THE PROMISE Episode 97

We started with Amor and Eduardo stopping Yna and Angelo’s wedding. Amor told them that they could not continue with it because Yna was Maria Amor which meant that she and Angelo were siblings since they were both Eduardo’s children.

Yna got furious and told Amor that she was just making things up in order to stop her from marrying Angelo. Angelo asked them to leave their wedding and then took Yna’s arm deciding that they would be the ones to go. Eduardo and Amor tried to stop them by insisting that it was the truth but Angelo and Yna walked away. Amor started to sing the ‘go to sleep’ song and stopped Yna in her tracks. As she sang it, Yna finally remembered Amor’s face from her childhood and started to cry. Angelo realized that it was the truth and ran off. Eduardo tried to follow him but could not find him.
Amor was left explaining things to Yna and she told her that the ‘Yna’ pendant was from a necklace that Eduardo had given her when they were together. She apologized to Yna for going to work abroad and leaving her behind and for the incident with David as well.
Angelo walked around in the night punching at trees and anything that he came across because he was furious at his predicament. He later went home looking haggard and Claudia asked him what was wrong. Angelo went in for a hug and told Claudia that it was because of Yna. He told her that  she was Maria Amor and Claudia was upset because her plans of making Amor hate Yna had been ruined.
Eduardo went home after failing to find Angelo and was glad to find him at Claudia’s. Claudia attacked him for having another child with Amor and hurting Angelo. Eduardo said that no one was to blame because neither of them knew about it. Claudia then told Eduardo that she would not let her children share his affection with Yna and Amor. Angelo left without again and went out on his own to drink.
Amor and Yna went to see Belen and Amor said that she would take Yna with her because she had longed for so long to be with her daughter. She said that all of them were family and could visit each other anytime. She them asked Yna to pack up her stuff as Red and Isko wallowed in silence. Belen acted as if it did not matter and told Amor that she was Yna’s mother and had the right to be with her. Yna asked Amor to go ahead because she did not know how long it would take for her to pack.
After packing, Yna gave an emotional goodbye to Red and Isko. Isko told her that it was fine since she would now be with her mother. Belen still acted indifferent to the fact that Yna was leaving and asked her to go before it got too late. Yna hugged her and left the house but Belen went after her. She hugged Yna in tears and said that after all the time she had asked Yna to leave, it was now happening and it was hard for her. Yna assured her that they would still be a family and then left. She arrived at Amor’s house and settled in her room.
In the morning, Amor was up early to make breakfast for Yna and she helped her. Yna referred to her as Miss Amor but she said that Yna used to call her ‘Mum’ when she was younger. She asked her to call her whatever she wanted and Yna settled on ‘mum’ surmising that Amor missed hearing herself being referred to that way.
Kabayan found Angelo passed out at a drinking joint and had to pay the bill. He then took him to their house because Angelo refused to go home and Joy helped take care of him.
Claudia told Mark that she would not let Eduardo be with Amor and would make him chose to be with them. When she got home, she told Liya to pack up her stuff because they were going to leave. Eduardo was still there and she told him that he had to choose between them and Amor’s family. Eduardo said that he would not choose between his children. He said that no one was leaving and asked Liya to be patient with him as he tried to find a way to fix their situation.
Claudia then visited Amor to tell her that she was Eduardo’s wife and she would not let him build a family with her and Yna. Amor told Claudia that she was the one Eduardo loved but Claudia called her a mistress and slapped her. Yna saw the exchange and went to take care of Amor after Claudia left.
Joy left Angelo for a while to cook some food for him but when she got back, he was already gone. She went out to look for him with  Kabayan and Ichu and they ran into people going to see a man who was on top of a building and it looked as if he was going to jump. They followed the crowd to the building only to find out that it was Angelo sitting on the edge of the building! That was where we ended…
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