We started with Claire and Evelyn sleeping and Evelyn got up to cover up Claire. She watched as Claire slept and asked her to go back to sleep when she stirred.

Calvin and Elmo stopped since Elmo was already tired from driving. Calvin offered to drive while Elmo took care of Angela but Elmo immediately refused. He said he was fine to drive but he would rest for a while. Elmo told Calvin that they could take Angela to his father since he was a psychiatrist and would be able to treat her but Calvin did not want to. He said that his god mother was a psychiatrist with a private practice and he would take Angela to her instead. They then got in the car to sleep and proceeded in the morning.
In the morning, Evelyn showed Claire photo albums of Ana and told her stories about Ana’s childhood.
Calvin called Evelyn and told her that he had a patient with him that he wanted to take her house. Evelyn said it was fine and agreed to meet him at her house. Calvin showed Angela a picture of Evelyn from his phone and told her that Evelyn would be the one who would take care of her. Angela’s reaction seemed to be in favor of the idea and Calvin told Elmo that it would be good for both of them since Evelyn was also looking for a daughter while Angela needed a mother.
Evelyn was out with Claire and they went to the clinic for their DNA test. After that, they went shopping and Claire told Evelyn that she hoped she was her daughter.
Calvin and Elmo ran into a police block and they were worried that Ana would cause some unwanted attention. Calvin covered Ana with his jacket and made her lie on his chest. The officer noticed her and asked if she was fine and Calvin said that she was sick and they were rushing to take her to the hospital. The officer there then let them go.
When they got to Manila, Angela got restless after seeing all the cars since they were stuck in traffic. She fumbled with the car door until it was open and she ran off. Calvin tried to go after her but he lost sight of her. Elmo helped him look for Angela but both of them could not find her.
Angela ran off causing chaos in the streets. She went into the mall and scared off Evelyn who dropped her shopping bags. Evelyn tried to help Angela but she growled and ran off. Claire joined Evelyn and they decided to go home since a patient was waiting for Evelyn.
Larry returned to the Philippines from the US and got a calling card from a lady that he met because she wanted to see him again.
Angela went into a moving truck and hid among the boxes and the truck drove off with her in it.
When Calvin and Elmo could no longer find Angela, they went to the police station to report it then went to see Evelyn. They told her the bad news that they had lost Ana and they all decided to continue looking for her. After that, Calvin went home and his mother told him that she was proud of him for helping a stranger but he asked that he be careful. Calvin said that he would not stop looking for her.
Claire’s father went to see Evelyn and told her that if the DNA test turned out to be positive, he would let her be with Claire.
Angela got off when the truck stopped and ran off again. She ended up hiding in a performance hall and was even mistaken as one of the performers. She however ran off and the security guards were not able to catch her.
Evelyn borrowed baking utensils from Helen because she wanted to bake a cake for Claire’s birthday. Helen found Claire going through Ana’s things and told her to stop walking around the house as if she had rights to it. Claire was bold as she told Helen that once the DNA results were out, she would be the one who would not have rights in that house.
Evelyn was decorating Claire’s case when an envelope from the hospital arrived for her. She was quick to open it because they were the results for the DNA tests but was disappointed once she read them. Claire and Helen came in a hurry to know what the results said and we ended as Evelyn told Claire the sad news that they were not a match!

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