Sara was gone, Banjo called Cynthia to thank for always taking care of him. Cynthia sensed that something was wrong by the way Banjo spoke and confirmed it after she heard Sara screaming for help in the back ground. She went back to the car and asked Banjo to take her hand but the car moved forward again and Banjo let go of her. The car went crashing down the cliff and exploaded. We ended as Sara watched the car go up in flames and screamed out Banjo’s name…
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