DOLCE AMORE Episode 56

We started with Tenten Dodoy and mummy Taps being welcomed by Roberto at the Marchesa farm.
Dodoy and Taps tried to explain to Tenten that they wanted to learn about farming technology in Italy so they had accepted Roberto’s invitation. Roberto also tried to keep Tenten at ease by telling him that Serena and Luciana were not around.  They got into the van and proceeded on to the main house.
When they arrived, Roberto took them to the corn fields and the first person they saw was Serena. She was playing around in the middle of the field and Tenten looked at her in awe since she looked  very innocent and serene. Serena turned back to find all four of them staring at her and gave out a shriek of surprise. Roberto told her to entertain Tenten and give him some wine as he took Dodoy and Taps around the farm.
Serena offered Tenten a seat as she went to their wine cellar to get Tenten some wine. When she got to the cellar, she was fussy about her reaction to Tenten and scolded herself for overreacting. She made herself calm down only to turn and find Tenten behind her. He asked her for the direction to the bathroom then left before she was done directing him.
 When Serena took some wine to Tenten, he smelled it and told her that it was too soft. Serena went back to get another bottle but Tenten  said he did not like it either. He made her go back for another type of wine two more times then finally, asked her to take him to their wine cellar so that he could chose the wine himself.
Serena took Tenten to the wine cellar and he looked around to see which one he wanted.  He was too serious and Serena tried to make the moment light by reminding Tenten of the first day he took wine. She said that she could hardly believe that he had become and expert at choosing wine and Tenten told her that he learnt how to pick out wine so that he could be a better judge of people.
Tenten commented that he liked French wine more and Serena told him that if another Italian heard him say that, they would kill him since they were proud of their wine. Tenten told her that an Italian had once tried to kill him but had failed so he was no longer afraid of Italians
Tenten asked Serena to get him a box which was on top of the shelf to see the wine and Serena stepped on a stool to get it. It was heavy and Tenten thought Serena might have a hard time with it so he tried to help her get the box down. They ended up fumbling with their hands and dropped the box which came crushing on Tenten’s head. Serena instantly went to help him and see if he was hurt. He had a lump on his head so Serena got some ice to treat it. Tenten got up and said that he did not even know why he had gone there. He decided to leave then and Serena followed him. She called him Tenten but he corrected her and told her that only his family called him that. To her, he was Sinora Ibarra. Serena corrected herself and tried to talk him out of demolishing their villa but Tenten told her that there was nothing she could say to change his mind.
Tenten’s parents and Roberto waited for Tenten and Serena and they said that they hoped the two of them would get back together.
Tenten got his parents and they returned to the hotel but he asked them never to do that kind of thing again.
Serena talked to Luciana and told her that Tenten was the new owner of Villa Marchesa and he wanted to demolish it. She also told her that Tenten had changed so much and they could no longer reason with him.

Tenten met with his Italian associates and they told him that there were better companies that they could acquire instead of the Marchesa Company.  Tenten said that he wanted the Marchesa company and if they had a problem with it, he would have them fired.
Luciana had tried to talk to Tenten right after Binggoy’s death but he had promised her that the next time they saw each other, she would pay for what she had done.
As Tenten was checking out of the hotel in Italy, Luciana went to see him. She noted that Tenten had changed a lot and she too referred to him as Tenten but he told her to refer to him as Simon Ibarra. He asked her if she was there to ask him not to demolish the Villa but Luciana said that it was pure coincidence that she ran into him. Tenten said that she knew where to find him if she wanted to talk to him. Dodoy and Taps joined Tenten at the lobby and they were interrupted.
Serena tried to find a way to stop the demolition of the villa as well as secure the worker’s job by filing for a TRO but the court rejected it. She surmised that Tenten had friends in the Italian court which was why the TRO had been turned down so she decided to go to Manila to talk to him. Roberto offered to go with her but she said that she could handle it.
Alice and Uge were overjoyed with the news of Serena’s return.
When Tenten returned to the Philippines, he let his parents go home and went to see Hannah first, then visited Vivian to inform her that he had acquired the De-Luca Marchesa company.
Later, Tenten visited Binggoy’s grave and promised him that his death would soon be avenged. His decision to demolish Villa Marchesa was all a plan for him to make the Marchesas back in the Philippines so that Luciana could be convicted for Binggoy’s death since Tenten already had a witness. We ended with Tenten at Binggoy’s grave telling him that it was time for Luciana to pay…

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