DOBLE KARA SEASON 3 Episode 43 & 44

Episode 43

We started with Alex telling Patricia that she was not allowed to go anywhere outside the house.
She then received a call from Julio’s men telling her that everything was ready and she went out to see them.
When Alex arrived at the safe house, she told the men that she intended on continuing with Julio’s money lending business and make it grow. She gave all of them bonuses to motivate them to continue working. She also asked to have the things that Julio had asked his men to take out from his house and said that she would be the one to take care of them.
After visiting Arellano, Sara was frustrated because they had not yet been able to find any evidence against Alex. She therefore went to visit Patricia at her house and implored her to help them get evidence against Alex because she was the person closest to her. She also wanted to check up on Patricia since she had not been able to after Julio’s death. Patricia said that she blamed herself and so did Alex but Sara told her not to let Alex bully her since she was the only person who was to blame.
Unfortunately, their conversation was cut short when Alex went outside and saw them. She asked   what the two of them were talking about and did not believe Sara when she said that she was checking up on Patricia. Alex said that they were plotting against her again so she asked Boggart, one of her men to get Sara out. Sara called Alex the advocate of the devil and said that she was sorry for the baby that she was carrying because he would have Alex as a mother. After a hurl of words between the two of them, Sara agreed to leave.
After Sara left, Alex slapped Patricia for conniving with Sara and again accused her of being the one who was behind Julio’s death. Patricia told Alex that she had done everything possible to ensure that her brother survived but Alex was the real person behind Julio’s death because she was the one who lead him into crime. Alex did not care and instructed her guards to keep an eye on Patricia because she was no longer allowed to leave the house.
Sara was fuming when she arrived home and told everyone what had happened between her and Alex. Seb was not happy because Alex might get stressed out while she had a delicate pregnancy. Sara said that she had left right away so as not to do any harm to Alex adding she was sorry for having talked ill of Alex but she could not help it because Alex made her blood boil. Kara also scolded Sara for going to see Patricia since it would have put both of them in danger. Sara asked Kara to trust her because she could not sit about and let Alex escape without paying for her crimes.
Patricia was walking out of her room when she saw her nanny carry boxes. She asked what they were and the Nanny said that they were the CCTV equipment that Julio had installed before and Alex had asked that they get dusted before they were put in her room. Nanny laid them down and said that she would go get Patricia a snack before she continued to dust.
Patricia took advantage of this and went over what was in the boxes. She saw a footage of  Julio and Alex talking and in it, Alex said that she was worried about Dina not being found because she knew too much. Alex also said that she was the real mastermind behind Isabella’s kidnapping.
Patricia took out the hard drive and returned the rest of the stuff. She then went and gave Kara a call. She asked to meet Kara because she had something that would help them with their case against Alex. She asked that they meet and Kara left with Sara, Seb and Paulo to go see Patricia.
Alex had heard Patricia make the call and stopped her on the way out. She took out the hard drive from Patricia’s bag and ordered her men to guard her so that she would not leave her room.
Seb and the rest waited for Patricia but they started to get restless when Patricia did not arrive. Sara took initiative and went to Alex’s house to see if Patricia was fine. After a while, Kara asked Seb to take them there too because she was worried that Sara would make a scene.
They arrived to find Sara screaming outside Alex’s house demanding to see Patricia. When Patricia went to leave her room, she found Alex at her door and she threatened to have everyone outside shot if Patricia dared to tell them what she had found out.
Alex walked out first and asked Sara, Kara, Seb and Paulo what they were all doing at her house so late. She then brought out Patricia for them to see that she was fine. Patricia said that she was just hallucinating when she called Kara and apologized for it. She then went to Julio to hug him and slipped a note inside his pocket. Alex dragged her back into the house and asked Seb to leave since it was already late.
Everyone was puzzled by Patricia’s behavior when they got home and they came to the conclusion that something was not right because Patricia would not play a prank on them. Luckily, Paulo found the note Patricia put in his pocket when he was doing his laundry. In it, Patricia asked Paulo to help him because Alex was keeping her hostage inside the house.
Paulo showed the note to Seb and he decided to call Arellano so that he could handle it.

Episode 44

Sara was on edge and wanted to go get Patricia out of Alex’s house herself but Kara asked her to wait and let Arellano handle it. Seb had gone out to see him and they were at home waiting for him to get back.
Sara went to wait outside and Paulo joined her. He said that he was worried about Patricia and asked if they could do something to help her. The two were about to leave when Edward arrived and asked what was happening. When Sara told him, he asked to go with them and the three of them went to Alex’s house.
When they got there, Paulo texted Patricia’s nanny and told her that they were waiting outside to help Patricia leave the house.
Patricia had refused to tell her nanny what was happening between her and Alex for the sake of her safety but agreed to help. She got Alex’s men drunk and then changed her uniform with Patricia.
Patricia walked past the men who were sleeping because they were already drunk but almost got caught at the door by one of the men. Alex went to check in on her and realized that it was the nanny who was in bed and not Patricia. She screamed from there and drew attention from the man who almost caught Patricia. He went to see what was wrong and Patricia got her chance to escape.
Paulo was waiting outside and helped Patricia inside Edward’s car. They went to Edward’s place and she apologized to Sara for failing to meet them before explaining that Alex had caught her. Sara asked what she wanted to give them and Patricia fished a flash disk out of her pocket. She had managed to get a copy of the video and after watching it, Sara took it to Arellano. He said that they now had enough proof against Alex and said that he would reopen the case against her then get an arrest warrant.
Alex was not bothered by Patricia leaving because she had already destroyed the hard drive with the footage. She however went to get Patricia from Seb’s house and found him and Kara before they left for the police station. She asked them where Patricia was and they said that she was not there. Alex said that she would not believe it because Patricia had nowhere else to go but to their house.
When Alex was speaking with Seb, Kara was texting Sara and Sara asked her to let Alex stay at the house because Arellano was about to get an arrest warrant for her. Kara therefore told Alex that Sara was with Patricia and they were on their way home so she asked Alex to wait in the house. She discreetly explained to Seb and Laura why she had done it because they were both confused.
When Seb took a drink to Alex, he ticked her off when he asked her to surrender before it was too late and all the crimes she had done caught up with her. Alex took the hint and said that she was going to leave after all. Seb asked her to wait for Patricia but Alex said that she was old enough to find her way home. Seb caught Alex’s arm and refused to let her go but her driver came out and held a gun to him. Alex smiled when Seb let go of her hand walked majestically to her car. Seb refused to watch her get away so he got in his car and followed them.
Sara, Edward, Arellano, Patricia, Paulo and the police arrived just after Alex left and Laura showed them which way they went. Patricia and Paulo were asked to stay home while the rest got back in their cars to follow Alex.
Seb and Kara were able to catch up to Alex’s car and they blocked their way such that they could not move forward. Edward and Sara arrived a few seconds later and then the police. They all tried to make Alex surrender because they already had evidence against her but Alex said that she would never do it. Sara ran out of patience and went to approach Alex but Alex signaled for her man to shoot. Edward went to shield Sara and ended up taking the bullet. Within the commotion, Alex got back in her car and got away.
Sara, Kara and Seb rushed Edward to the hospital and Sara asked the doctor to do everything he could to save him. She was inconsolable and said that she could not forgive herself if anything happened to Edward.
Arellano went to see them at the hospital later to tell them that he had not been able to catch Alex. He asked them not to worry because Alex would not be able to leave the country since he had issued a departure order against her.
Alex was mad that she was cornered but she told her men to get everything ready for her to leave the Philippines. Her men found a man who arranged for people to fly out of the country illegally and he helped Alex.
Edward was able to survive his surgery. Sara went to visit him but Chloe did not allow her. She harassed Sara and even poured water on her but Kara was there and she defended Sara. Sara managed to get in to see Edward and livened up his mood. He even teased her for worrying about him adding that she still had feelings for him.
Patricia went to Kara’s house to ask for their help since she did not have any money. Alex was in control of their money and her trust fund so she did not have any money while Alex was on the run. Kara offered to help her by giving her a job at the foundation.
Chloe and Edward had a talk about Sara and Edward asked his mother not to blame Sara for his accident because he was the one who chose to get involved. Chloe wanted to take Edward to Japan so that he could recover there but Edward said that he would not go anywhere because he loved Sara.
When Sara went to visit Edward at the hospital,  Chloe changed tactics and instead of attacking her, she implored to her as a mother to stay away from Edward. She said that Edward was the only thing she had left in her life and she did not want to see him die before her. She also asked Sara to help her convince Edward to move to Japan.
When Sara went in to see Edward, he was delighted to see her. She had brought soup with her and he asked her to bring him more food the following day because he enjoyed her cooking. Sara was serious when she said that she would no longer visit him. Edward said that it was fine if she was too busy and he would visit her at the club once he was discharged. Sara asked him not to and told him that the two of them would never get back together no matter what Edward did. We ended as she said that she no longer had feelings for him and Edward’s face looked hurt and disappointed…
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