We started with Ana running away from Calvin and he followed her to take a photo of her.

Calvin then got back to the camping site with his friends and showed them the picture of Ana. One of them told them that Ana was a feral creature who had been away from human civilization and lived with animals which was why she behaved like one. The picture got them spooked and they decided to stay alert incase the creature came to attack them.
Evelyn met up with Claire; the drunk girl who stayed at her house because she left her bracelet at her house and they went out for lunch. Evelyn could see that Claire had some problems and she asked her to look for her if she ever wanted to talk. After lunch, Claire and Evelyn went to the mall and Claire gushed about a bracelet and told Evelyn that she would love to get it for her birthday which would be in a few days. Evelyn asked her to get it as a present from her.
When Claire went home, her father was angry at her for skipping classes and he asked her why she had been skipping classes and wasting all of their money. Claire told her father that he was the reason they lost their money and hence why her mother left. Her father got upset and slapped her. Claire ran from their house and went to see her friend. She asked if she could stay at her house for a while but her friend said that it would not be possible.
Claire therefore decided to go to Evelyn’s place and she was in tears. She asked that Evelyn let her stay at her house for a few days because she did not want to go home. Helen asked Evelyn not to let Claire stay there and ask her to go home but Evelyn said that she would listen to Claire first.
Claire told Evelyn that her father had been abusing her and beating her. Evelyn was surprised and suggested that they report him but Claire said that she did not want people to think her father was a bad person. She asked to stay at Evelyn’s house for the night as she figured out what to do next. Evelyn told Helen that she wanted to help Claire hoping that someone out there was helping her daughter as well.
Ana went out looking for food and took away Calvin’s bag. She ran off as Calvin woke up and he told his friends that they had to get the bag because his phone was in there. His friends asked him to get a new phone but Calvin said that all his girlfriend’s pictures were on his phone and he could not afford to lose them.
They called the phone and managed to find where Ana was. She ran off but Calvin went after her. Ana ran to the side of a river and tried to bite Calvin when he tried to get the bag from her. Calvin shoved her aside and she fell into the water. Ana could not swim and was about to drown so Calvin jumped in to save her. Since her clothes got lost in the water he removed his shirt and put it on her.
Calvin went back to his camp to get some food and medicine to treat Ana’s foot because she hurt her leg when she fell in the river. After treating her, he led her back to his camp with food. He told her that she should stay with him because it was not safe to be out in the forest by herself and the two started to get along. Calvin said that he would call her Angela because she reminded him of his ex-girlfriend.
Claire made herself a little too comfortable at Evelyn’s house and entered Ana’s room. Evelyn found her there and asked her never to go in that room again. When Evelyn went out, Claire snooped around her bedroom and stole an expensive watch.
The following morning, Claire went into Ana’s room again and took a stuffed doll. She also dropped Ana’s photo but did not bother picking it up. Evelyn was upset when she found what Evelyn had done and she asked why Claire went into Ana’s room when she had asked her not to. She walked out and slammed the door, leaving Claire surprised.
Calvin asked his friends to go back home without him because he could not leave Angela by herself. She asked them to inform the authorities about her so that he could hand her over but his friends went to the police instead. They said that their friend had captured a creature and the police had to capture it before it hurt anyone. Odessa was at the station asking for an update about the creature’s capture and was glad to hear that someone had spotted it. She sort to get Ana  before she was taken by the police.
Calvin’s friends took the police to the camp where Calvin was staying with Ana and we ended as the they arrived…
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