We started with Aunt Jack telling Jigs that she only wanted him to get a job so that he could make something of himself.
She asked him to respect her if not as his mother, then as a person and Jigs apologized to her saying that he was not used to having her around Jack said that she understood him and they had to get used to being together. Jigs also informed Jack that he was set for a Visa interview the following day and Jack was overjoyed; hoping that she could finally get to go to the US with Jigs.
Clark was on his way home with dinner for him and Leah when Jack called him and told him to take some papers to her boss. Clark inquired if she was going to stay longer in the Philippines and Jack told him that she was waiting to see if Jigs would get his US visa so that she could go back to the Philippines with him.
Leah was able to talk to her father after he woke up from his surgery and when Clark got home, she gave him a hug for all the support that he had offered her. Clark somehow seemed uncomfortable with it and shrugged out of Leah’s embrace. She told him it was nothing since she would have done the same for him.
In the morning, Clark picked up the mail and there was still no letter from the immigration office. Leah wanted to call the office and ask about the status of her green card and Clark said that it would probably be a good idea so that they could know the way forward; if her green card was approved or not.
When the two were having breakfast, Clark received a call from a woman who had bought some of his furniture and she told him she wanted to meet him for a business proposal. Clark agreed to an appointment and called it a “date”. Leah was there listening in but she did not really get the entire story.
After work, Sarah went to the restaurant that Clark was supposed to hold his meeting. Clark saw her but went around his business showing the woman his portfolio. From the angle Leah watched them; it looked as if Clark got up to kiss the woman so she left and went home fuming.
Leah went home and called Tiffany. She told her that she had seen Clark kissing someone else and it was not good for them since they were still pretending to be married. Tiffany teased her by saying that maybe she was just jealous but Leah denied it.
When Clark got home, they had an argument when Leah accused Clark of kissing another woman while Clark told her that he had done no such thing. He explained that he had only gone for a business meeting and would never jeopardize whatever it was that they had. When they went to bed, Leah apologized to him.
The following day, Leah arrived home from work to find the Green card approval letter on their door. She walked in with the letter on her hand and showed it to Clark. Clark was overjoyed that her Green card was finally approved and rushed over to hug her. In the heat of the moment, he kissed her. It was a hesitant kiss but when Leah did not pull away, Clark went in for more. The two of them finally kissed (for a long while) and only stopped when they were startled by applause from their neighbors (Leah had left the door open.) Their neighbors congratulated them and when they left, Clark tried to talk to Leah about the kiss but Leah cut her short. She applauded Clark’s good acting and said that she had been acting too.
When Jigs was about to go for his Visa interview, Jack decided to coach him and also went with him. Jigs came back with the great news that his Visa had been approved and the two went shopping to but stuff for Leah before they left. Jigs also told Jack not to tell Jack about his Visa approval because he wanted to surprise her.
Leah wanted to avoid Clark after their kiss so she was glad when Clark told him that he had a part time job with Cullen where they cleaned a holiday house for a family before they arrived. Cullen however told Clark that he had something urgent to do and could not go with him. He tricked Leah into going with Clark, so the two of them went together.
As they cleaned the house, Clark spent his time offering Leah some little needed height boosts. Every time that she tried to reach for something, he would help her up so that she could clean without having to strain.
Leah talked to Tiffany and learnt that Mr. Sol was getting better. She hugged Clark because she was so happy but let go of him immediately. Clark asked her why she had let go of him so fast but gave an entirely different answer when Leah asked him to repeat what he had said.
In the evening, the two lit a fire and roasted marsh mallows. They started talking hypothetically about how they would take their families out camping as well. Clark told Leah that he would bring out his guitar and sing to her while looking into her eyes; like he was doing now and she would look into his eyes as well; like she was doing… Clark leaned in to her but Leah immediately caught herself and said that she was going to the bathroom.
Leah locked herself in the bathroom and tried to convince herself that she was not in love with Clark. When she opened the bathroom door, Clark asked her if she went in there to hide her feelings. Leah said she was not but almost gave herself away. She told Clark that they should go out before something happened and Clark agreed with her. That was where we ended…
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