ON THE WINGS OF LOVE Episode 50 & 51

Episode 51

We started with Simon tearing up Leah’s presentation and telling her along with her team that he needed them to do something more to impress their clients who would hire them for all their campaigns if they did a good job.
He said that he would give them two days to come up with another idea but someone told him it was not possible. Simon said that he would give the account to someone else but Leah assured him that they would have something ready for him within two days.
However, that very day, Simon asked Leah to send him the revisions of the project that evening. Leah called Clark and asked him not to pick her up because she would be working late again. Clark insisted that he did not want Leah to go home alone but Leah told him that she could not concentrate on her work if she knew Clark was waiting for her. Clark agreed not to go pick up Leah but asked her to call him once she was on her way home.
After Leah was done, she found Clark asleep down stairs. He had been waiting for her and Leah woke him up to ask why he had gone to pick her up after they had agreed that he would not pick her up. Clark said that he only said he would not pick her up because she said he distracted her but he could not let her go home alone when it was so late.
They went home and Leah asked Clark to stay the night since it was too late for him to go back.  Before they went to bed, Clark asked Leah what her dream wedding would be like if they had money to do it. Leah told him all about her fairytale wedding but she added that it did not matter because she would be marrying her prince charming and that was what mattered.
In the morning, Leah’s colleague woke her up early because they had a breakfast meeting with the Juice clients. When Clark woke up, Leah was already gone but she left a note on the table along with breakfast for him.
They were supposed to go for their cake tasting at noon but when Clark called Leah to ask if she could make it, Leah said that their meeting was running late and she could not be able to make it. Clark went to the tasting with his grandmother instead and sent Leah a picture.
It was Christmas time so everyone at Leah’s office picked out names randomly so that they could but each other’s gifts. Leah got Simon and she had a hard time looking for a gift for him since one of the themes was “Something Sexy”. She went with her coworker to but gifts and got Simon one of the vests that Tolayts wore, (Tolayts had given one to Clark and she thought he looked sexy in it apparently).
Leah got home late again and was not able to video chat with Clark who had fallen asleep in front of his computer. Leah was woken up by Clark’s call in the morning and when she picked it up, he told her that he was right behind her. Leah jumped off the bed and hugged Clark. Clark had brought Leah the sample cakes so that she could be the one to decide the one she liked best.
Later, the two of them went to book the date at the church for the wedding but the attendant there told them that they had to go through a seminar before the date was officially reserved. The seminar was at Thursdays at 7 pm so Clark asked Leah if she could leave work early to attend the seminar. Leah said that her presentation with Simon was at noon so she could make it to the meeting.
On the day of the seminar though, Leah’s presentation got pushed back to 5:30 and Simon was not on time. She managed to go through the presentation well and Simon liked it although he said that it needed more polishing up. Leah flew out of the office the moment she was done but then had trouble getting a ride. By the time she got to Clark, he was furious since she was already too late and he had to reschedule the seminar. He even asked Leah if she still wanted to get married because she needed  to set her priorities right. Leah tried to make it up to Clark by taking him out for ice cream but Clark refused to eat it since it was a cold night. He was upset with Leah until she tripped and cried out in pain. Clark rushed to see if she was fine and asked if anything was broken. Leah said that her heart was broken because Clark was mad at her, and then made a pouty face. With that, Clark loosened up and told her that he was only upset because he really wanted to marry her.
They both went shopping for Christmas presents and Leah was at a loss as to what to get Simon because he was rich and had everything. Clark told her that even rich people needed something; such as love.
At the office party, everyone had to reveal their “secret santa” , the person they had picked to buy gifts for. Leah gave Simon his present and everyone was surprised that Simon was her sectret Santa as well. Leah’s office mate was eager to see what Simon had gotten Leah because the box was big and heavy.  When Leah opened her present, it was a laptop! She hurriedly went to return it to Simon since it was too expensive. Simon told her that he had bought it after ruining hers and he would not return it for another gift because he hated shopping. With that, Leah had to accept it. Simon also asked Leah about the “something sexy” present and wondered what she was thinking buying it. Leah said she thought it would look sexy on him. Simon pulled out the gift and unfortunately, Leah’s vest had been switched with another gift. It was underwear. Leah was thoroughly embarrassed and tried to explain to Simon that it was a mix up but he told her it was fine. Leah left the office feeling flustered and we ended as Simon smiled to himself.

Episode 51 

We started with Aunt Jack telling Clark that she could not help Clark with the shop as much because she was taking care of Jigs seemed a little depressed lately. Aunt Jack then asked Clark if he was going to pick up Leah and Clark said that he was waiting for Leah’s message to tell him that she was almost done.
Clark went to get Leah at the office and she arrive with the laptop that Simon had given her. Clark was alarmed because he thought the gift was a little too much. He told Leah that he was sure that there was a perfect explanation why her boss had given her a laptop. Leah told him about the coffee incident between her and Simon when they met and explained that Simon had bought a laptop to make up for damaging the one she had. Clark understood then commented that maybe was a dirty old man who liked her. Leah laughed and said that it was not the case since her boss was neither old nor dirty.
As they left Leah’s office, Leah saw Simon waiting for his car and she pointed him out to Clark telling him that he has her boss. Clark was taken aback when he saw Simon and he told Leah that Simon was rich, handsome and he had given her a laptop. Leah asked him if he was jealous and Clark admitted to feeling jealous of Simon.  He asked Leah if there was any reason for him to feel jealous and Leah assured him that there was none. She added that he was just an overachiever who had been promoted when he was too young because he was a genius too.
As they went home, Leah told Clark that she felt stressed because of her excess work load at work and their wedding plans. She apologized to Clark since she was always busy and he had to do the wedding planning by himself. Clark told her that he was okay because they were one so whatever she was doing, she was doing for both of them so that their family could prosper.
Leah relayed to Mr. Sol her guilt of letting Clark do the wedding planning by himself because she was too busy and Mr. Sol told her that since she was doing it for both of them, there was no need for her to feel that way. He also added that he missed Leah’s mother, Rona.
Rona finally flew back to the Philippines with her son and called Aunt Jack to tell her that she was there already. They met for coffee and she told Miss Jack about her plans to reconnect with her family and how she planned to go see them at the tenement. Aunt Jack told her not to show up there because Mr. Sol’s heart was still weak and he could have a relapse if he saw her. Rona said that she would seek out her children first.
Aunt Jack went to see Clark and told him that Rona was already back in the Philippines. Rona went to visit Clark at the furniture shop and thanked Clark for taking care of her daughter. She also asked him to help her so that she could talk to Leah. Clark told her that he could not promise her anything but he would try to talk to Leah.
Leah’s coworker asked Simon why he was being so hard on Leah and always asked her to do revisions to her work. He told her that it was because he thought she had a potential and wanted to train her to be a good copy writer.
Simon took his strictness with Leah to another level and kept asking her to re do her presentations and think out better concepts for the account that she was now handling.
Clark went to the tenement to talk to Miss Lulu about the wedding venue and passed by to see Mr. Sol. Mr. Sol thanked Clark for taking care of the wedding preparations and asked him to be patient with Leah as she dealt with her work.
Rona rented a town house and invited Aunt Jack to see it. Rona told Aunt Jack that she had a plan to get closer to Leah by offering to help pay for their wedding so she told Aunt Jack to ask Clark to talk to Leah about it.
Rona then went to the tenement and saw Tiffany along with Gabby and Tolayts. She hid herself so that they could not see her but she cried as she watched the three of them.
Aunt Jack went to see Clark and told him about Rona’s plan to help pay for their wedding. Clark told her that he was sure Leah would not agree. Aunt Jack however asked Clark to tell Leah that her mother was there since the news would be better received if they came from her.
At work, Simon was not happy with Leah’s presentation once more and said that it lacked a wow factor. He had also asked her to do  a photo shoot and after going over the budget, he told Leah that the company was duping her so he asked her to slash off 50% present of the budget. Leah thought it would not be okay since  she had already signed the deal  so she told Simon to get the get the money from her pay. Simon told her not to act like a martyr because he was training her to be tough so that people would not take advantage of her. He told her that although she was also planning for her wedding, she should work on advancing her career which could take her to new places and would never leave her.
Leah ran into Clark’s arms when he went to get her after a stressful day at work. Clark hugged her but sat her back down to tell her that her mother was back and wanted to see her. Leah told Clark that their life without her mother and she did not want Rona back into their lives because she would ruin everything.
When they got home, Mama Lulu said that their wedding outfits were ready and they were scheduled for a fitting the next morning. Leah said that she needed to work so they rescheduled the fitting for the following evening.
Leah was thinking about her mother’s return to the Philippines and when Tiffany asked what was wrong, she did not tell her anything. That was where we ended.
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