THE PROMISE Episode 92

We started with Eduardo packing up his things and leaving Claudia’s house.
Claudia asked him why he was leaving and Eduardo told her that he did not want her getting the wrong idea because she had been sending him sweet messages and making him dinner. Claudia asked him to try and kiss her but Eduardo told her that they were never affectionate with each other even before because he loved Amor. He left the house and went to rent a new place, leaving Claudia furious especially with Amor.
Angelo told Yna that they had gotten Claudia’s medical records which proved that she had amnesia while the people who were with her all confirmed it. He said that they all could not lie for her and Yna agreed with him. She also apologized for being insensitive and saying that Claudia was faking her amnesia.
Mark called Claudia to ask her how her plan against Amor and Eduardo was going because he could no longer bare seeing them happy together. Claudia told him to be patient and warned him against double crossing her because the two of them would go down together.
Yna picked up her stuff from the restaurant and returned them back home. Belen asked Red to take them out again and Yna said that she would just take them back inside. Belen threatened to leave the house if Yna kept being stubborn and Yna said she would move with them too and Belen was left with no choice but to let her stay.
Amor was with David and she thanked him for being with her because he always took care of her and tried to fill the void that Maria Amor left in her heart. She had brought photos of Maria Amor with her and they went over them together. She told him that Yna and Angelo had asked to speak to her and David said he guessed what it was about. She however had to leave to attend to some matters and Power Corp so she left David by himself for a while.
Eduardo moved in to a new apartment and Angelo helped him settle in. He apologized to him because he could not live with Claudia and continue being with Amor. Angelo said that he understood because he had to be fair with both women and he offered to explain the situation to Liya as well.
Liya was upset that Eduardo left the house and said that it was the reason why he had easily agreed to buy them a new car.
At Kus Yna, Joy brought Angelo a house warming gift adding that she had not been able to see him for a while. Angelo told Joy that he needed to tell her something because he did not want her finding out from someone else. He said that he was back together with Yna and Joy was devastated. She said  she would be fine and Angelo told her that she would one day find the man who would love her like she deserved.
David was going over Maria Amor’s Photos along with the album that he gave Yna for Christmas and he noted that the children looked the same. He finally realized that Yna was Maria Amor and was about to call Amor to tell her when Claudia walked in carrying flowers. She heard him say that Yna was Maria Amor and when David said he was going to call Amor, she offered to do it. She tried to snatch the phone away but David insisted on doing it. As David tried to call Amor, Claudia saw the photos and murmured something about Maria Amor. David was alarmed and asked her how she knew about Maria Amor. Claudia tried to explain to him that Eduardo had told her about it but David did not believe her. He tried to call Amor again to tell her that Claudia was faking her amnesia but Claudia attacked him. She ended up killing him and she panicked!
She gathered her wits and staged a suicide by strangling David with medical cords. She wore the nurse uniform that David’s nurse kept there, collected the flowers she brought and got out of there.
Amor had forgotten her phone in her office so she was unable to pick up David’s call. She arrived at the hospital to find David covered up with a sheet and she screamed in fear that he was gone.
Angelo and David left Kus Yna to go visit David at the hospital and stopped by the café to buy some food for David since he did not pick up his phone. When  Yna was there, she saw David among other customers but it was only his ghost.
After Claudia left David’s room, she removed the nurse uniform and called Mark. She told him about what she had done to David and asked him to delete the CCTV footage. David said he would take care of it.
She ran into Yna and Angelo as she left and told them that she was there to apologize to David for what happened the last time she was there. When they went inside his room, they found Amor crying with David in her arms. Yna went by her side crying as well and Claudia pretended to console her so that she could kick a note under the bed; then asked Angelo to take care of Yna.
Angelo called Eduardo to tell her the sad news and he went  to be with Amor. As they talked to David’s doctor, Amor said that she knew her son and  he was not capable of committing suicide. Yna told Angelo the same thing; that David could not have committed suicide even if he knew he was close to dying.

Claudia went back to where she left the nurse uniform; along with Yna’s photo album and the picture of Maria Amor and set all the items on fire. That was where we ended…

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