We started with Leah watching Clark sleep and she scooted over so that she could lay her head on his chest.
Aunt Jack also took are of Jigs after his outburst when he found out  about Clark an Leah.
The following day at work, Leah tried to apologize to Aunt Jack but she was not in a forgiving mood. She told Leah that Jigs hand always been jealous of Clark and now this thing with her had happened. She added that the guys were like brothers and she did not want to see her family destroyed because of her.
When Clark got home, he found Leah packing up her things and stopped her. He told her that they were going to fight for their love and asked that she stay for so that they could talk and  Leah agreed with him.
The following morning, Clark asked Leah if she was going to work and she said that she was going to stay home for the day. Clark hugged her and told her that he wanted to stay like that with her. Before he left, he made Leah promise him that she would still be home when he got back from work so that they could talk about their situation. Leah nodded but Clark told her that he needed to hear her say it. Leah promised that she would be there and Clark kissed her goodbye.
Rona packed up her things and headed to San Francisco with her son. The boy asked her what they were going to do there and she told him that they needed to see someone and she would explain when they got there.
Leah was preparing herself to go out when she opened the door and her mother stood in front of her. Leah was surprised and immediately hugged her; happy to see that she was still alive. Before she could ask what had happened though, the boy appeared behind them and referred to Rona as Mother. Leah was confused and her mother told her that the boy was her brother. Leah got really upset as she realized that her mother left them to be with another family. She told her mother to leave and slammed the door behind her in tears.
Leah was devastated after what she found out and Aunt Jack found her on the floor in tears.
Clark rushed home in a hurry after work and even brought flowers with him but when he got in the house, he could not find Leah. He looked for her in the bathroom and around the house then tried to call her when he could not find her. Leah cancelled the call since she was already at the airport.
Clark bumped into Aunt Jack as he was leaving to look for Leah and she told him that Leah was on her way back to the Philippines. Clark took a cab and managed to catch Leah just before she checked into the airport. He asked her why she was leaving when she had already promised him that she would still be at home when he got back. Leah told him that she was sorry but she could no longer live a life full of lies. She told him that they started out with lies while her mother had also lied to them so that she could stay in America. Clark realized that Leah had found her mother and she told him that she did not want to break up Clark’s family for selfish reasons like her mother had done so she had to go. Clark hugged her and asked her not to leave him but Leah got away from his embrace and continued on. Clark hugged her from behind once more but Leah got away still. The last time, Clark grabbed her and kissed her. It was  a passionate kiss but Leah pulled away from him, got her suitcases and left.
Clark went to his house in pain and found a note from Leah telling him that she could not say goodbye to him in person since he would stop her. She explained the situation with her mother and told Clark that she did not want to be selfish for the sake of his family. She added that seeing her mother had shattered her American dream so she could no longer stay there.
Aunt Jack told Jigs that Leah already left for the Philippines and Jigs wanted to go back too because he had only wanted to go to America because of her.Aunt Jack asked him to stay and be with her.
Jigs went out to drink and got into a bar brawl. When he went home, aunt Jack asked him to have other priorities in his life and give Leah a break since she had left so that she could get some space.
Tiffany and Mr. Sol were surprised to see Leah back so suddenly but she told them that she had missed her father and wanted to go back so that she could take care of him.
Tiffany asked Leah to tell her the truth about why she had really gone back and Leah told her everything about their mother lying about her death and having another family in America. She tore up the posters she had hanged when she was a child and called them all a lie created by their mother. They both decided not to tell their father about finding their mother since it would kill him.
Rona found an apartment in San Francisco and told her son that they would stay there as she got a job since they could no longer go back to their house.
Clark took Leah’s departure hard but Cullen asked him to let Leah do what she needed to do and if they were meant to be, they would find their way back to each other.

Clark bought two take away dinners when he went home since he still missed Leah. He missed her when he went to bed and Leah missed him too. We ended with visuals of both of them going to sleep but still imaging that they were together.