DOBLE KARA Season 3 Episode 51 & 52

Episode 51

We started with Lucille hallucinating about Antonio and she told him that she was looking forward to leaving the mental hospital so that she could be together with Kara again and their granddaughter.

Sara returned to Kara’s house because she wanted to help her take care of Becca. She dropped a necklace with a pendant while taking her things upstairs and Kara called her back to give it to her. Sara thanked her and said that she would not know what would happen if she lost it. Kara asked why the necklace was so important and Sara said that it belonged to her daughter. She said she was devastated when she lost her daughter and she could not bear to lose another child. She was referring to Becca and asked Kara not to misunderstand because she considered Becca her daughter too.
 At the mental hospital, Alex told Lucille not to have any illusions of reuniting with Kara because she would go back to jail to serve her sentence once she was released from the hospital. She also said that Barbara would not help her because she was not aligned with Laura and her family and offered her a chance to escape with her instead.
When Barbara went to see Lucille, she confirmed that Lucille would go to jail after being released. Lucille did not want to go back to jail so she accepted Alex’s offer to escape from the hospital. Alex said that she had a lot of money and people working for her from the outside so she needed to get hold of a phone in order to make plans with her men. She asked Lucille to act as a look out. Lucille agreed to the plan but decided that she would not double cross Alex and leave her at the mental hospital.
On the day they planned to escape, Alex got hold of a phone at the office after stealing keys from the nurses  but Lucille who was waiting outside alerted the guard that Alex was inside. Alex pretended to be hallucinating about her son and the nurses at the hospital gave her a sedative.
Alex’s men arrived later that evening disguised as medicine delivery men. They went in the hospital after the security check at the gate. They beat one of the guards and went to get Alex. Lucille saw them and told them that Alex was unconscious because she had been sedated. Gabo went to get Alex in a hurry because they had set up a bomb at the hospital. Lucille was able to get out before the bomb went off but Alex and Gabo were caught in the flames. Alex sustained a big injury and half of her face got burnt.
Her men were able to take her away and flee. The doctor they had said that the burns were too serious but her men refused to let Alex go to a hospital. They asked for the supplies that the doctor needed and brought them to him instead.
Barbara was at Kara’s house telling them that about how Alex had messed with Lucille’s mind by telling her that she would go to jail once she left the mental hospital. One of the nurses called Barbara to tell her about the bomb incident at the hospital and that Lucille was among the patients yet to be found or identified.
They all went to the mental hospital to see what was happening but Kara received a call from Paulo who was watching over Seb at the hospital. He asked her to go there immediately because something had happened to Seb.
When Kara arrived at the hospital, the nurse refused to tell her what was wrong with Seb so Kara went in to see him. When she touched his arm, Seb opened his eyes! The doctor arrived to examine him and he assured Kara that Seb was out of danger. He however said that Seb should not be too stressed because he was still recovering from the coma and was still weak. When the doctor left, Seb asked where Alex was and Kara told him that he got arrested.
When Kara got home, she shared the wonderful news that Seb had woken up but she was not able to tell him what was happening because he was still recovering from the coma. Everyone went to see Seb the following day but they left Paulo at home taking care of JR.
Alex was still wounded so Lucille convinced her to give her some money so that she could help her get JR from the Suarez family. Alex did not have a choice but to accept Lucille’s offer so she gave her some money and asked one of her men to guard her.
At the hospital, Seb was glad to see the children but when he touched Becca’s hair, it fell off. He was puzzled but Itoy swooped and said that Becca’s hair was falling off because of the shampoo Kara was using. Sara arrived with some cake and helped with the distraction as everyone went to eat.
Patricia went to see Paulo and helped him take care of JR. They went to prepare some milk for him and left JR in the cradle in the sitting room. Lucille was waiting outside in the car and she went inside the house. She found JR by himself and went over to get him.

Episode 52

Lucille was about to get JR but there was a hoot at the gate so Paulo left Patricia to go open the gate. Lucille went and hid below the staircase before anyone could see her.
Itoy arrived with Andy and Hannah and said that Sara, Kara and Laura stayed at the hospital because Becca had another Chemo treatment.  Patricia and Paulo took the baby to feed him while Itoy went upstairs to bathe Hannah. Andy went up too so Lucille had a chance to leave the house unnoticed.
After Becca was done with her treatment, Sara and Laura went to look for a wheel chair to help her out of the hospital. Kara was talking to the doctor about Becca’s progress when Seb rolled up in his wheel chair and heard them. It was then that he learnt that Becca had amnesia.
Seb was upset that Kara had been dealing with their daughter’s illness while he was unconscious and he promised never to leave her again.
Becca was by herself in her room waiting for Sara and Kara to return when Lucille went in to see her. She told Becca that she was a nurse and she too had a daughter who was sick but she had healed her. She asked Becca to let her heal her as well and the two were chatting when Laura and Sara arrived. They attacked Lucille and Sara took out her phone to call the police. Lucille went to stop her but Laura fought her off. Alex’s man heard the commotion and went to get her but Lucille refused to leave. Seb and Kara walked in the room and but Lucille was dragged out of there and taken back to Alex’s hideout.
Alex was furious with Lucille because their plan was for her to get JR, not to go after Kara and her family. Lucille told Alex that Becca was sick and she only wanted to see her but Alex did not empathize. Lucille asked Alex not to worry because she had a plan to get her son.
Sometime later, Seb was released from the hospital. Kara went to get him so she was not able to pick up Hannah from school in time so Andy went to get Hannah. Laura then brought JR and Seb was happy to learn that Kara had taken in Alex’s child. He asked to hold the baby and met his nephew for the first time.
As Hannah waited in school for someone to get her, Lucille approached her. She offered Hannah a ride home but Hannah said that her mother did not want her speaking to strangers. Lucille asked Hannah to call her Grandma because she was the grandmother of Hannah’s school mate and reasoned that the two of them were no longer strangers. She convinced Hannah to let her take her home and they were about to walk out of the school when Hannah looked back and saw Andy. She told Lucille that her ride had arrived so Lucille hurriedly said goodbye and left before Andy saw her.
Andy arrived home late with Hannah and he said that it was because the van broke down.  

Since Becca was sad that her hair was falling off, Sara decided to give her a hair cut. Kara also asked Sara to give her a haircut so that Becca would not feel alone.
The following day at school, Lucille went to see Hannah and she told her that she wanted to meet her mother so that they could be friends too. She asked Hannah to tell her mother to meet her at the church under construction near the school.
Andy went to get Hannah and Hannah happily delivered the message. She said that the woman said she wanted to be Kara’s friend and wanted to meet her. She described the supposed grandmother and Kara realized that it was Lucille. Only Andy learnt about the meeting and Kara asked her not to tell anyone else.
The man with Lucille called Alex to tell her that they were at the church and he too did not know why they were there.
Kara went to see Lucille and Lucille told her that she wanted them to be together again; to leave for the US again with Becca, Hannah and Antonio. When she mentioned Antonio, Kara said that she was not well and demanded that Lucille stay away from her and her children. Lucille insisted that she was fully recovered and approached Kara but Kara shoved her to the ground and ran into the church.
Becca was the one who realized that Kara was not in the house so she asked for her. Hannah and Andy told Sara and Seb that Kara went to meet up with Lucille. They left to go look for her along with Laura. Laura also called the Arellano and told him to go meet them at the church to arrest Lucille.
As Kara was running from Lucille, she received a call from Sara and she asked her to hurry up and go get her. Kara found a good hiding place on the upper floor and Lucille gave up looking for her when she saw people outside. She ran off before she got caught.
Kara got up from where she was hiding thinking she was safe enough but Alex appeared from behind her and threw Kara off the rails. Kara tried to hang on by Alex hit her hands. She wanted Kara to fall off but her men came to get her and told her that the police were on their way.
Seb arrived with Laura and Sara and they all went in different directions to try and enter the church. Kara screamed for help because she was losing her strength trying to hold on to the railing and we ended as Seb desperately tried to enter the church.
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