BE MY LADY Episode 27 & 28

Episode 27

We started with Phil bringing Miggy and Pinang their wish bracelets. He was a little surprised by Pinang’s pimple but dismissed it and moved along to his task.

Nars was excited about it and he told Miggy and Pinang the myth behind the bracelets; that every color symbolized something. Miggy wanted Pinang to get the bracelet symbolizing love but Pinang said she did not want it, rather she wanted one for wisdom and strength. They each had to choose three of them and then the person giving it to them; Phil would tie the bracelets on them as they said a wish for each bracelet. If the bracelets came off on their own, then it meant that the wishes would come true.
After Phil tied Miggy’s it was Pinang’s turn to have hers tied. She gave Phil her arm and made three wishes; one for wisdom for her upcoming bar exams, another to have more money so that she could help her family buy the farm back and the last to have strength to take care of her family. She took away her arm before Phil tied the last bracelet but Nars and Miggy were there to make her finish the ritual after which Phil left them to study.
In the morning, Pinang was getting ready to collect her duck eggs and she grazed her arm on the duck pen when she entered so the bracelets came off. She was overjoyed because it meant that her wishes would come true. Phil was fetching water for his ducks when he saw her dancing and asked what was up. Pinang happily told him that her bracelets came off and asked what would be next after that. She wanted to know what to do with the bracelets and Phil told her to keep them to remember him by. He corrected that she would remember him as a friend because the situation got really weird and Pinang rushed off to collect her eggs.
As Pinang was making her custards and Marcy prepared her lunches, Pinang said that she wanted to go to Manila the next day to test how long it would take them to travel there so that they could be on time for their exam and Marcy said that it was a good idea. After delivering her custards, she met up with Miggy and Nars to study at a café and they all agreed to go to Manila the following morning as Pinang regaled them with the story of how she lost her bracelets.
Phil got a text from a restaurant owner in Manila asking him to deliver 20 ducks. Phil was delighted since he had not been able to sell them at San Isidro. The guys told him that they could not go because they had to work the rice fields but they would help him pack up the ducks in the morning. Phil did not have any means of transport so he borrowed Arthur’s van.
At the café, Margaret was still mad at Julian for not punching out her work card. Julian went to talk to her about it and told her that the job was really important to him since his family needed the money. He added that he would do the work for her so that she would not get tired but he would never put himself in a position that would make him lose the job, hence his income there. Margaret listened to him and later offered him a ride home as a truce.
The following day, Phil packed up the ducks and hired a driver to take him to Manila. When they stopped for gas at a petrol station, he saw Pinang, Miggy and Nars. They were up early to go to Manila but the bus they had taken malfunctioned and they had to wait for another one to come in an hour. They were frustrated because of this so Nars did not hesitate to accept Phil’s offer when he asked them to ride with him. He said that he had space for all of them and it would not be out of his way because he was headed to Manila too, so they went with him.
On the way, Miggy said that she was hungry so they stopped for food. They went to an eatery and gave their orders and when they went to sit down, Miggy and Nars grabbed seats next to each other so that Pinang would have no choice but to sit next to Phil. They also said that they left their phones in the van and since Phil had his, they asked him to take a selfie. Pinang had to lean in very close to Phil to get into the frame while Miggy and Nars asked for more photos. Pinang finally said that the ones they had were enough so that they could eat.
As they ate, Pinang stuffed her mouth with food and Miggy said that one had to eat slowly so she started taking smaller bites. She had ordered pork stew which stained the teeth and Miggy asked to taste it. Nars did too and they asked Phil to take pictures of them. After that, they made Phil taste the pork so that he too could get a picture. Pinang teased him because he did not seem to like the pork and even called it disgusting but he tasted it and as Miggy and Nars took pictures of them.

Episode 28

Phil had a hard time with the pork stew and could barely swallow it but he finally did it. After they ate, he cleared the bill and Pinang insisted that he take a share of their money for the gas he had used. Phil refused to accept it but Pinang said that they would have used that money on fair anyway. Phil then said that he would only accept it if they agreed to ride back with him to San Isidro. Nars and Miggy were okay with the idea so Phil accepted the money.
Phil dropped them at the school and went to deliver the duck eggs. Pinang calculated the amount of time it had taken them to get there and it was around 3 hours so they surmised that they would have to leave San Isidro around 3 am in the morning. Nars and Miggy went to the washroom while Pinang stayed around the cafeteria area to get some rest.
Phil got back and called Pinang to ask her where she was. He saw her immediately when she said that she was at the cafeteria area and sneaked in behind her. Pinang asked him where she was and he sat right next to her as he said that he was beside her. They were both flustered since Phil sat too close. Phil said that the school reminded him of his mother because she wanted him to return to school and do a business coarse. He explained that he did not want to do it because he was already a business man and his mother only wanted him to do it without asking him what he wanted to do. Pinang asked Phil about how he felt being abroad with his family so far away and Phil said that he was used to being away from his mother since she was always travelling and working; adding that he only felt cared for when Marcy was with him at Singapore. Pinang told him that she was planning on going abroad to work and it would be hard for her to leave her family behind. Phil said he understood because she was close with her family and a lot of other people would miss her as well. He insinuated that he would miss her and Pinang got flustered. She said that she would go find Nars and Miggy so she got up too fast and ran into a group of guys. She fell down and Phil rushed over to pick her up. He massaged her foot thinking she was hurt but Pinang said she was fine. Unfortunately, her sandal strap broke but she said she would fix it with a string. She took out the wish bracelets from Phil and Phil said that he would fix the shoe for her.
Pinang sat watching Phil as he fixed her sandal with her foot on his lap and that was how Miggy and Nars found them when they got back. They were too excited that they too had a quick kiss (what was up with that?!!!) but then shoved each other aside to gush over Pinang and Phil. They referred to Pinang as Cindy (Cinderella) because Phil was fixing her shoe. After Pinang’s shoe was fixed, they headed back to the car for the ride to San Isidro.
On the way back, they hit a bump and the car jerked them forward. Pinang held on to Phil who was in front of her and was taken aback when she touched Phil’s muscles. Nars and Miggy started to tease her so she told them to shut up and sleep. Phil tried to sleep too and Pinang took the chance to watch him since no one paid attention to her.
At school, Margaret asked Julian to go to the café with her but he said that he was still at the library. She went there to wait for him but Julian’s friends could not stop looking at her so he said he was done and they left.
Phil and the rest arrived at San Isidro in the evening. Nars and Miggy got off in town saying that they had to buy something so they left Pinang in Phil’s care and told him to make sure she got home. When they arrived at Pinang’s house, Phil got the door and offered his arm for Pinang to get down but she said that she could do it by herself. Phil wanted to take her to the house but Pinang said that she could do it on her own. She thanked him for the ride with a wide smile on her face then went inside the house.
Emil and Marcy were surprised and asked Pinang why Phil had brought her home. She told them about the incident with the bus then went inside. They followed to ask more details; where Miggy and Nars were, what happened to her sandals, whether Phil made passes at her during the trip. Pinang said that Phil was not courting her and she had no time for a relationship because she had a Visa interview right after her board exams. She noted that the Visa issue slipped and she assured them that she was only exploring her options.
Nars texted Phil to send him photos from the trip and he said he would. As he went through his phone, he was happy to see pictures of him and Pinang.
Miggy noticed that her mother was distracted and refused to take calls from Singapore so she asked if she was fine. Elsa told Miggy that all she had to worry about was her exam and did not tell her what was happening.
In the morning, Miggy called Pinang to tell her that her mother had another idea; instead of them having to ride to Manila at 3 am, they would check in a hotel instead. Pinang said that it would be expensive but Miggy said that her mother already paid for them since she said that it was her gift to them for studying hard. Elsa also spoke to Marcy and invited her to go with them so that they could have a bonding session of their own.
As Pinang was heading out to deliver her custards, Phil said he would show her the pictures they took from the trip. Pinang was a little hesitant but she approached him and was laughing out loud when Mackie saw them. He asked why they were laughing and Pinang borrowed the phone to show the pictures to him. She handed it back immediately when they ran into pictures of her with Phil.
Emil went to hand over his application for the farming seminar and they said that they would inspect his farm and tell him if he was accepted in a week’s time.
That evening, Marcy saw Phil as she arrived home and asked when he was planning  on going back to Singapore. He said he was not sure because he was happy there. She asked if he had a girlfriend and  he said no since he was never in any serious relationships. She asked him why and he said that he never took it seriously but he might have found the right person to be with. He helped her with her package then went home.
Marcy did the laundry because they were planning on going to Manila over the weekend. Pinang did some studying to polish up then went to make her custards since she would have to deliver them in advance for the three days she would be away. Marcy helped her for a while but Pinang asked her to go to sleep since she was too tired.
As Phil was working at home, his phone died and he realized that he left his charger at Pinang’s. He went there to get it and found her cooking so he went to help her. That was where we ended…
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