We started with Jack taking care of Jigs after Rico took him home very drunk. She told Grandma Pacita that she was glad that she was able to take care of Jigs after being away for 20 years.

Leah left the house and was walking on the street contemplating which bus she should take to get to Napa valley when Clark pulled up next to her driving Cullen’s cute convertible. He told her that he had borrowed the car from Cullen to drive her to Napa valley and Leah was grateful to him. Clark told her that he wanted to pay her back for taking care of him when he was sick and they went on their way.
Back in the Philippines, Jigs woke up to find Jack asleep next to his bed. He woke her up and she told him that she had taken care of him. Jack prepared breakfast for Jigs since they were alone at the house. As they ate, Aunt Jack asked Jigs to tell her about his love story with Leah.  Jigs was surprised that Leah had not told her but he was delighted to do it. He wore a smile on his face when he told Aunt Jack how he had met Leah by accident on his 20th birthday and they had ended up spending the day at the hospital. He said that from then on, Leah and he became close and he was glad that he had someone to talk to even if he did not have any parents. The story left Jack in tears.
Tiffany’s son also got worse and the doctor told her that the boy has a blood transfusion since his condition was serious.
Clark and Leah stopped for refreshments and walked around. Clark told Leah that he had never been to Napa valley and it would do them no harm to enjoy the scenery as they travelled. Clark found a coin and asked Leah to make a wish. She said that she hoped to find her mom and then asked Clark to make a wish too. Clark’s wish was to have Leah’s wish come true and Leah was so touched, she told Clark that she loved him now.
When they got back to the road though, the car broke down. Clark tried to fix it but it got dark with him still trying to fix it. Leah kept praying that the car would start so that she could go find her mother and Clark walked over to her and gave her a hug. When he realized that he could not fix the car, the two of them tried to stop the cars passing by but no one stopped to help them. Clark decided that he had to go and look for help and Leah was livid since she did not want to be left by herself. Clark reasoned with her and told her that someone had to stay back and watch the car and they also had to look for help or they would end up staying by the road all night.  He assured her that he would come back for her and gave her some pepper spray and bat to defend herself. He also gave her his picture and them left.
Leah was scared after being left behind in the middle of the highway at night. A car pulled up behind her and she almost lost her wits. When she saw Clark walk out of the car, she got out of the car and ran into his arms. She was amazed to see that he had gone back and Clark told her that he had promised he would. A Filipino man helped them and told them that they could spend the night at his house since it would do them no good to return to San Francisco. He was also a mechanic and offered to fix their car.
After having dinner at the man’s house, Clark and Leah went out for some air. Leah told Clark that she was afraid of people leaving her since her mother had never come back for her after she left. She then said that she knew Clark would go back because of the car. Clark covered the distance between them and caged Leah in between his hand and the tree she had been leaning on. He took his time to tell her that even without the car, he would have gone back for her. He slowly leaned in on her and he was 0.5 inches away from kissing her when the owners of the house went looking for them. Clark catapulted away from Leah so fast, the moment was gone.  
The two then went to sleep and Clark slept on the floor and Leah took the bed. Leah was bothered because Aunt Jack had asked her not to fall for Clark and that was exactly what was happening.  In the morning, the Filipino man told them told them that their car would be ready in the afternoon so they went out to see the farms. They were running around and having fun when Clark turned around and Leah ran into him. Clark caught her in a hug and once again almost kissed her but they were interrupted and told to leave the farm since it was private property.
In the Philippines, Jack took Jigs to go look at some motorcycles and Jigs told her about how he and Leah had gotten in an accident when they rode his motorcycle. He said that Leah had bought him a helmet after that and he still had it. Aunt Jack asked Jigs what he remembered about her and he said that he only remembered her was the day she left him behind.
Jack called Clark to check on him and told him about how much Jigs had been gushing about Leah and that she really felt jealous. She told him that she would stay in the Philippines a bit longer so that she could spend some time with Jigs and get to know him.
Gabby needed a blood transfusion because he had a low platelet count because of his Denge so Tolayts went to the Tenement and offered free rides on his tricycle for those who went to donate blood for Gabby.
Tiffany also talked to Leah and told her that Gabby had Denge fever. Leah told her that she would send some money for treatment.
Cullen’s car was already fixed and CLeah continued on their way to Napa valley. Leah asked Clark whether they should talk about what had happened but Clark cut her short and told her that they needed to get to Napa valley fast so that they could her back to San Francisco before it got dark...

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