DOLCE AMORE Episode 13

We started with Serena and Tenten in the Jeepney. Serena had decided to ride with Tenten as he went to work since she had never ridden in a Jeepney before.

 The ride was fun for Serena as they got squeezed together to accommodate the extra number of passengers. There were people with buckets of fish and chickens and Tenten was a little worried about her but Serena enjoyed it and even acted as the conductor in the Jeepney. She picked up the money and passed it back and forth between the passengers and the driver.
Tenten and Serena went to his second job which was washing cars. Serena joined in as well and helped Tenten clean the cars while splashing water on him. After that, they went out to eat but Tenten asked Serena to leave and go rest because he had somewhere else to go. Serena thought that Tenten wanted to go see a girl but Tenten corrected her and said that he had another job to go to. Serena was surprised that Tenten had to go to a third job and asked him why he was working so hard since it was late and he must be tired. Tenten explained to her that he had to earn extra money in order to apply for permits to go work in Dubai. Serena asked him why he wanted to go away and leave his family while he could stay and live well in the Philippines. Tenten said that it was because he could earn more money there. Serena felt disappointed with Tenten and he said he would take her somewhere so that she could understand his decision.
Tenten took Serena to his home in Tondoo. The family was already asleep and Tenten showed Serena a little plant that was outside their house. He explained to her that the reason he wanted to go abroad to work was because his father had sold their land in order to get him treated so he wanted to earn enough money to be able to buy back the land his father had sold. Serena was touched by Tenten’s words and apologized to him for jumping into conclusions.
Binggoy heard them and woke up his parents to tell them that Tenten was home with a beautiful girl. They all woke up and invited Serena inside. They all fussed around her and Tenten seemed almost embarrassed by them. He said that he was going to take Serena to her hotel but his father said that it was already late and Serena should sleep at their house. Tenten insisted that Serena would not be comfortable there and said that he would take her to the hotel. Serena saw how Tenten was eager for her to leave and Instead of agreeing to go, she chose to stay the night, saying that it was already late for her to go back to her hotel. The issue was settled and Serena slept in the upper bunk bed as the other four shared the lower bunk bed.
In the morning, Serena woke up early and helped Ten’s mother to go to the market. They bought vegetables and went back to the house to prepare breakfast and food for her to sell on Mummy Taps’ food stand. Tenten insisted on taking Serena back to her hotel because he had to go to work but Serena said that she would stay and help Mummy Taps with the cooking. Tenten took particularly embarrassing shower because it was outside and Binggoy called Serena so that she could see him after which he went to work.
Back in Italy, Gian Carlo prepared for his trip to the Philippines where he planned to surprise Serena. He had his schedule cleared and called Roberto to tell him that he was going to see Serena in the Philippines. He also delayed the care package that he had sent so that he could pick it up with Serena.
Serena had fun with Tenten’s family and helped them sell the food on their food stand. When Tenten arrived later, he was surprised to see that Serena was still there and told her she had to leave just in case her family was looking for her. This time, Serena agreed to leave and Tenten took her back to her hotel . As he walked home, he was deep in thought and he realized that he was having feelings for Serena.
 In the evening, his family gushed about Serena while tenten remained serious and thoughtful. He finally admitted to them that he was in love with Serena but he could not pursue her because she was out of his league. His family insisted that he should not inferior because he had what it takes for Serena to love him back.
Luciana was happy with the idea of Gian Carlo going to surprise. She called Serena and since Serena thought that she wanted to hound her about going back to Italy, she told Luciana that the care package had delayed her but she would take the first flight back once the package arrived. Luciana told Serena to take the time she needed since there was no hurry, adding that she had even talked to the university that Serena was supposed to go to and asked them to defer her enrolment. She then told Serena to pamper herself and look beautiful since she did not want her to look like she came from a poor country when she returned to Italy. Roberto overheard the conversation and admonished Luciana telling her that she sounded like a pimp asking her prostitute to get ready for a client.
Serena called Gian Carlo after she was unable to pick up a package that Gian Carlo had sent. He was on his way to the Philippines but he told her that he was on a business trip and would handle the issue with the package later.
 Tenten was still stressed about his feelings for Serena and one of his friends offered him a solution. They called a radio station that advices people on love matters and Tenten chose to use an alias name “Justin.” He told his story to the presenter and everyone seemed to listen in to the show. Even Serena who was in a taxi listened to the program as the presenter advised “Justin” to pursue the lady he was crushing on. Tenten told the presenter that he was in love with his friend who but she was out of his league. The presenter asked if she was snobbish and Tenten said that she was down to earth and even spent a night in their house. The presenter told Tenten that he was in a perfect situation since he was in love with his best friend and he had to take the chance to tell her that he loved her before it was too late. That was where we ended…

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