THE PROMISE Episode 53

We started with Yna taking care of Isko and he noticed that she looked sad. Isko asked of Yna was sad because of Angelo and he told her that things would be fine.

Yna talked to Takong about breaking up with Angelo. She said that she loved him but she could not take what was happening to her family because of him. When she cried, Takong hugged her and then tried to put make up on her. He said that she had to look good even if she was having a hard time. He only wanted to make Yna smile and she laughed as she dried away her tears.
Angelo and Eduardo went to the hospital to visit Mr. Isko. Angelo stayed behind to talk to Yna as Eduardo went in the room to see Belen and Isko. Angelo told Yna that he wanted to pay for the hospital bill but Yna told him not to. He said that he was her boyfriend and would be paying it with his own money but Yna still refused his help. She told him that someone else had already offered to pay for the bill so he did not have to. Amor arrived then and said that she would go in to see Isko so as not to interrupt them.
Angelo realized that Amor was the one helping Yna and he asked her why she was accepting Amor’s help over his. Yna said that Amor was the only person she trusted right now and walked away from Angelo. Angelo followed her and told her that they could get over everything happening but Yna and that she wanted to talk to him about their relationship. She told Angelo that she loved him just as he loved her but it was probably not the time for them to be together. She said that they should end their relationship but Angelo told her that they could make it through. Yna took out a necklace that Angelo had given her and handed it back to him saying that her mind was already made up. Angelo cried seeing that he could no longer convince Yna. He handed her back the necklace, kissed her forehead and walked away.
Eduardo apologized to Belen for what Claudia had been doing. Belen told Eduardo that he had always been good to them and she hoped that all that he had done for them would not be forgotten because of Claudia. Amor entered in the room bringing a change of mood with her.
She greeted everyone and handed Belen the basket of fruits that she had brought. Isko was sleeping and when he woke up, he greeted both Eduardo and Amor. Eduardo kept staring at Amor and when Isko noticed this, he said that they looked good together adding that Eduardo loved Amor because he could not stop looking at her. Belen asked Isko to keep quiet and apologized to Eduardo and Amor. Amor said it was fine and said that she had to leave. Isko thanked her for visiting and Amor walked out. Eduardo said that he had to leave too and followed Amor outside.
Once outside, Eduardo asked Amor if she would join him for coffee. Amor was skeptical but she agreed to have coffee with Eduardo. 

At the coffee shop, Amor asked Eduardo what he wanted to discuss. Eduardo said that he wanted them to be friends and Amor told him that they already were friends. Eduardo told her that they were business associates but he wanted them to be more than that. He went on to tell Amor that he missed her and how she used to make him realize what he wanted adding that she was the only person who really knew him. He said that after living with Claudia for 20 years, she still did not know him and he didn’t know her. Amor quipped that Claudia was just like his mother then immediately apologized for it. Eduardo smiled and said that she was not sorry. Amor laughed too and admitted that she was not sorry. They continued to laugh together and Eduardo said that he missed the way she laughed. They got serious again and Eduardo told Amor that he was not sure whether he was the right person to lead Punte Verde. Amor touched Eduardo’s arm and asked him what he wanted. Eduardo said, “You” and held her gaze. Amor pulled away her hand and Eduardo corrected himself as he  said, “I mean you. What do you think?” Amor told Eduardo that he had done a great job as the governor of Punte Verde so she trusted that he was a good leader.
Isko was discharged from the hospital and went home with his family. Yna woke up early the next morning and as she was doing her chores, Angelo texted her saying that he missed her and that he would always be there for her. He sent more texts but Yna did not answer them. She finished her chores and went to the market to but stuff so that she could cook the food and sell it for some money.
Ted went on TV to expose the pictures of Eduardo with his mistresses. The woman also went on air and said that she met Eduardo at a restaurant and they started seeing each other because he said that she reminded him of someone. When Claudia found out, she harassed her and made some men rape her. Ted said that maybe the reason why Claudia was mad at Yna was because Yna was actually Eduardo’s mistress because she fit the profile of being a cook, young and pretty.
When Yna went to sell her food, no one bought it and they asked her if she was Eduardo’s mistress. They told her what Ted said on TV and Yna went back home determined to leave Punte Verde. Angelo tried to call her but she did not answer his calls.
Yna went to meet Amor and asked her if the job she had offered was still available. She told Amor that she could no longer stand staying in Punte Verde and asked her to help her leave. Amor told Yna that she would help her since it always eased the longing for her daughter whenever she helped Yna. That was where we ended…

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