BE MY LADY Episode 25 & 26

Episode 25

We started with Pinang sharing the table with Phil at the café. Phil started to type noisily on his laptop and Pinang asked him to be quiet.
Phil’s order came and occupied the entire table because he had ordered a lot of food. He invited Pinang to eat with him but she refused to accept it and continued to sip at her tea. She was distracted as she watched Phil eat and she asked him to eat slowly so that he would not get indigestion. Phil took her advice and took his time munching at his burger. Pinang was mesmerized as she watched him and stared at him until she forgot to read. When Phil looked up at her, she hurriedly held up her book to her face and pretended to be reading.
A seat was vacated right next to them and Pinang asked Phil to move. He was barely out of his chair when other customers arrived and sat there so Phil had to go back to Pinang’s table.
Nars and Miggy arrived at the café and saw Pinang sitting with Phil. They decided not to disturb them and stood at another table. Pinang and Phil did not see them. Nars asked Miggy if she was fine and Miggy said that there was a little pinch but she would be fine. They sat at a table watching Pinang and Phil and Miggy noticed that they looked good together. They noticed that Pinang and Phil stole glances at each other and Miggy took a photo of them to remind herself that she and Phil were not meant to be together.
After Phil was done, he packed up his laptop so that he could leave but he hit the table and almost poured Pinang’s tea. He went to stabilize the cup and caught Pinang’s arm instead because she already had her hands on the cup. They both pulled their arms away and Phil held the table as he stood up and ended up putting his arm over Pinang; again! They both stood up and Pinang asked Phil to go first because they kept getting in each other’s way but someone hit him from behind and he ran straight into Pinang!
They were both flustered after the incident and Phil finally managed to leave. Terrence called him as he was going through his email to tease him on the good proposal he had prepared because he was inspired by Pinang. Phil did not deny it and Terrence asked him to court her.
That evening, Julian told everyone that Pinang shared the table with Phil all afternoon and she strongly said that they were just studying.
Phil tried to give Dahlia and Arthur some money for the house expenses because he was living with them but they refused to accept it. Phil decided to buy groceries for them instead and Dahlia ahappily accepted them.
Phil texted Pinang at 3 am and was surprised when she answered back but she told him it was too late for him to be texting her. She wrote a text with a lot of exclamation marks and wished him good night. Phil texted back that she finally said good night to him and Pinang smiled.
The following day, Terrence called Phil to give him the good news that they had been asked to make three more websites because of the proposal he prepared.
Pinang took the drill tests with Miggy, Nars and Vincent since they were still preparing for the exams and she was frustrated with the low marks she got. Miggy and Nars teased her and told her that she was distracted by Phil but Pinang refused to admit it. Miggy fished out her phone for proof and they showed Pinang a picture of her staring at Phil from the café.
Phil ordered good luck bracelets online so that he could give them to Pinang and her friends to wish them success in their bar exams. He called Nars to ask where they would be and Nars told  him that  they would go to Julian’s café to study. Phil said he would meet them there.
Miggy did not join them and went home instead so Nars and Pinang were the only ones who went to the café. Pinang saw Phil’s bike outside and refused to go in. She hailed a tricycle and left; Nars went to see Phil by himself. Nars told Phil that Pinang was with him but she left. Phil gave Nars his bracelet and then left.
He called Miggy to tell her that he had something to give her but Miggy said they could meet later because she was busy. Phil was only looking for an excuse to see if Pinang was with her but Miggy said she was alone.
Pinang went to Mackie’s volcanizing shop instead and decided to study there. Unfortunately, Phil’s bicycle had a flat tire and he had to take it to Mackie’s vulcanizing shop to have it fixed. Pinang was in awe when she saw Phil there!

Episode 26

Mackie asked Phil what he was doing there and Phil said that his tire had burst so he came to have it fixed. Mackie offered him a seat and Phil moved it directly next to Pinang.
Phil asked Pinang why she had refused to study at the café since it was a cool place but Pinang told him that what she needed was a quiet place without distractions. Phil then got out the wish bracelet that he wanted to give Pinang and tried to make her chose one. Pinang said that she did not believe in luck but in hard work. Phil tried to insist but Mackie interrupted him and told him that  the bike was done. Phil paid for it and left without giving Pinang the bracelet.
When Marcy was done with school, she and Emil went to the municipal hall to inquire about an agriculture Seminar that Emil wanted to attend. They were given the eligibility details and Marcy urged Emil to join.
Lotlot visited Mackie at his shop and he went on about how he would not let Phil court Pinang because he was a foreigner and looked like a player. Lotlot told him to give Phil a chance and not to jump into conclusions without being sure whether Phil was courting Pinang or not.
As Julian was going to work, Margaratte saw him and offered him a ride in her car. When they arrived at the café, she told Julian that she had forgotten something at home and would go get it. She wanted Julian to punch in her time card but Julian said he would not because it was not allowed. Margarette went to do it herself and said she would return to the café after she picked up something that she had forgotten. She never returned to work and turned off her phone. Julian texted her to ask if she was fine. Margaratte called just as he was about to close the café to tell him that she was not feeling well. She asked him to get her time card out and hang up before he could say no.
Pinang went home and had to prepare dinner because Marcy was not yet home. Phil was there to pay his men when they saw her arrive home and took the chance to try and give her the bracelets again. Pinang told him that she was busy and the bracelet might get dirty and smelly so Phil said he would return later. Grandpa Apo wanted to chat with Phil so he invited him to dinner but Phil said that mum Dahlia was waiting for him. He sat down to chat with GrandPa for a while and Pinang was not comfortable having him there so she left the food cooking and went inside the house. The food almost got burnt so Grandpa Apo asked Phil to check it but Pinang came back in a hurry and snatched the spoon from Phil.
Phil left as Emil and Marcy arrived home and Pinang was finally comfortable. As they ate dinner, Pinang inquired about the seminar and they all encouraged Emil to go so that he could learn about the new technologies in rice planting as well as earn a certificate.
Julian arrived home much later and everyone teased him because he had a pimple on his face. Pinang went too far and Julian hit back asking if Pinang was in love.  Pinang’s humor was gone and she went to her room because she did not appreciate the joke. Marcy went to ask her not to be too sensitive. She thought Pinang was a little stressed from studying too much so she took away her books and  asked her to sleep.
Dahlia asked Phil if he was able to give Pinang her bracelet and he said that she was too busy.  Dahlia advised him to keep trying and not give up on her.
Pinang woke up in a jovial mood the following  morning, Pinang woke up in a jovial mood but it was soon gone because she had a huge pimple on her nose. Marcy said that a pimple on the nose signified that someone was in love and Pinang was livid. Julian and Mackie teased her to no end and Marcy had to ask them to stop. When Pinang ran into Phil outside, she flipped her hair and drove off in a hurry so that he would not see the pimple.
Phil went to greet Marcy and Emil and ordered a packed lunch. Marcy  took the chance to ask him why he wanted to give Pinang a bracelet and he said that it was for good luck with her exams; adding that he already gave one to Nars, Dahlia’s daughter and was planning  on giving Pinang and Miggy theirs. He asked whether there was a problem and Marcy said that she wanted to make sure he was not courting Pinang because his actions came off as a little too forward. Phil told them that they had a beautiful daughter who was hardworking and he intended to court her once she was done with her studies and their debt problems because it was not yet the right time.
His revelation left Emil and Marcy dumbfounded and they did not know how to tell him that they would not allow it. After Phil left, Marcy said that it was better that Phil had told them the truth. He asked Emil if they should tell Pinang about what Phil said but Emil said they would not.
When Margerette saw Julian at school, she asked him whether she punched out her time card and Julian said  he did not because it was not allowed. Margarette got mad and walked away from him.
Pinang got some medicine for her pimple at the drug store because she was tired of the teasing. She met up with Nars and Miggy that evening to review. Miggy told her that Phil would come to give them their bracelets and when he arrived, Pinang suddenly went quiet. Phil stared at her nose and we ended as Pinang tried to hide her pimple…

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