DOLCE AMORE Episode 58

We started with Tenten seeing Serena at Binggoy’s grave. She told him that she knew he was only making things hard for him because she left him in the past but Tenten told her that whatever she told him, he was not going to change his mind because the demolition of the Villa Marchesa was a done deal.

Tenten left Serena there and we learnt via flash back that Serena had returned to the Philippines after Gian Carlo’s death to try and salvage her relationship with Tenten but she found him with someone else so she went back to Italy.
Mummy Taps and Dodoy went to Binggoy’s grave and found Serena there. Taps asked her if she was there to see Tenten and she said yes. Taps asked her if Tenten was still making things hard for her and Serena laughed nervously. She said that she was fine and could handle Tenten. Mummy Taps told her that she knew Tenten was not dealing with her fairly so she promised to help her.
Vivian spoke to Tenten and told him not to mix his personal life with business. Tenten said that he was doing no such thing and Vivan told him that although he had said buying the Marchesa Company was a good business deal, she knew that everything concerning a Marchesa was personal for him.
The following morning, Serena went to Tenten’s house and she was the one who woke him up. Tenten thought he was dreaming about her but was surprised when he saw her seated on his bed. Serena went down to let taps and Dodoy talk to him. They told Tenten that they had not raised him to be a snob so they told him to go and apologize to Serena for making her run around. They also wanted him to do it when they were there.
The three of them went downstairs but Tenten still had a hard time apologizing to Serena. He therefore decided to do something else instead. He called his secretary and told her to set an appointment with Miss Marchesa for 5 pm the following day. Serena received a call immediately from the secretary confirming her 5 pm appointment the next day with Mr. Ibarra.
Serena went home and told Uge and Alice the good news that she already had an appointment with Tenten. They asked her how she had managed to do it and Serena said that Taps and Dodoy had helped her out.
Luciana got contacts in Tenten’s company and they told her that Tenten was making things hard for Serena so that she could go back to the Philippines. Serena told him that she would not go back to the Philippines since she did not want to get arrested.
Serena got ready the following day and arrived early for her appointment with Tenten.  Hannah went to Tenten’s office and told him that she had set up an appointment with a couple who wanted to sell their farm. She told him that the appointment was for 5:30 but Tenten told her that he had an appointment for 5:00. Hannah asked him to cancel it since the one they had was more important.
Tenten’ s secretary called Serena and told her that her appointment had been cancelled since Mr. Ibarra had an emergency meeting. Serena gave a sigh as she realized that they were back to their games.
Mummy Taps arrived with the entire gang at the meeting a bd found Serena by herself. Serena told her that Tenten had cancelled their meeting and Taps called Tenten to scold him. Tenten told her that he really had another appointment but if Serena could wait for him until 8, he would be there.
Tenten met with the couple who were willing to sell their property to him. Their grandson who was set to inherit the place also joined them and Hannah told Tenten that he needed to win the guy’s favor because he was the one Tenten really need to convince to sell the property.
Tenten invited the guy out for a drink to try and bond with him but he ended up getting really wasted. Mummy Taps and Serena waited for him but it got pretty late so they decided to go home and wait for Tenten there. Hannah was the one who took Tenten home since he could barely keep his head up and she established her territory in front of Serena by being too clingy. Serena told Mummy Taps that she would leave and return another time to see Tenten.
Luciana told Roberto that there was nothing Serena could do tomake Tenten change his mind about demolishing the villa and the only person who could make him not do it was her. She explained to Roberto about Tenten’s plans to get her arrested which was why he wanted her to return to the Philippines. Roberto assured Luciana that he would always love her and Luciana decided to go back to the Philippines and face Tenten now that she had Roberto’s support.
The following morning, JJ called Serena and told her to go to Tenten’s mansion since it was the best time for her to speak to him.
Roberto and Luciana booked a flight to the Philippines but the moment they checked in at the airport, Luciana was arrested. That was where we ended.

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