We began with Adrian taking Tiffany, Gabby, Tolayts and Mr. Sol home after their day at the park. Mr. Sol, Tolayts and Gabby sat at the back and Adrian opened the door for Tiffany to sit at the front.
Before he closed it, he asked if she could go out for a meal with him. He said that he wanted to know more about Gabby from her and Tiffany told him to ask Tolayts instead. She said that he was only there to act as Gabby’s father and nothing else. Tolayts interrupted them so that they could stop talking and leave.
When they got home, Tiffany told Mr. Sol that she did not intend on telling Gabby anything about his father but Mr. Sol told her not to make Gabby suffer for her anger because he also needed to have a father in his life.
Clark took Leah out to celebrate after she was given back her project at the office. He took her to Rico’s spoken word performance since he had invited them and Rico dedicated the piece to them. Later, Clark took Leah to a roof top which he said he had read about on line. He told Leah that he had learnt that couples frequented the place. He asked Leah to take a leap of faith and jump with him so that they could love each other but instead of answering, Leah told him that she had also read about the place and that single people went there too. Clark seemed upset, almost angry when he asked her whether single people went there to jump off the building. Leah did not notice Clarks’ changed mood and went there to explain that single people went there to make wishes and they did it with their eyes closed such that when they opened them, they let the wishes go free in the hope that they would come true. Clark told her that they should each make a wish too. They closed their eyes and practically made the same wish even if they didn’t tell each other.
When the weekend came, Leah was the one who went to Clark’s house because Clark had asked her help train his sister since she had a music audition. Clark went to pick her up at her place and Mr. Sol thanked him for being so patient with Leah. He also asked him not to give up on Leah.
When they got to Clark’s place, he left her because he had a meeting with his client about the interior design for her café. Kiko and Axle pressured Leah to give Clark a kiss for good luck and she gave him a peck on the cheek.
When Clark saw his client, she was very impressed with his concept and told Clark that she had asked her partners to open more café’s in Manila and this meant more business for Clark. When Clark got home, Clark met him to ask how the meeting went and Leah swept her up and whirled her around. Kiko and Axle stared at them as they said that it looked like a scene from the movie. When Clark finally put Leah down, he told her how the meeting went.
Tolayts tried to dress up formally to impress Tiffany but Tiffany did not even recognize him at first. She wanted to beat him up when he approached her. Tiffany told him that Adrian had nothing on him since he was already part of their family which delighted Tolayts.
Tiffany went out with Gabby and Adrian. She finally told him that Adrian was his father and Gabby got up from his seat and went to hug Adrian. Adrian promised him that he would never leave again. When he took them home, he made the mistake of approaching Tiffany to kiss her. Tiffany moved away and told him not to mistake the situation since he was only there to be Gabby’s father and nothing more.
Back in America, Jigs got the employee of the year award and the first person he called was Maggie. Maggie teased him for telling her first but Jigs said that he only wanted to brag. Aunt Jack was delighted with the news and even more when Jigs gave her the money he got along with the award. He then left to go out with Maggie.
Jigs went to Maggie’s gym then they went out for a drink. He told Maggie that he was working hard because of Leah; which disappointed Maggie and she told him that he should be working hard for himself, and not for someone else. She told him to take the advice he had given her and then left.
While Leah was at Clark’s place, she was amazed to see how caring Clark was with his siblings. On the day of the girl’s audition, they all went and she got the part. Clark was so proud; he jumped on stage to congratulate her instead of taking the stairs.
When they got home, everyone was happy when Clark’s sister won the part for the audition so they had a mini celebration with rice and no meat. Clark took Leah out to show her a lamp stand that he had been making for them. The lamp had photos of them posted all over it and Clark told Leah that he looked at it every time he missed her but it was not enough. He told her that he needed her with him and leaned in to kiss her. As always, Leah pulled away and Clark asked her whether she would keep giving him the same excuses about her parents, Tiffany and Adrian because she was afraid that they too would end up like that. He asked that Leah trust in his love but she told him that it was not that easy. Clark told her that nothing was easy but he could not keep fighting for both of them on his own. He told her that it was her turn now to choose whether they should be together or not. If her answer was no, he would leave and never bother her again. Leah only kept quiet and when Clark asked her to say something; she said that she did not know what to say. Clark turned away from her and walked away with tears in his eyes. He had barely taken a few steps when Leah ran to him and hugged him from behind. She turned him toward her and told him that she would fight for their love; and this time, it was Leah who kissed Clark. Clark kissed her back and that was where we ended…

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