We started with Tiffany and Mr. Sol at the hospital finalizing the details for his operation.
Tiffany called Leah later to tell her how things had gone and said that the hospital had agreed to let their father undergo the treatment with a down payment since they did not have enough money. Leah told Tiffany that she would handle the rest of the balance which translated to 1400 dollars.
Leah created a jar to put the money in and Clark found her decorating it. She explained that she had t raise 1400 in a week and Clark asked her if it was possible. Leah said that she would take up extra shifts to come up with the money and Clark agreed to help. He asked Leah to add the money she was supposed to pay him for their marriage in the jar since he had already paid off Baracuda but Leah refused the offer saying that they already had an agreement.
Leah took double shifts at work and took up other jobs to raise the money before the week was up. She always returned home dead tired and fell asleep as soon as she lay on the couch. Clark helped take a drunken woman home from the bar he worked at and she tipped him generously. Clark got home and found Leah asleep on the floor as she held her jar. Clark added the money to the jar and woke Leah up so that she could go to bed.
Leah continued overworking herself to raise the money while Clark made some furniture and sold them so that he could add money to Leah’s jar. Leah eventually fell sick after overworking herself to the bone and refused to take it slow when Clark asked her to. Clark cornered Leah in the morning before she went to work and told her that he would only let her go to work if she agreed to take some medicine and rest for 5 minutes. Leah took a pill which made her sleep for hours. By the time she was awake, she found endless missed calls from her manager and she rushed to go to work.
When Leah arrived at work, Clark was busy in her Pizza mascot costume and was entertaining the children better that Leah did. Clark asked Leah to return home and rest because he was taking care of her shift. Leah however got a matching costume and the two of them ended up entertaining the kids together as Mr. and Mrs. Pizza. The manager was happy with both of them and decided to pay both of them. Leah asked Clark why he was doing all those things for her and Clark told her that it was because he cared. He clarified that he had assured Aunt Jack and Jigs that he would take care of her and that was what he was doing.
Meanwhile, Mr. Sol started giving all of his stuff away because he was  not sure whether he was going to make it through the operation. He also told Tolayts that if he was able to make Tiffany fall for him, he approved of him as her partner.
Jack and Grandma Pacita tried to get Jigs to accept a job as a manager so that he could stop lazing around the house but Jigs refused to go for the interview, saying that he was leaving for America with soon. He explained that he  was planning on leaving with Jack when she returned so that he could go see Leah. Jack went ahead and got him an interview anyway saying that the job could keep him busy for a while but Jigs shouted at her to leave him alone since she had not been with him for 20 years. Jack finally had enough and slapped Jigs. She told him to stop disrespecting her since she was still his mother and even though she was not physically there, she had never neglected him. She had only left to give Jigs  a better life and he should stop throwing her sacrifices back at her face.
When Leah counted the money in her jar, she realized that there was an extra 200 dollars and Clark told her that she had probably miscounted the money she had added in the jar.
Mr. Sol’s surgery was finally underway and Tiffany was at the hospital together with Tolayts and Gabby. Leah was sick with worry since she could not be with him so she asked Tiffany to call her once the surgery was over. Clark was there to see her through the long wait. She refused to eat but fell asleep on the chair holding her phone. She woke up with a start when Clark laid a blanket over her and wondered why Tiffany had not called her yet. Tiffany called then in told Leah that their father had made it through the surgery although he had flat lined and the doctors had a difficult time reviving him.

Leah was in tears as she listened to Tiffany and Clark got worried that something bad had happened. Tiffany told Leah she would call her when their father woke up and Leah instantly ran into Clarks arms and told him that her father’s operation was a success. That was where we ended…
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