DOBLE KARA Season 3 Episode 49 & 50

Episode 49

We started with Kara going to see Seb at the hospital to ask whether she should take in Alex’s son. She did not want to do it because of all the things Alex had done to them.

Later, Kara visited the Children’s home that Alex’s son JR was being kept and she felt sad at the condition that the place was in. When she held Alex’s son, she decided to go home with him.
When Kara walked in the house carrying JR, no one was happy about it. Laura asked if she was sure about taking care of the child and Kara said that JR was her nephew and she could not allow a stranger to take care of him. She added that Seb would want her to do the same. Sara told Kara that she should have consulted with them before doing it but Kara snapped and asked Sara whether she consulted with her when she dropped the charges against Cynthia. Laura asked them not to fight and Kara said that she was going up to put JR to bed.
When Kara was taking care of JR, Sara and Laura went to speak to her again. Sara said that she was not against her taking care of Alex’s son but she was worried that Alex would hurt them again trying to get her son back.
Arellano went to see Alex in prison to inform her about the welfare of her son. He told her that JR was in good hands because Kara was taking care of him.
When Kara was at the hospital taking care of Seb, Laura joined her to tell her that Sara was thinking about leaving the house because of the fights that they had been having. Kara said that it was fine because they were already used to her leaving when there were problems. Laura asked Sara not to let her relationship with Sara get ruined because it would mean that they let Alex won.
Edward went to see Sara and she told him she was planning on moving out of Kara’s house because Kara was upset with her. Edward offered to help her and if he did not mind even if Sara would not be able to pay her back.
When Kara returned home, Sara said that she wanted to move out and Kara did not stop her. She later told Laura and the children that Sara was gone and it broke Becca’s heart. Becca asked why her Momma had to leave and tried to Kara explain that it was better for them to stay apart so that they would stop fighting. She asked Becca not to worry because she was still allowed to see Sara.
When Sara was unpacking her stuff at the new place, she got a call from Arellano telling her that Dina had surfaced and she wanted to talk to her and her family. When Sara arrived at the police station, Kara and Laura were already there. Dina confessed to them that Alex also killed Ishmael because he found out that Alex was the one who kidnapped Isabella. Sara asked her why she did not tell them and Dina said that she was afraid Alex would turn things against them like the way she did with the kidnapping. She said that Alex also threatened her family but now that her mother was dead, she no longer had anything to lose.
Alex’s lawyer went to see her in prison and he informed that Dina confessed that she was the one behind Ishmael’s murder so Kara had filed a case against her for homicide. He asked Alex to tell him the truth so that he knew how to defend her. Alex admitted that she did it but it was an accident. She asked her lawyer to get her out of jail but the lawyer said that it was becoming more difficult to do because of all the charges pilling up against her. The lawyer listed some of the ways that Alex could get out of prison and one of them was if she was mentally ill.
Kara, Sara, Laura and Dina went to visit Alex in prison and they confronted her for killing Ishmael. Laura gave her an array of slaps and Alex refused to admit it but Dina did not allow her to wiggle out of it. She told Alex that she would testify against her. Sara told Alex that she would pay while Kara said that someone like Alex was not allowed to be a mother. Alex became hysterical when Kara mentioned her son and was taken back to her cell.
Everyone else at home was surprised when they learnt that Alex was behind Ishmael’s death. Hannah overheard them and walked over to Kara in tears. She confessed that the day Ishmael died; Alex left the house and asked her to keep it a secret. She asked Kara if she was a bad person too and Kara told her that she was not. Itoy was upset that Alex even got the child involved.
Alex started to act crazy in jail and when her lawyer went to see her jail, she asked him whether her act would help her get transferred to a mental institution where it would be easier to escape. The lawyer said that it would not be so easy because a doctor had to diagnose her. Alex asked him to pay the doctor that would be assigned to her and when the lawyer said that it would be risky, she threatened to harm his family.
Kara and Sara went to see Alex in prison to confront her for involving Hannah in her lies but they were not allowed to see her. Arellano arrived and they asked him to help them. After he talked to the warden, he went to tell them that they were not allowed to see Alex because she was in confinement for stabbing an inmate. He said that Alex was acting crazy and her lawyer was in the process of getting her transferred to a mental facility. Sara said that Alex must be acting to get out of jail and asked him to make sure she was not transferred because Alex had to pay for her crimes.

Episode 50

Sara and Kara joined the family at the cemetery to visit Ishmael’s grave. They were telling Itoy and Laura about Alex’s imminent transfer from prison to the mental hospital. They were discussing it when Becca suddenly fainted and they had to rush her to the hospital. Becca had been looking sickly but Itoy only thought that she looked flashed because of the heat. When they rushed Becca to the hospital, they thought that it was because of the G6 deficiency that she had as a child.
The psychiatrist went to visit Alex in jail and since she was already paid, she diagnosed Alex with a mental condition hence the transfer request was approved.
Arellano went to visit Kara and Sara and told them Alex’s request to be transferred to a mental hospital had been approved and he could not do anything about it.
Sara went to see Alex as she was getting transferred and she told her that if she wanted to see her son, all she had to do was accept that she was pretending to be mad and Sara would let her see JR. Alex did not fall for it and after a while, the officers told Sara that they had to leave.
At the mental institution, Lucille talked to her doctor and she said that Lucille would be released soon provided that she promised to take her medicine as prescribed. Lucille told the doctor that she wanted to make things right with her daughter so that everything would be fine between them. Someone summoned the doctor and as Lucille went to join the other patients, she saw Alex. Alex greeted her warmly but Lucille slapped her. She asked Alex why she had lied about bringing he granddaughter to her and Alex said that she intended to do it but she ran into some trouble. She said that she was there to help Lucille leave the mental institution but Lucille refused to listen to her.
When Barbara visited Lucille at the hospital, Lucille asked when she would be released because she was desperate to leave. Barbara asked Lucille why she seemed restless and Lucille told her that it was because Alex was confined in the same hospital. Barbara asked her to stay away from Alex because she was a criminal and promised to expedite the process of her release.
Becca’s doctor told Kara, Sara, Laura and Itoy that after running tests on Becca, they learnt that she had Leukemia and needed a bone marrow transplant. Kara offered to donate but the doctor said that she could not because she suffered from the condition before. Sara, Itoy and Laura all offered to be examined to see if they were a match in order to donate it.
Barbara visited the Laura at her place to tell her and her family that Lucille and Alex were confined in the same mental institution and she was afraid that Alex was up to something because her lawyer had personally requested for her to go to that facility.
Becca underwent chemo treatment for her Leukemia and Kara was there to hold her hand through it. She asked Kara not to worry because she was strong but she cried saying that it was painful. Sara visited her later but Becca put on a brave face and told her that she could handle the treatment.
Sara talked to Kara after Becca fell asleep and reminisced about how jealous she was of Kara when they were younger because she got sick and took the attention of their parents away. She said that she now understood why Ishmael and Laura were worried about her because it was hard seeing your child in pain. She added that she was willing to sacrifice anything for Becca but Kara said that she did not have to because Kara was there for Becca.
Sara was unwilling to let Alex stay at the mental hospital so she visited her again and tried to bribe her into admitting that she was only acting by showing her pictures of her son. Alex stayed in character but Sara was able to see that she really missed JR.
When Sara got home, she told Kara and Laura that she was at the mental institution to visit Alex because she wanted her to admit that she was pretending. Kara and Laura asked her to stop provoking Alex because she was dangerous and would do something harmful to them in order to get her son back. That was where we ended…

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