THE PROMISE Episode 96

We started with Irma telling Amor where she was and asked them to hurry up because there were men after her. Amor asked her to stay put as she and Eduardo went to get her.

Claudia was furious after Mark called her to say that Irma had contacted Amor. She asked him to follow her and not to let her meet with Amor. She dropped a vase while hanging up and one of the pieces grazed Liya who entered the room. Claudia took the opportunity to call Eduardo to tell him that Liya was hurt and he had to get back home immediately. Liya said she was fine as Claudia was talking to Eduardo and he asked to talk to her. Liya told Eduardo that it was only a small scratch and was nothing to worry about then hang up the phone. Claudia was furious with her for failing to play along.
Amor and Eduardo went to get Irma but unfortunately, Mark already had her with him and they did not find her once they arrived at the location she was on. Eduardo and Amor were disappointed and decided to get back home.
Eduardo went straight to see Liya but she told him that it was only a small scratch. Claudia complained to Eduardo for neglecting his children as he was out looking for one that was dead. Eduardo told her not to say that because she too was dead but came back.
Angelo and Yna arrived at the province where he wanted to take her. They were with Monay who accompanied them there. Angelo told Yna that he wanted to take away her pain by making her happy and asked her to marry him! Yna immediately said yes and they agreed to get married the following day.
Amor and Betty Mae visited the police station to ask about the status of the investigation on David’s death and they were told that the police were looking into the hospital’s CCTV team to learn what happened. They also inquired about the missing photo album and asked what was on it. Amor said that Yna was the only person who knew what was in the album. The police said that they wanted to know because it would help with the investigation. Betty Mae offered to go speak to Yna but Amor said she wanted to do it so that she could apologize to Yna.
Yna called Isko and asked him to forgive her for what she was about to do. She said that she was marrying the person she loved the most and Isko said that he was fine because she should fight for her love. She and Angelo then went to buy their clothes, rings and food for the wedding at the market while Monay arranged their set up.
When they got back, Yna said she wanted to make a call but Angelo snatched the phone away and said that it was their day so they were not supposed to use their phones. Yna asked to call Takong to give him directions to get there and after that, she would turn off her phone.
When Amor went to see Yna’s place, she asked to talk to Yna about David’s case but Isko got hysterical and said that he wanted her to leave. Amor was confused and asked if Isko was mad at her. Isko kept saying that Amor was there to take Yna away and told Belen to make her leave. Belen was embarrassed by his behavior and took him upstairs.
Amor wanted to leave after a while because Isko did not calm down. As she was about to walk out the door, she heard Red and Belen singing the ‘Go to sleep’ song that Yna always sang to him. Isko calmed down and Belen went to speak to Amor. Amor asked her how they knew that song and Belen said that it was Yna’s song and she had been singing it ever since Isko found her in the ruins. Amor realized that Yna was Maria Amor but to confirm it, she took out a photo of Maria Amor as a child and asked Belen if that was Yna when she was young. Belen said that it was Yna!
Eduardo rushed over to Belen’s place when Amor told him that Yna was Maria Amor. They were overjoyed with the news, and then came the problem of finding Yna. Isko went down stairs and said that the pretty lady was getting married to the one she loved the most. Both Yna and Angelo had switched off their phones and could not be reached. Eduardo called Claudia to ask if he knew where Angelo was and she said that she had no idea. Eduardo asked her to call him if she found out anything then habd up. Claudia sensed something was up and said that she had to find out what it was.
Amor finally remembered Takong and called him. Takong took them to Monay’s place in the province. The van they were driving had a flat tire but luckily, they were close enough to walk the rest of the way.
Yna got ready and looked really beautiful. Angelo was dashing as well and Monay could not stop gushing. The judge arrived and the wedding was underway. Yna told Angelo that she was happy that he continued to love her even after she left because he had always been her strength. Angelo had written his vows and was looking for the note so that he could read them when Amor, Eduardo and Takong barged in. Amor screamed for them to stop and said that the two of them can never get married! That was where we ended…
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