Episode 1 overview: We met Camille who tried to commit suicide after her husband dies but she was rescued by Rafael after she jumped off the bay in the city. Rafael took Bianca to a shelter where she recovered and also gave her a job.

Marco; Camille’s husband who she thought dead was with Bianca. Bianca is Marco’s childhood friend who was always in love with him even after he married Camille. Bianca pretended to be his wife because Marco was suffering from Amnesia after his plane crush accident.
Episode 2
Rafael and Camille were having a chat and Rafael asked Camille if she missed teaching. Camille said she did and Rafael encouraged her to look for a teaching job. Camille thanked Rafael for offering her his help; rescuing her when she fell, paying for her brother’s medical bills and giving her a job. Rafael then asked if Camille would continue living with them at the shelter so that she could continue helping out.
Bianca stopped Marco from digging up a fish pond at their back yard. Marco complained that he wanted to move from where they were staying because he had nothing to do. He wanted to go back to Cebu  or Manila so that he could have a chance to revive his memories. Bianca told him that her father already moved their businesses from Cebu so she could not return while her mother lived in Manila and she did not want to see her. Marco told Bianca that she needed to make up with her mother and not fight with her.
Camille went out to look for a teaching job and got one. She went back to the shelter happy and hugged everyone, including Rafael. Karen, one of the ladies who worked there teased Rafael after watching his reaction to Camille because it was clear that he liked her. Camille came back after putting her bag in her room. Rafael told her that they were thinking of taking a camping trip and invited her to go with them. Camille agreed so Rafael said that they needed to start training before the trip.
Camille and Rafael started jogging as part of their training and Camille told Rafael about Marco. Rafael asked if she was sure Marco loved her as much as she loved him. Camille said that he had mentioned a childhood friend of his called Bianca and then set out to tell Rafael her story with Marco to prove that he really loved her. She met Marco when he helped her and her brother Julio from two men who had tried to harass Camille. Marco ended up getting stabbed during the fight and Camille took him to her house to get the wound treated. Camille’s parents were happy with Marco for what he had done and they asked him how they could repay him. Marco said that he wanted to have their permission to court their daughter. They started dating but waited until they graduated to get married.
During the hiking trip, Camille finished the rest of the story. She said that they started having problems as soon as they got married; her parents got sick and their house burnt down so Marco took a job in Dubai to help support the family. Camille did not want him to leave even if he would only be gone for two years but he assured her that he would go back to her. Soon after he left, Camille learnt from the news that the plane Marco had been on had gone missing. Camille went to see the rescue team but they said that they were not able to find any survivors. Camille walked to Manila and met Rafael on the day that she tried to kill herself. It was exactly a year after that accident when Camille told Rafael the story and she said she wanted to stop living in the past and let go off all her sorrow.
As they returned from the hiking trip, Camille sprained her foot and Rafael carried her on his back.
We leant from Bianca’s flash back that she had paid out her own rescue team when she learnt about the plane crush to find Marco. She finally found him with an old couple who had fished him from the ocean. She paid them and took Marco away with her.
Bianca’s father went to visit her and was surprised to learn that Marco was alive. He wanted to call Camille to tell her that Marco was alive but Bianca begged him not to. Her father took out his phone and Bianca grabbed a club as if to hit him but he turned back and asked her why she did not want Camille to know the truth. Bianca told him about how Marco had protected her from her abusive uncle when she was a girl and she had fallen in love with him. Unfortunately, he left Cebu and married Camille so she was not willing to give him up. Her father said that her attachment toward Marco was not good and suggested that she see a psychiatrist.
When the paper arrived the following morning, Bianca took it and removed a page about Juancho, Bianca’s uncle who had been missing for a year. Bianca was upset that he had not yet been pronounced dead. She took out the page and threw it away before Marco saw it but he noticed that a page was missing. He wanted to call the news paper but Bianca managed to divert his attention by enticing him with  a shower.
Meanwhile, Rafael continued to pay attention to Camille. He sent a wand and flowered head band to her class room so that she could pretend to be a fairy godmother to her pupils; she had told him that she taught that way. To thank him, she made some noodles for him and brought it to his office. As Rafael ate, he told Camille that he wanted her to go to his mother’s birthday party with him. We ended as he picked her up and she looked stunning in her read dress…
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