DOLCE AMORE Episode 59

We started with Serena going to see Tenten at the place that JJ had asked her to go to. JJ, Taps and the rest of the guys had carried him in his sleep and taken him to another house. They lay him on a floating bed in the middle of the pool and when Tenten went to turn over, he fell into the pool. 
Tenten immediately woke up and when he got out of the pool, he scolded everyone. When he saw Serena, he scolded her since he thought it was her idea but JJ took the blame. Mummy Taps asked JJ and the rest to leave so that Tenten and Serena could talk.
Hannah was not able to reach Tenten so she went to his house to see him. Kulot, Tenten’s adopted daughter told her that he had already left but Hannah insisted on staying and waiting for him. Kulot went to get Hannah cake and laced it with pepper. She also messed up her drink and Hannah had to rush to the bathroom after eating the cake and sipping the drink.
Tenten told Serena to tell her what she had to say to him now that he had the time. Serena only starred at Tenten with a worried look in her eyes and Tenten asked her if she was not going to say anything after chasing after him. Serena finally said “I’m sorry” with tears in her eyes. She hugged Tenten and told him that she was sorry over and over again.
The two of them finally talked about Serena leaving at their wedding and Tenten asked her why she had left him after they had sworn to fight Gian Carlo together. He added that by leaving him, she had proven that she did not have any trust in his ability to protect her. Serena told him that there was a gun pointed at Tenten and she loved him so much, she could not stand there and watch him die. Tenten told her that he would rather have died and know that she had chosen him instead of living with the reality that she had chosen to flee with someone else. Serena said that seeing him alive then proved to her that she had done the right thing and given another chance, she would make the same decision. Tenten told her to stay away from him and his family. After Serena left, Tenten told everyone; including his mother never to play tricks on him again since he no longer wanted anything to do with Serena.
Serena cried after her conversation with Tenten but she told Alice and Uge that it was fine now since she had now understood where Tenten was coming from. The three of them also met with Taps and Dodoy and thanked them for helping Serena with Tenten.
Tenten was moody when he got to the office and did not even want to talk to Hannah. She however caught his attention by telling him that what he had been waiting for had already happened; Luciana was in jail.
Tenten went to see Luciana before she was sent to prison and told her that it was now time for her to pay for her part in Binggoy’s death.
Roberto called Serena to tell her that Luciana was in jail and since she was out with her parents and the ibarras, she told them about it. When Tenten got home, he explained to his parents that  he had planned everything so that  Luciana could return to the Philippines.
Serena went with Roberto to see Luciana in jail and she told them that if her going to jail would set Tenten at ease, then she was willing to do it for him. Serena decided to try and talk to Tenten since Luciana had nothing to do with the death of Binggoy.
Tenten was feeling a little happier after Luciana got arrested so he canceled his work at the office and decided to spend the day with Kulot. The little girl was so happy; she kept asking whether it was her birthday.
Serena went to Tenten’s company but she was told that Mr. Ibarra would not be going to the office since he had taken a vacation. Serena went to Tenten’s house and talked to his parents. She told them that Luciana had nothing to do with Binggoy’s death since she was the one who had warned her about Gian carlo. Taps told Serena that if she believed Luciana was innocent, then they believed her too so they told her where she could find Tenten.
Serena went to the park and found him there with Kulot. Kulot does not like Serena (Serena had mistaken Kulot for a beggar when she went to Tenten’s house for the first time so Kulot said she was a judgmental person.) so she was not glad to have her time with Tenten interrupted. Tenten and Serena started arguing which bothered Kulot more and she ran off. They lost her and they had to look of her.
We ended with the interesting revelation that Luciana actually found out that Tenten was her son and she paid Vivian to pretend to be his real mother and infiltrate his life. Luciana wanted to wait until Tenten's anger to dissipate so that he could tell him the whole truth...

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