ALONG CAME LOVE Episode 99 & 100

David was able to calm down and apologize to Luciana for being Jealous of Miguel.

 Luciana was able to explain to him that she was able to find a solution for their water problem by talking to Ericka with Miguel’s help, and they allowed them to let their irrigation pipelines pass through their vineyard. David was amazed by Luciana and kissed her out of the blue. Luciana kissed him back but pulled back as she told David that they needed some time.
The police went to see Perla at Juan’s house to investigate about the immigrants’ incident. The officer wanted to ask Perla if she knew where Carito was but Perla said she did not know. She emphasized that whatever was wrong, the only person that the police had to be suspicious of was Mark. Juan found the officer at his house and asked him to leave before he sued for harassment. Juan told Perla that they had to save themselves before things got too complicated so he went to see Brian to tell him that he had dissolved his partnership with Mark because he had come to know that Mark was dangerous.
Juan then dissolved his partnership with Mark and told him that they could no longer work together since he kept getting them in trouble. He also refused to be Mark’s lawyer.
With the water problem solved, David was able to start thinking about the wine competition that was coming up. Graciela followed David when he went to see Susan and see the kind of samples that she suggested. He however refused to make any decision on anything without listening to Luciana’s opinion first and never stopped praising her for finding a solution to the water problem. This did not augur well with Graciela.
Ericka got angry at Miguel because he apparently neglected his work as he tried to help Luciana with the water problem. Miguel apologized to Ericka but he told her that she was the one who agreed to help Luciana and he thought she was okay with it. Ericka said that even though she had agreed to it, she was not blind to the fact that Miguel dropped everything to help Luciana and he should not have been neglecting his work.
During lunch, Graciela managed to coax David into watching a movie with the kids and since they were all excited, David could not refuse. All the same, he was not able to watch the movie because Fernanda’s psychiatrist arrived to talk to him about Fer’s progress. David talked to him in private and the doctor said that Fernanda looked up to her Aunt too much and David should keep Graciela around because she was the only anchor that Fernanda had in her life. He went ahead to say that Fernanda even looked up to Graciela as a mother but David could not agree with the doctor. The doctor however tried to coax David and convince him that he needed Graciela around.
David set up a wine tasting exclusively for him and Luciana so that they could chose the wine they would enter in the contest. They were able to choose one and David almost wanted to kiss Luciana again but Fernanda interrupted them. David asked her if she was looking for Tano but Fernanda denied it. Luciana saved her by saying that she was the one who told her that they would be tasting the wine to enter in the contest. David gave Fernanda a sample of it and asked her opinion in getting a name for it. After a little deliberation among them, Fernanda suggested they call the wine “Romance”. David was satisfied with it so Fernanda left them. He was glad that Fer was able to communicate with Luciana in a civil manner and did not disrespect her.
When Fernanda finally found Tano, she told him how Luciana was able to help her with her father and admitted that she was nice. She also told Tano that she did not like her psychiatrist because he always made her feel as if she was worse than she felt. Tano asked her to do what she felt was right for her and dispense with the doctor if she felt he was not helping her.
David went to the Santa Barbara vineyard to thank Ericka and her father for helping him out with the water situation. He gave them a bottle of wine and as he talked with Ericka, she commended Luciana for doing she could for him just like  she would for Miguel. She made it sound like that Lucian had done it because she was with David but David told her that they had already broken up.
When Leon went out with Miguel, he told him about Luciana’s break up with David because David had noticed that Luciana seemed a little depressed.
When Miguel got back to the vineyard, Ericka was on edge and she asked him whether he would leave her now that he knew that Luciana was no longer with David. Miguel made love to her to reassure her that he was not going to break up with her.
Fernanda talked to Graciela about stopping her therapy sessions but an alarmed Graciela tried to talk her into continuing with the therapy for  a while longer because she had already paid the therapist to plant the idea that she was needed in David’s house as a mother figure for the children.
Fernanda then approached David and to tell him that she wanted to express an opinion that she had been having for a while. David encouraged her to tell him what was on her mind and Fernanda told David that  the person she thought was best suited for him was her Aunt Graciela! That was where we ended…
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