We started with Francis telling Calvin that he would not see Angela gain because he had transferred her to another place where he would not be able to find her.

Claire was out sulking by herself when some three guys went to harass her. Claire tried to get away from them but she ended up falling down a flight and stairs as she tried to get away from them. She went unconscious and the guys ran away thinking they had killed her.
Evelyn and Helen went to report Claire missing to the police station but she got a call from the hospital telling her that Claire had been admitted there. Claire rushed off to see her and she was told that Claire would need physical therapy because she badly injured her foot when she fell down. Evelyn apologized for neglecting her and focusing more on Angela. Evelyn also called Calvin to tell her that Claire had been admitted at the hospital.
When Calvin went to see Claire, she told him not go into her room because she was upset with him. Calvin went in anyway, carrying flowers with him. He apologized as well for not being there for Claire and said that he would no longer look for Angela.
Bernard was worried about the treatment Francis was performing on Angela but Francis assured him that he would cure Angela. After observing her, Francis concluded that Angela acted agitated whenever she felt afraid. He therefore administered a medical treatment that suppressed her fears and he was able to get Angela to calm down so that he could treat her.
Angela was able to respond well to her treatment and after a year, she was walking normally and could talk, although not as eloquently. Francis held a conference with the other doctors to show them the progress he had made with Angela. Angela was presented to the doctors and even greeted them. Francis was commended for the great job that he had done.
Within that year, Claire became Calvin’s girlfriend. She recovered from her foot injury and Calvin took her out to hike because she had missed it. They went with Elmo and Claire’s friend but Claire hated being there. She resulted to antics to make them return to Manila but Calvin said that it was still late so they would have to stay for the night. Elmo had a chat with Calvin and asked him whether he really loved Claire. Elmo said that Claire had all the qualities that he was looking for.
Evelyn and Larry also processed their annulment and Odessa who had been dating Larry thought that it would be her chance to start a family with him. Larry told her that he was okay as he was at that moment.
Francis decided o move Angela from the hospital and bring her home to his house so that she could learn to interact with people more normally. Glenda complained because Francis did not ask if she and Calvin were okay with it but Francis said that he could no longer let Angela stay at the hospital. He gave Angela a room at the house and gave instructions to the maids about how to take care of her. He also installed a camera in Angela’s room to see how she continued to behave. We ended as Angela got used to her room…
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