DOLCE AMORE Episode 43

We started with Serena and Tenten going out for a date since Tenten had offered to help her remember by recreating the things that they had done together.
Leo and Roger told Serena that she should have told them she was already back with Simon and Serena said that it was only temporary because Tenten had offered to help her remember.
Tenten first took Serena to a mall and when she saw a movie theatre, she asked if they ever watched a movie together. Tenten said that they never had a chance but if they watched a movie, it would have been a fairy tale because she was obsessed with them. Serena said that she must have been naïve which was why she got fooled before and decided to watch a horror movie instead. Tenten said that it was not a good idea because she was easily scared even by a gecko but Serena said she could handle it.
They were barely inside the theatre for a few minutes when they left because Serena kept screaming and they had to leave.
Tenten then took Serena to see a fountain they had seen before but Serena told him that it was not impressive since she was Italian and back in Italy, they took their fountains very seriously. She was a little snobbish when she said it and Tenten told her that she said the same thing before but she was a little nicer then.
Angel asked JJ where Tenten was and he reluctantly told her that Tenten was out with Serena. She said she was jealous and JJ told him that it was why he did not want to tell her but Angel said that it was part of the process as she tried to get over Tenten.
Mummy Taps got a call from the orphanage telling her to go help out since the children missed her. When Taps went, he found a woman crying there since she had lost her son. Taps offered to help her and the woman showed taps a picture of a baby which she seemed to recognize.
Back in Italy, Luciana was upset with the way things were turning out since she had been a good mother and wife in the past two years and  she asked whether she was being punished for abandoning her child. She decided to call the man she had hired before and asked him to look for her son.
 Serena decided that they should go to a club instead. She asked Tenten if they ever went clubbing and Tenten told her that it was not their kind of scene. Serena however insisted and they sat at the bar to drink.
Serena really had fun and switched from taking wine to drinking Tequila shots. Tenten started getting upset but Serena kept going and told Tenten that the previous Serena must have been really boring if she did not like partying. Serena got drunk and started dancing. She asked Tenten to dance with her but he refused and told her that they had to leave because Serena was already drunk. Serena did not want to go so Tenten practically had to drag her out of the club with the help of their body guards.
Angel and her parents tried to contact Serena but they could not reach her. Angel told them Tenten could take care of Serena and there was nothing to worry about.
Tenten took Serena to her hotel but she still insisted that she wanted to go out. Serena’s bodyguards left them alone and Tenten got upset with Serena since she was not acting like herself. Serena lashed out and told Tenten that she just wanted to spend a day without being told how she was supposed to feel or what she liked or didn’t like. She told Tenten that she was tired of being told what kind of a person she was and she never knew how to react to anything. She asked Tenten to let her be just for one night but she puked and passed out just as she was approaching him. Tenten caught her and took her to bed. He tended to her and wiped away the vomit but when he was about to leave, Serena caught his arm and asked him to stay with her. She was still in a daze when she started complaining that her blouse had a foul smell. It had vomit all over it so Tenten went to look for something she could change into.
When Tenten got back, Serena was asleep again. Tenten was at a loss whether to help her change out of her blouse or not. He was scared that his actions would be misinterpreted but he still went ahead and tried to help Serena change. Just as Tenten got Serena to sit up, the phone rang and Tenten was so surprised, he dropped her. Tenten answered the phone and it was Nanny Melds! He told her everything that had happened to Serena over the past two years then made a bed on the floor so that he could sleep.
Before Tenten was asleep, Serena turned on the bed and fell beside him. The impact woke her up and she asked Tenten whether the two of them had ever kissed. She said that if they kissed, it would help her remember. Tenten was taken aback by her question and went to the bathroom to speak to Binggoy and ask for his advice. Binggoy told Tenten to go for it enumerating all the times when princesses were woken up by a kiss. He told Tenten that it would be true love’s kiss so Tenten made an effort to brush his teeth before walking out. When Tenten returned to the bedroom, Serena was asleep again.

We ended with Tenten picking Serena up and returning her to her bed…

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