THE PROMISE Episode 93

We started with Claudia and Koring hiring three women women to go to David’s wake.

She then got Liya and they went to David’s wake. Claudia made herself busy by serving the other mourners and when Liya asked her to stop; she said that she was used to do it from working at the shelter. Eduardo also asked her to let the servers do their work so she stopped.
Yna arrived later with Angelo at the wake and went to greet Amor. Amor asked her to sit then excused herself and went to the bathroom. The women Claudia hired started to gossip and saying how disrespectful Yna was being by going there with Angelo when they all knew that David committed suicide because of her. Yna decided to leave the wake before things got worse but Monay got mad and started to fight with the three women. Belen asked her to calm down and not to talk to fight with them but Monay did not want to let it go. Belen said that it was somehow true what they said about Yna because she should not have gotten back together with Angelo.
Claudia was triggered by Belen’s comment and went to defend Angelo from her. They started hurling insults at each other and Claudia told Belen that it was not the place for her to talk ill about her son. Belen said that she would discipline Yna wherever she wanted. Amor was listening to the exchange and increasingly got upset because they were disrespecting David.  She got out of the bathroom and screamed for everyone to leave. Claudia left all smiles because she had managed to make Amor upset.
Mark got the footage from the hospital showing Claudia going to see David and had it deleted from the system.
Amor had a hard time leading with the death of David and she pushed everyone including Eduardo away. Yna went to see her to apologize for what happened at the wake but Amor had little to say to her. She asked Amor if she too blamed her for David’s death and Amor said ‘NO’. There was nothing more to be said so Yna excused herself and left.
Eduardo was worried about Amor so she did not have time to spend with Liya. He visited her at the house and brought a gift but said that he had to leave. Claudia complained to him for putting Amor’s welfare above that of his children because all he thought about was Amor. Eduardo commented that she sounded like the old version of herself and left.
Yna had dreams about David showing her the photo album so she could not shake the feeling that David was trying to tell her something. She tried looking for the album but it was not among his things. She went with Angelo to look for the stuff at the hospital but it was not there either. They talked to David’s nurse and she said she did not have the photo album either. She also said that her uniform went missing from David’s room on the day that he died and this raised Yna’s suspicions. She told Angelo that it was not a coincidence and she suspected that someone killed David and Angelo said he believed her. He offered to help her and said that they would look over the CCTV footage from the hospital.
Betty Mae tried to cheer up Amor by asking a jewelry seller to bring some stuff for them to look at. Amor was not in a shopping mood but she noted that the woman’s pendant had the name ‘morata’ on it. It was half of YnaMorata from the necklace that Eduardo gave her years ago. She asked the woman where she got it and she explained that the person who gave it to her said that the pendant had saved a child from being buried in a landslide. With this news, Amor had reason to believe that Maria Amor was alive.
Amor got very excited and immediately got an investigating team underway to find Maria Amor. She was excited when she gave the good news to Eduardo. Betty Mae was worried but she told Eduardo that she did not have the heart to tell Amor that there was no chance Yna could be alive.
Isko was watching the television with Red when news about a landslide came on. Red went to get some food while Isko said that he had to go save Yna. He left the house and no one knew where he went off to. Yna arrived home to find the police there as Belen explained to them what happened.

Isko was picked up by people from a shelter and he kept saying that he had to go to Talimpao. Irma was at the same shelter and when she heard Isko, she said that she knew where Talimpao was… That was where we ended…
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