We started with Calvin walking around the forest and Claire went to look for him. He asked her to join him but Claire said that their friends were waiting for them back in camp and asked to go back.

The following day, Calvin took Claire back home. Claire said that she wanted to rest because the hike had been tiring. Calvin greeted Margaret and Helen when he dropped Claire off and went home.
The maid at Francis’ house taught her how to arrange flowers in a vase and Francis was glad to see her progress. He had to leave for the hospital while Glenda had to attend a meeting so they left Angela in the care of the maid. As soon as they left the house, the maid started beating up Evelyn for being slow and told her to hurry up with the flowers. Angela apologized and picked up the vase but she ended up dropping and breaking it. The maid continued to beat her up for her clumsiness and Angela had to put fingers up her face to protect herself. The other maid came to see what was happening so the other one stopped hitting Angela. She told her to go up to her room as punishment.
The maid then carried a bucket of clothes to Angela’s room so that she could fold them. She found Angela sleeping but she restrained from harassing her because there was a camera in the room. She and Angela went to the laundry room and Angela was taught to fold the clothes amid slapping.
Calvin arrived home and went up to his room to shower and rest. After Angela was done folding the clothes, she was asked to take them to the room. Calvin heard someone enter his room when he was in the shower and walked out to see who it was. He bumped into a girl and he held her up, wondering who she was. When Angela pushed her hair off her face, Calvin was delighted to see that it was indeed Angela! Angela was a little shy as she called Calvin ‘cutie’ and Calvin was happy that she could still remember him. When his parents got back home, Francis explained that he was having Angela stay with them so that she could learn how to interact with people. He allowed Calvin to interact with Angela as long as he did not interfere with her treatment.
Claire tried to reach Calvin but he did not answer her messages all day. She was telling this to Evelyn when Calvin called. He told her that he found an unexpected guest at their house; Angela! Claire told him that it was not good to have Angela staying with them because she was dangerous but Calvin said that she had really changed and now acted normally. He said that he called so that Claire could tell Evelyn that Angela was staying at his house. Evelyn however said that she no longer wanted to get involved with Angela so as not to strain their relationship.
Calvin tried to interact with Angela once more by bringing her chocolate like he used to before. Angela seemed to be avoiding him and he asked her if she was mad at him for not taking care of her and protecting her. Angela said that she was not mad and accepted the chocolates that Calvin offered. She enjoyed them and even smiled but Bernard found them and reprimanded Calvin for giving Angela chocolates because it was not part of her diet. He took the chocolates away and punished Angela by telling her to stay in her room.
Calvin was upset with Bernard’s reaction and he told Elmo that Angela seemed too mechanical and obeyed whatever she was told. He said he would talk to her and went to her room. He apologized to Angela for giving her chocolates and was hugging her when Claire stormed in the room, with Elmo trying to stop her.
Calvin held Angela to her and told Claire that Angela was no longer the same since she could now walk upright and was learnt to speak, although with a stutter. Angela did not seem to recognize Claire and Calvin said that she might have a slight memory loss. Elmo commented that Angela would be able to tell them what had happened to her once she remembered everything. Angela’s alarm rang and she said that she had to clean her room so Calvin, Claire and Elmo left.
Claire feared that Angela might tell everything she had done to Calvin so she went back to threaten her. She disrupted Angela’s reading and caught her arm to tell her not to tell Calvin anything but she had to hold herself back when she saw that there was a camera in the room. She smiled as she told Angela that she would do worse things to her if she dared tell Calvin anything.
Bernard told Francis that he feared Calvin was interfering with Angela’s treatment but Francis said that they let Angela leave the hospital specifically so that she could learn to interact with people.
Francis ran into Evelyn at a doctor convention and he took the chance to show her videos of how well Angela had progressed, as if to show off. Evelyn said that all she wanted was to see Angela get better so she was happy to see that she had gotten better.
Angela was resting in her room when she heard a dog barking and went out of the house to go after it. Elmo saw her and called Calvin. He took Elmo’s car since he had been parked in and went to find Angela. He found her by a bridge and offered to take her on a ride because she had been locked up for a long time and seemed to miss the outdoors.
As they were driving around, Elmo’s car broke down because the battery died and Calvin went to fix it, leaving Angela in the car. Angela got out and started walking around and Calvin did not see her go. Angela was curiously looking around when she bumped into Odessa outside her house! That was where we ended…
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  1. This is more than just an episode and we're really requesting u people to put it daily even from 10pm

  2. This is more than just an episode and we're really requesting u people to put it daily even from 10pm
