THE PROMISE Episode 94

We started with Yna and Angelo going to look for Mr. Isko. They reported it to the authorities and got a call later telling them that a certain Mr. Isko had been taken into a shelter.

Liya was making dinner with Claudia and she called Angelo to ask him to join them. Angelo said he could not because he was dealing with an emergency and hang up on her. Liya then called Eduardo but he said that he had to stay with Amor. Liya got upset and Claudia told her that the two of them would eat together instead.
Isko asked to be taken to Talimpao so that he could save Yna and Irma said that she would not do it because it was too far. She mentioned something about returning Maria Amor to her parents and Isko got upset as he said that she would not take Yna away. When Yna arrived to get Isko, he said that they had to leave because someone wanted to take her away.
The following morning, Claudia packed up her stuff to leave Eduardo’s house. She told him that she did not feel comfortable there because the house was intended for Amor and she would move back to the shelter where she was needed. Eduardo was there to see Liya and he told her to go. Liya was upset because he did not stop her so she begged Claudia to stay. Claudia took her bags back to the room and said that she would stay for Liya’s sake.
Angelo and Yna went to ask for the CCTV footage at the hospital. Mark learnt about it from his contact and decided to let them see it because they would not find anything on it and Claudia agreed with him.
Angelo however found something amiss with the video because it showed someone walking around the hall as if in a circle because the Video had been edited. Yna tried to call Amor to show it to her but Amor did not pick up. Angelo said that they could take it to the police to start an investigation but Yna said that she wanted to tell Amor about it first.
Liya was not feeling well after seeing her parents fight that morning and did not want to go home. She asked Amboy to go somewhere with her but he said he would not help her run away. Liya went out with Patty and her crew instead and no one knew where they went to.
Amor’s investigators found the woman who had given the YnaMorata bracelet and she planned to go see him with Eduardo that evening. Eduardo learnt that Liya was missing so he cancelled on Amor to go look for her. Amor said that it was fine and would go there on her own.
Since Yna could not find Amor, she and Angelo went to see Betty Mae to tell her what they had found. Betty Mae told them that she would tell Amor about it once she got back. Angelo then got a call telling him that Liya was missing.
When Amor saw the woman, she asked about the tragedy in Talimpao and anything the woman could tell her about her missing daughter but the woman said she did not want to talk about it and walked away. Amor went home devastated.
Eduardo was with Amboy and another friend from school trying to locate Liya but Patty uploaded a video of Liya being harassed at a club as the rest of the students all laughed at her. Eduardo called the police and told them to help him find Liya. When they found the club, the rest of the students were arrested and they got Liya.
Liya was admitted to the hospital with Minor injuries while Patty and her friends were expelled from school. Claudia blamed Eduardo and the two started to argue so Angelo asked them to stop for Liya’s sake. He also talked to Liya and told her not to hate their father because he loved them and no one was perfect.
Isko kept fussing around at the house asking for Yna and knocked down a candle that Red had lit. The flowers beside it caught fire and in no time, the house went up in flames. Red called Yna and she went with Angelo  to help them.
Betty Mae also called Eduardo to go look after Amor because she was upset after failing to talk to the woman about Maria Amor. Amor ended up telling Eduardo to leave her after she learnt that Eduardo did not believe that Maria Amor was alive and she said she would conduct the search by herself.
Yna and her family stayed with Takong for the night. The following morning, she and Angelo sold her car so that they could have enough money to start over and rent a new house. She still had the CCTV footage they had from the hospital and she went to take it to Amor.
Claudia was worried that Yna would tell Amor about the CCTV so she went ahead to rile up Amor. She asked where Yna was and then said that she must be with Angelo since they were always together and seemed happy. Amor said that she did not want to know what Yna was doing and told Claudia to leave.
Yna arrived right after Claudia and handed over the disc to Amor. Amor dismissed her because she was in hurry but Yna said that she could help with the investigation. Amor told her that she would handle it herself. Yna asked if she too believed she was to blame for David dying and Amor said that she did. Yna told her that David agreed to let her be with Angelo and Amor said that even so, she did not wait and she hurt David by leaving him. She added that Yna felt guilty and it was the reason she was trying to prove that he did not commit suicide. She slapped Yna for insisting to help and told her to leave. We ended as Yna left Amor’s house in tears…

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