BE MY LADY Episode 29 & 30

Episode 29

We started with Phil telling Pinang that he was there to collect his phone charger.
He asked Pinang why she was cooking late into the night and Pinang said she had to deliver 150 custard batches in the morning because she would be away for three days. Phil offered to help but Pinang said that he would be in the way. Phil said he would just stay with her because it was late and very dark. He scared her with a scary face and Pinang screamed as she dropped some pans.
The noise woke everyone up and they went to see what was happening. Mackie asked Phil what he was doing there and  Phil said that he forgot his charger there. Mackie asked whether he could not wait to get it in the morning and Phil said that he had to work and make some calls for his business. Mackie then told him to go now that he had reclaimed his charger.
After Phil left, Mackie accused Phil of lying about the charger just so that he could have an excuse to see Pinang. Pinang got upset and told Mackie that Phil did really forget his charger because there was no way he could have known she was up making custards. She got mad because she was tired of the insinuation that Phil was courting her when he really wasn’t doing it. Pinang added that she did not appreciate Phil being accused of something that he was not doing.  Marcy and Emil asked them to stop arguing and they went back to sleep.
Grandpa Apo stayed back and asked Pinang to understand Mackie because she was the only girl in the family and they were all protective of her. He got a pillow and slept on the seat outside so that he could give Pinang some company.
In the morning, Mackie woke up to leave early. Pinang hesitantly asked to make coffee for him but he said he was fine and left. Pinang was supposed to deliver her custards to De Luna’s by ten but Elsa said she wanted to leave at 9. Emil said he would deliver the custards instead. As Grandpa Apo woke up from his seat, he dropped some batches so Pinang had to hurry up and make the spoilt ones before they had to leave.
Elsa arrived with Nars and Miggy at 9 to pick up Marcy and Pinang. Emil said he would deliver the custards and wished them the best as they left.
Phil woke up late and drove fast to Pinang’s because he wanted to wish her good luck before she left.  He ran into them on the way and they stopped the car to talk to him. Marcy asked why he was in a hurry and he said that he wanted to catch them before they left and wish Pinang good luck. After an awkward silence, he added that he wanted to wish Nars and Miggy good luck as well. They all thanked him then proceeded on their way.
Emil was preparing to take the custard desserts to De Lunas when the inspector for the farm arrived.  He could no longer go so he wanted to ask Mackie to go and deliver them but Grandpa Apo said there was no need since Phil had already arrived and they could deliver it together.
Phil had no problem helping them deliver the custards. He was ready to go when Grandpa Apo realized that they had not packed all the boxes. He went to pick up the last one but it gave way and all the deserts in it fell. He was worried about it but Phil said that they would deliver the ones they had first then decided what to do about the spoilt ones later.
When they delivered the custards to De Lunas, their batch was less 40. They told the managed what happened but agreed to deliver them in the end of the day. Phil googled the recipe online and they got all the ingredients at the market. They collected the eggs, then went to Dahlia’s house to make them.
Dahlia was not confident with their idea of copying the online recipe and she was proven right when their custards did not turn out well. Grandpa Apo did not want to tell Pinang about it because she would worry but Phil said that they had to do it in order to get the exact recipe from her.
Marcy, Elsa and the rest had already arrived at Manila and were settling in their rooms. Pinang, Nars, Miggy shared a room while Marcy and Elsa shared one. Pinang and her friends were wondering what to do when Phil called. He said that he had an accident as he delivered her Custards and Pinang said she would travel back. Phil said that there was no need to do that. He said that he had bought the ingredients and all she had to do was walk him through the process.

Episode 30

They both connected their computers to Skype and Pinang walked Phil throughout the cooking process as Nars and Miggy teased her. They eventually got bored and went to sleep and Phil asked Pinang what was the secret in making the custards. Pinang told him that she thought about the people she loved Phil thought of her as he cooked.
With Pinang’s guidance, the custards finally came out okay and Phil was able to deliver them along with Grandpa Apo. He was so happy with Phil for helping him and he gave Phil a best friend badge.
Mackie talked to Lotlot about the argument he had with Pinang and she told him that Pinang was too old for him to keep meddling in her life adding that she had a reason to be upset with him.
The farm inspector went through the farm and later, Emil shared the good news that they had passed the inspection so he would be able to attend the seminar and learn new technologies in rice growing.
Julian and Margaret received their pay at the cafeteria and Margaret got upset because she got less money. The manager told her that she did not punch out her card and that was treated as no attendance. Julian tried to talk to her and advised her to arrive on time and leave once her shift was over but Margaret told him to stay away from her because she was not in a good mood.
In the evening, Emil prepared some food for the guys and invited Phil to eat with him when he brought  Grandpa Apo home. Phil said that he had to go and declined the offer. Later Emil called Pinang and she told him that she was worried some topics she studied for might be included in the exam. Emil said that she had prepared for the exams for too long and she would definitely pass it.
Before Mackie slept, he decided to apologize to Pinang via text but he did not have credits on his phone.
In the morning, Emil reminded Mackie and Julian to call Pinang to wish her good luck. Julian called her and gave the phone to Grandpa Apo to wish Pinang the best. She asked if Mackie was around but she was told that he already left for work.
Phil also called Pinang to wish her the best and said that he was doing it as often as possible so that it would have some effect.
When Mackie finally bought credits to call Pinang, he phone was off because she was in the exam room. He decided to call Lotlot and asked her to go to the mall with him so that he could buy Pinang some sandals.
Phil talked to Terrence and Rose and they suggested that he too get something for Pinang after her exam was over. Phil remembered Pinang’s ruined sandals so he decided to get her a new pair. He went to the mall and bought one with the help of the sales lady there.
Pinang, Nars and Miggy successfully did their exams and were glad to be  over with them. As they got back to San Isidro, Elsa said that she would take all of them out to dinner to celebrate that the children had done their bar exam. Marcy told Emil to meet her in town so that they could all go to dinner. Emil then called Julian and Mackie to tell them that they would have dinner in town.
As Phil was taking care of his ducks, Dahlia called to tell him to go home since they were planning on going out to celebrate her daughter’s birthday. He went back and was waiting for the children to get ready when he started fumbling on his phone. He wanted to ask Pinang if they were already on the way back but he deleted the text. He then wrote that he missed her but deleted it. On the third try, he wrote that he could not wait to see her but when he went to delete it, he hit the send button instead.
Pinang was surprised when she received the text but she told Nars and Miggy that she would not assume anything since it was possible that  he was sending the text to someone else.
Phil was restless after sending the text and Dahlia asked him if he had sent a text to the wrong person. Phil said that he sent it to the right person but it was embarrassing. He however decided that whatever happened, he had told the truth… That was where we ended…

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