ALONG CAME LOVE Episode 103 & 104

(Episode 101 & 102 Overview:
David talked to Fernanda about being with her aunt Graciela but David told her that he would not date someone because she asked him to do so.

 Fernanda’s psychiatrist told David that it was best for Fernanda to be with Graciela otherwise she might relapse and they might need to medication.
David and Luciana continued to construct their irrigation scheme at the Santa Barbra vineyard with Miguel’s help. Juan found out that they were carrying out the construction without the right permits. After they left, Luciana argued with David because he told Ericka that they were no longer together.
Fernanda said she wanted to quit her therapy but David asked her to continue for a while. David helped Fernanda with her university entry exam while Graciela took care of Bobby and they got along fine.
Marta went out with Ramon and when Brian saw them, he got jealous and arrested Ramon because he had no documentation on him.)
Ramon was taken to the police station for failing to have any documentation on him. Marta went to the station to confront Brian for having arrested Ramon for nothing. Brian told Marta that she belonged to him and he would not let her be with someone else. Marta however dashed those thoughts since they were no longer together.
When Marta returned home, she told Lilian to take care of Brian better because he was not over her.
Adolfo sent Miguel to take some revisions for the irrigation scheme to David to see if he approved of them and when Miguel got to the vineyard, he found Luciana alone. They got to talking and David asked Luciana if she had already made up with her mother. Luciana said that she did and the two hugged but David walked in then. He immediately got jealous and did not even pay attention to the plans Miguel showed him. He said he would stick to the original plans so Miguel left.
After that, he had an argument again with Luciana because she had been hugging Miguel and she tried to explain that they were just talking about her mother.
The irrigation construction was halted by the police since David did not acquire the right permits and this caused their water supply to get cut. This affected Ericka and Adolfo too and they water was cut as well. David and Adolfo went to see Brian to get the permits for the construction.
Ericka went around the vineyard to see how things were doing but she fell ill because she has a problem with her lungs. She collapsed and Miguel had to get an ambulance to attend to her. The medics asked Miguel what kind of medicine she took and Miguel was looking for them in the office when Luciana arrived to check on the construction.
Adolfo returned to get some papers and found Miguel with Luciana. Miguel told him that they were looking for Ericka’s medicine because she got sick and Adolfo accused Miguel of causing distress to his daughter. Miguel told him that Ericka just got stressed and overworked herself but Adolfo said that Miguel should take better care of her.
After the doctor checked on Ericka, Miguel asked Luciana to leave and requested that he deal with David about the Irrigation construction because he wanted to avoid having problems with Ericka.
David had to meet Brian on  his own because Adolfo had to take care of Ericka and he paid a hefty fine. Brian told David that things would have been better for him if he had agreed to endorse him. He also asked him to speak to his secretary next time if he wanted to talk to him. Juan went to see Brian when David was still there and David learnt that it was Juan who had reported them for lacking permits.
Fernanda sat for her university entrance exam and when they asked her at home how she did, she said that she was nervous but she hoped she did fine.
Afew days later, Fernanda’s results arrived and she had failed the exam. David was upset because he had helped her review so he told her that she was not allowed to see Tano or go out until she passed the exam.
Perla asked Miguel to help her convince Carito return from Mexico before she got in trouble with the police and we ended as Carito arrived back.
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You can watch Along Came Love on Thursday and Friday on StarTimes Novela E at 8:50 pm

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