DOLCE AMORE Episode 14

We started with Luciana and Roberto talking and Luciana admitted that she had not done the right thing by asking Serena to look beautiful for Gian Carlo.

 Roberto asked her whether she would still be okay if Serena did not fall for Gian Carlo. Luciana said that she wanted what was best for her daughter and that was Gian Carlo. Therefore, she would not allow Serena to be with someone else.
After the call to the radio station, Tenten gained the confidence to tell Serena that he had fallen in love with her. Serena called Tenten  later that evening to check up on him. She told him that she had not been able to pick the package that Gian Carlo had sent due to some issues. Tenten  told her that it was his day off the next day and invited her to go out with him, just the two of them. Serena agreed and they planned to meet the next day.
Nanny Melds, Cardo and Franco were at a convention in the city so they went to visit Serena at her hotel. They asked about Tenten and Serena told them that he was fine and she was going out with him the next evening. Nanny Melds teased Serena and told her that if a guy asked you out without a chaperone, it meant that it was a date and Tenten would  confess his feelings for her. Serena laughed this off and invited all three of them to go spend the night in her room.  All four of them slept in the same bed and Serena was very happy because she slept the way Ten’s family had slept when she had spent the night at their house.
Gian Carlo had a hard time travelling to the Philippines since the planes got delayed because of poor weather so he was not able to arrive within the time that he wanted.
The next day, Tenten’s family asked him how his date with Serena was going to be and we were treated to a fantastic idealized date that Tenten had dreamt up. He looked dapper in a suit, and borrowed a sleek car from his friend to go pick up Serena. She looked at him in admiration and he confidently ushered her to the car. He took her out to a fancy restaurant where he regaled Serena with poetry as they shared an expensive meal. He then took her to watch fireworks after which he admitted that he loved her by redefined his version of love and agreeing that theirs was a fairy tale. Serena said that she loved him too and they hugged each other. It was truly a beautiful fantasy and Taps said that it sounded a little extravagant but Tenten was confident that things would work out.
Serena had breakfast with Nanny Melds, Cardo and Franco. Later, they escorted Cardo as he returned to the province since he had to go take care of their farm. Nanny Melds and Franco stayed behind to spend some time with Serena.
Tenten got ready and wore a nice suit (it was not as good as the one in his fantasy but it was okay.) Meanwhile, Serena got ready and was fussy about her outfit as well because she did not want to seem too formal or too casual.
Tenten went to get the car he was going to borrow and that was where his reality really started to differ from the fantasy. The car was an old cabin car but he was glad to have it. When he drove it to Serena’s hotel, she was waiting for him outside the looking beautiful. He apologized to her since it was the only car available and he was so nervous, his lisp returned. When Tenten went to open the car for Serena, the door got stuck so he had to kick it a bit in order to open it. Once they were in, a nervous Tenten drove them to a restaurant but once they arrived, there was a bomb threat so they had to leave the building. The two of them ended up eating street food as Tenten profusely apologized to Serena.
Aa they eating, ate, Serena asked Tenten what he wanted to tell her but he refused to do it then because he wanted to tell Serena about his feelings during the fireworks. (He was not setting them up himself, he just knew a place where they lit fireworks during the weekends.) On the way there, they got stuck in  traffic and saw the fireworks from the car. Since Serena did not know that Tenten intended on taking her there, she commented on how beautiful they were and wished that they had seen them up close. Tenten’s moment to confess his feelings for Serena was gone and he decided to do it right there in the car. Serena however interrupted him before he said anything and Tenten ended up telling her that he was going to take her back to the hotel because traffic was heavy and he needed to take the car back.
Tenten was feeling disappointed and when he dropped Serena off at her hotel, she asked him to go up for a cup of coffee. Tenten refused saying that he had to return the car and he also had to work. Serena hugged him, said good night and went inside the hotel.
A depressed Tenten was driving back home when a young boy approached his car in the middle of traffic to sell him some roses.  Tenten told him that he was already late but the boy advised him not to give up on love. Tenten bought all the roses that the boy had and returned to Serena’s hotel. On his way up, he practiced all the words that he was going to tell Serena and wore a big smile when he got to her door. He knocked on it with flowers held high up but when the door was open, it was not Serena who answered it. It was Gian Carlo! That was where we ended…

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