We started with Leah telling her workmate about the plans she had after getting her green card. She told her that she would start applying for a better paying job.

When she got home, she found Clark talking to his siblings and Clark’s sister was telling him that she did not want to go to her prom because she did not have a dress. Clark told her that she should go out and get herself a dress for the party.
After the call, Clark said that he did not want his sister to miss out on her prom because he did not go to his. Leah told Clark that she was not able to go to her prom as well because Tiffany got sick and she had to take care of her plus they did not have enough money to buy her a dress. Leah told Clark about how she wished she had gone to her prom and went on to describe it. She said that she wished she had a perfect dress with a crown so that she could look like a princess. She talked about how her date would pick her up in a nice car and give her the perfect night during the prom and they would live happily ever after.
Back in the Philippines, Aunt Jack managed to get Jigs to go out shopping with her by telling him that he could take advantage of the trip so that he could but something for Leah.
After Clark listened to Leah’s prom story, he decided to create a prom evening for her. He asked Cullen and Leah’s work mate to help him. The girl helped Clark Pick out Leah’s dress and shoes while Cullen helped Clark decorate the ballroom. Clark also made a gift for Leah.
Leah talked to Jigs and he complained to her that she no longer answered his calls. Leah said that she was busy with work and trying to get her green card. She told Jigs that his mother and Clark had been of great help to her but Jigs told her that she did not owe Clark anything because she had paid him to marry her.
During the night of the prom, Clark called Leah after she got home. He asked her to go to the bathroom and she found a dress and shoes accompanied by a note that said “wear me” with a box of makeup that said “use me”. Leah wore the dress and used a tutorial to wear the makeup. When she was done, Clark called again and told her to take a seat and wait. After Leah sat down, there was a knock on the door and Clark told her to answer it. When Leah opened the door, Clark was standing in front of her in a tux and told her that he was taking her to prom. Leah asked him to wait for a while and locked the door behind him. She screamed with joy, then composed herself and opened the door again. They left the house and went to a Limo which drove them to the hotel. As they were on their way, Clark told Leah to think of the prom as their second celebration for her getting her green card
When they arrived, Clark had an orchestra ready, a beautiful dancing room and a candle lit dinner. He gave Leah a box that he had said which was encrypted with a message; “I belong to you” and told Leah that she could keep all her valuable things in the box. Clark also played the Piano for Leah and danced with her. As they danced, Leah told Clark a story about her prom. She said that there was a boy she liked in her school and she hoped that he would ask her to prom but they were asked to pick randomly so the guy ended up picking another girl and later, she became his boyfriend. She ultimately was not able to attend the prom and she told Clark that after the night they had shared together, there was a reason she was not able to attend her prom. She added that if she was to go back I time, she would chose not to attend her prom again so that she could spend it with Clark.
After the perfect night ended, the two were on their way home and Leah was so sleepy, her head kept swaying. Clark let her rest on his shoulder and asked Cullen to drive slower adding that moments like the one they were having should not be rushed.
The following day, Aunt Jack called Clark and told him that she was going back soon. She was too excited so she ended up telling Clark that she would be returning with Jigs. She said that Jigs planned on winning Leah back but asked Clark not to tell Leah because Jigs wanted to surprise her. Clark did not seem too happy with the news.
Leah arrived home from work and found that her Green card had already been sent. She called Tiffany to tell her the good news and Tiffany asked her what her next step was going to be now that she had it. Was she going to divorce Clark?? That was where we ended…

Your thoughts about Cleah’s prom?