BE MY LADY Episode 33 & 34

Episode 33

We started with Andy, Gabby and Sol going home and they argued about rented farm. Andy told Sol that Emil already told him about it and she said that she looked like a fool because she did not know what was happening.

Pinang and her family felt humiliated by what Sol had said and Marcy said that they would return all the money Phi had paid them. Mackie said something about Sol but Emil and Marcy told him not to be  disrespectful because they raised them well.
 In the morning, Pinang said that she would be the one to bring the money to Sol after delivering her custards. On the way out, she ran into Phil and he noticed that she looked a little sad. He told her that it was a beautiful day and all she had to do was smile.
 Pinang then went to De Luna’s  to deliver her caramel custards and the manager asked if she would like to deliver more caramel custard for them because they were opening a new branch and Pinang was delighted to accept the offer. Pinang then went to the bank to withdraw the money and went to Sol’s place to return it.
Sol refused to accept the money saying that it was her help to them and she did not really need it but Pinang said that although they needed the money, her parent’s dignity was more important. She added that they had also asked Phil to pay his rent directly to her. Sol finally took the money saying that it was not good to have money thrown back and forth.
As Pinang was leaving, she ran into the buyer of the farm going to the house. She stayed back to hide and hear what he was going to discuss with Sol. He told Sol that he already had 2.5 Million ready and would like to give it to her to secure the third title of the farm. Sol told him that she would only accept the full payment and he said that he would have it within three months.
Meanwhile, Gab got bored at home and went to see Pinang. Marcy told her that Pinang had gone to deliver her custards and would be back home soon. Gab decided to wait for her.
Pinang drove back feeling sad after overhearing the conversation. She passed by Mackie’s to have the tire to the bike fixed since it needed air and told him what she had heard. Marcy then called to tell her that Gab was waiting for her and she said she was on her way back. After Mackie fixed the tire, Pinang left in hurry and left the envelope that she had been carrying. Mackie opened it and saw the Visa application papers for the US. Pinang returned to get her envelope and saw Phil going through it. He asked her whether she was planning on going abroad Pinang did not answer him and instead said that she had to go home.
Marcy left after Pinang arrived and left her to attend to Gabby. Phil was there taking care of his ducks and kept trying to get Pinang’s attention but she only ignored him. Phil asked where his lunch was since he had bought a pack from Marcy and Pinang told him where to get it.
Gabby asked if Phil was courting her since he seemed like he wanted her attention but Pinang told her that it was nothing. She was doing her laundry as Gab watched and she asked Pinang why she washed with her hands instead of a washing machine. Pinang said that it was not hard and getting a machine was expensive. Gab offered to give her an extra machine that they had at home but Pinang said it was fine since she did not want her mother to misinterpret things again. Gabby empathized with Pinang and said that she would talk to her parents about not selling the farm to anyone else except them.
Later that evening, Pinang told her family that the farm’s buyer already had 2.5 million and would have the rest of it in a few months’ time. Pinang had already calculated the amount of money they had saved to and it amounted to only 700,000. Mackie said that he would try looking for more jobs abroad but Marcy said that no one would leave until they exhausted all options to come up with the money when all of them were together.
Pinang joined Mackie and Julian at the hut. Julian was sad because Mackie had already told him that Pinang was planning on going to the US for work. Pinang told him not to be sad because it was something that they had to do for the farm.
The following day, Nars and Miggy went to help Pinang prep for her Visa interview and they managed to catch Grandpa Apo’s attention since they were making too much noise and fooling around. He went to listen to them and learnt that Pinang was planning on going to the US for work.

Episode 34

Granpa Apo left the house feeling sad and went outside. Phil asked him what was wrong and he said that Pinang was planning on going abroad to work so that they could raise money for to buy back the farm. He told Phil that they had only managed to raise 700,000 and had less than three months to come up with the rest. Phil said that it was his fault but Grandpa Apo said that it was his fault for getting sick.
Nars and Miggy offered to go with Pinang to her Visa interview but she said that she did not want to involve them because they would have to lie about it.
The family tried to call their friends and family to see how they could come up with the money. Marcy called Elsa first but before she could say why she had called, Elsa said that she was arguing with her ex about money problems and might have to go back to Singapore to sort it out. Marcy said that she only wanted to say hi and Elsa said she would pass by to see her. Marcy then received a call from her sister Felipe who was abroad because she had left a message saying that she had a problem. Marcy told Felipa about the farm but she said that she would have to talk to her husband about lending them money because they too had a lot of bills to pay.
Emil called his sister and she too gave him her problems. She however felt guilty and told him that she would give him 200,000. Emil was delighted and thanked her for it.
At work, Julian asked his manager if he could have an advance payment because his family needed to raise a lot of money and the manager said he would ask the owner about it.
When Phil got home that evening, he surmised that he had together with the money Pinang’s family had, he needed 1.3 million more because he already had 1.5 million. He called Nars to ask him when Pinang would be going for  her Visa interview but he said that he would not tell him to avoid any problems.
Pinang left for Manila after telling Marcy that she would be going for an interview. She was waiting in the bus when Phil walked in and asked if he could sit with her. Phil’s Visa was about to expire and he had to go to the embassy to have it extended so that he could stay longer in the Philippines. Pinang said it was okay and they went to Manila together.
Emil visited one of the people he supplied rice to and asked him for a loan. He also offered to give him a discount for the rice and the man agreed to loan him 200,000.
Meanwhile, the buyer of the farm returned to see Sol and told her that he would have the money sooner than expected. He said that he would have the money to buy the farm in five days’ time. Andy went to see Emil to tell him about it and Emil was disappointed because they only had 1.1 million then and they would not have the rest in only five days. Andy said that he was willing to help but he and Sol had a joint bank account so he could not withdraw the money. He however said he would do his best.
Gab told Sol that Andy wanted to give the money to Emil but she said it was absurd since it was like buying his own farm and she would not allow it.
Julian’s manager told him that the owner refused to give him an advance because he was new and also a part time worker. Julian said it was fine. One of his work mates asked him why he needed the money and Julian told her about how they lost their farm and now had to raise the money to buy it back before it was sold to someone else. Margaret listened in as well.
Pinang accompanied Pinang to the Visa interview and told her that they would meet outside the building once she was done. He too went to attend to his Visa.
Pinang was nervous while waiting in line especially when she saw how devastated everyone was when they were denied. When it was her turn, she said that she was going on vacation at the US  and the interviewer asked her to give her a guarantee that she would return to the Philippines. Pinang did not have any property to show so she showed a picture of her family and said that she would definitely come back because her family was there and she loved them very much.
Unfortunately, that was not enough and the Visa got denied. Pinang was devastated when she met up with Phil and could not stop crying. Phil consoled her and told her that everything would be fine.
Emil told the family that they only had five days to get the money and Julian blurted out that Pinang really had to get the US visa. Mackie and Grandpa Apo hit him but it was too late because Marcy and Emil had already heard him.
Phil went home with Pinang and said that he needed to see his ducks because he missed them. Mackie asked why the two of them were together and Phil explained that they ran into each other since he was in Manila to have his Visa extended. Marcy added that Pinang was there to get her US Visa and the tension mounted. Phil excused himself and left after sensing that things were about to get serious.
When Phil got to Dahlia’s house, he called Terrence and told him to send all the money he had to Mum Dahlia’s account as soon as possible.
Meanwhile, Pinang had to explain herself but Emil was so furious, he left without listening to what Pinang had to say. Marcy scolded Pinang and told her that she did not want to see any of her children leave after what she had experienced in Singapore and what Mackie had gone through in Korea. Pinang apologized and said that she only wanted to look for a way to help.
The entire family went to look for Emil who was at the hut and Pinang apologized to him as well. We ended as they gave each other a massive group hug…
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