BE MY LADY Episode 61 & 62

Episode 61

We started with Pinang being scolded by the head nurse for getting her uniform dirty. Nars and Miggy joined her so they could go for dinner and they too got scolded; Nars for eating cholesterol and Miggy for being too thin.
The head nurse told all of them that they needed to take care of their bodies first before taking care of others. Nars gave Pinang his jacket so that she would cover up her stained uniform and then they went to eat.
Pinang was a little sad because Phil did not call so Miggy lent her a tablet so that she could video call him later.
Phil gave Chelsea the caramel custards that Pinang had packed for him along with the pearls that he had bought as her birthday gift. After they were done with the meal, he asked for the bill and asked the waiter to pack up the food that they did not finish. Chelsea was surprised with that and Phil told her that it was not good to throw food away when they could just reheat it and eat it.
Later that evening, Phil had a video call with Pinang. She asked how his day went and if he gave his mother the caramel custards. Phil said he gave them to her but she did not eat them; explaining that there was a lot of food but she would definitely eat it later. Pinang told him that she might be transferred to the Emergency ward and she was afraid of it because it was toxic there. They talked over each other and Phil asked her to go first. After Pinang said what she wanted to say, Phil said that he missed her. Pinang did not know what to say and wanted to hang up but Phil asked her not to be like that. He asked if she missed him too but Pinang told him not to tell her things like that because they made it harder for her to go to sleep, then hang up. Phil was left wondering what she meant by that.
The following morning, Phil woke up to clean. His mother arrived later with a cleaning lady and some food but Phil told her that he had cleaned up everything. He paid for the cleaner’s trouble then invited Chelsea for breakfast.
Phil fussed over Chelsea, pouring her water and offering her food and Chelsea was glad to see that he had changed so much. He asked what happened in San Isidro and Phil told him that the people there treated him so well, as if he was part of their family. He called Dahlia and Arthur his mother and father and Chelsea seemed a little taken back by it. She asked about Marcy and if they had gotten their land back. Phil said that they did with a lot of help from others, including him and they were paying back the money. Chelsea told him that it was time to forget about the Philippines and focus on his life in Singapore since it was his home. Phil said that he could not forget about something that had such a strong impact in his life but he managed to ease Chelsea by saying that he would pursue the business course she wanted him to take.
At the hospital, Pinang got the highest ratings from her patients so she was transferred to the emergency room. Nars and Miggy could not help but laugh at her because it was hectic over there. They were also sad because they would not get to spend as much time together. During their dinner break, Pinang called Phil and they ate together. Pinang asked Phil why he had not eaten yet and he said that he wanted to wait and eat with her because food tasted better when one ate with the person he loved. Nars and Miggy could not help but get giddy as they watched Pinang. Pinang also told Phil that she was transferred to the Emergency ward.
The following day, Pinang started her work at the emergency ward. She was not oriented properly because the place was busy and they were understaffed. She got to work immediately and had to work to a strict doctor who hurried her about even though she was not used to it.
Since the doctor had the face mask,  Pinang had not yet recognized him. When he did remove the mask, she realized that he was the same man who had splashed water on her with his motor cycle. Doctor Joselito was a senior doctor at the hospital.
Terrence and Rose went to see Phil and he told them that Pinang was working in the emergency ward. Rose raised concerns that a doctor might fall for her but Phil said that he and Pinang were MU. Rose could not stop screaming when Phil said that as Terrence asked what MU meant.
Julian had his football try outs and Margaret was on the fore front cheering him on. Yohan asked to go out with her but Margaret said that she was going to help Julian review for their Physics exam after the tryouts.
Phil called Pinang during her dinner break but she did not answer. Miggy and Nars also went to get her for dinner but they decided to go ahead first and order food for her.
When Pinang was done, she texted Phil and apologized for not picking up because she was busy. He called her and they talked for a while. A patient walked in and Pinang attended to her even if her shift was already over.
As Nars and Miggy were waiting for Pinang, a handsome doctor walked into the cafeteria to eat and they gushed about him before Pinang arrived. Pinang looked tired and immediately started to complain about a handsome but grumpy doctor who heckled her for being slow even if it was only her first day at the emergency ward. Nars and Miggy asked for his name and looked him up online. They were surprised to see that it was the same doctor sitting behind them and they tried to get Pinang to shut up but she continued on. Nars and Miggy subtly signaled at her as they tried to hide and Pinang could not believe it when she saw that the doctor was seated directly behind her! The doctor got up and left after finishing his dinner.
Pinang was really tired when she arrived home and fell asleep when Phil called to ask about her day. Phil was telling her about his duck app but realized she was snoring on the other end. He wished her good night and then went to sleep.

Episode 62

Pinang woke up with a start after realizing that she fell asleep while talking to Phil on the phone. She was worried that he might think she got bored hearing about his duck app so she texted and apologized. She added that she was really tired from work which was why she had fallen asleep.
Julian went to Pinang’s room and told her not to worry because her mother had already mixed up the ingredients for the caramel custards so she did not have to worry. As Pinang made the custards, Emil helped Marcy clean around the compound and Marcy told Pinang that she should get a strong man like her father who helped around.
Pinang was worried that Phil was mad after he failed to text her back. On the way to delivering the caramel custards, Roger, Badong and Arsing stopped her. They gave her a basket of fruits along with energy drinks and said that Phil had asked them to give them to her.
Nars and Miggy munched at the fruits since Pinang brought them to work. She told them that she wanted to give Phil a special thank you for having thought of her. Miggy suggested that Pinang go to Singapore to visit Phil but she said it was too expensive. Nars suggested that Pinang make a video and she was down with that.
Nars got out his phone to film Pinang and she told Phil that he was thankful for the fruits and energy drinks. She also wished him good luck on his presentation later. 
Phil received the video just as he was going to present his Duck app idea and gained a much-needed confidence boost. Phil tried to explain to the client that he hoped the duck app would help gamers become more nurturing because they would have to protect their character while playing the game. Unfortunately, the client was not impressed with the app and told Phil to pitch it to another investor who was willing to inject money to develop it.
Julian asked Marcy for two packed lunches so that he could give one to Margaret. He explained that he wanted to thank her for helping him with his Physics review hence why he was able to pass it.
Julian and Margaret both ditched their friends and had lunch together. Yohan interrupted them and invited Margaret out for lunch but she told him that Julian had brought lunch for her and she would eat with him instead. The gesture brought a smile to Julian and Yohan left deciding that they would eat another time.
Margaret asked Julian if she could train with him because she was failing in her PE class and he agreed. Unfortunately, Yohan took over at the field and asked Julian to go train with the guys as he taught Margaret and her friends.
At the hospital, Pinang had another fall out with doctor Joselito when an Alzheimer’s patient arrived to get checked and Pinang attended to her. The woman asked to see the doctor instead and when he went to see her, he said that he was fine. He said that she could go home but Pinang insisted that they needed to run further tests on her to check if she was fine but the doctor insisted that the woman could go home. 
Someone went to have his car checked at Mackie’s galvanizing shop and left a lot of money in there. He came back hurriedly and was alarmed when he did not find the money where he left it. Mackie got the money from where he had kept it and gave it back, assuring the man that he did not take any of it. The man was impressed by Mackie and wanted to give him a little money but Mackie said it was not necessary because he did what he was supposed to. The man was more impressed so he gave Mackie his card instead and offered to give him a better job at his company.
The woman’s daughter went to get her at the hospital and told Pinang that her mother was always forgetful which was why she went to the hospital often. Pinang was embarrassed and apologized to Doctor Joselito later explaining that she was only worried about the woman. The doctor told her to listen to him otherwise she would lose her station because she was on probation.
Later that evening, Pinang cried as she talked to Phil after she told him what happened. Phil calmed her down and asked her not to worry because she was only being a good nurse. He also told her that he was not able to convince the investor about the app and it did not mean that he did not do his best; its just that not everyone was going to like you. Pinang felt better after talking to Phil and sort to show the doctor that she belonged there
After the call, Phil thought that it was time he returned to Manila because Pinang needed him and he needed her as well.
 Pinang told her family about the grumpy doctor and Marcy advised her to get to know him and talk to him because he might be going through something.
Julian was able to make it through to the football try outs and only had one more trial before he became a varsity player.
Mackie started having doubts about working abroad when he saw how hard it was for his family as well as Lotlot because no one wanted them to leave.
Chelsea went to see Phil and was surprised that he was up at 9 am. Phil said that he actually woke up at 6 because he was used to waking up early at San Isidro to feed the ducks and take the eggs to the market. He offered to make breakfast and Chelsea was surprised that he could cook too. When Phil went to the kitchen, Chelsea walked over to his laptop and saw a picture of Pinang.
During breakfast, Phil told Chelsea that he intended to return to the Philippines in a few days’ time but Chelsea complained and said that he should stay in Singapore because it was his home. Phil did not want to argue with her so he asked that they eat instead.
We ended as Pinang, Nars and Miggy arrived at the hospital and had a little run in with Doctor Joselito. Nars and Miggy fussed around him because he was really handsome but Pinang had a hostile calmness as she greeted him and he walked away after he got a glass of water.
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