DOLCE AMORE Episode 34

We started with Gian Carlo giving a speech at a conference. After he was done, Luciana who had also attended the conference approached him and told him that it was a good speech.
She also told Gian Carlo that Serena had called her the previous night to tell her that she was going to extend her stay in San Francisco since she was enjoying herself. She sent Luciana to tell Gian Carlo that she would not be returning to Italy. Gian Carlo was not pleased with the news but Luciana asked him not to be possessive and to give Serena her space.
 Serena fell asleep on Angel’s lap after her nervous breakdown and Angel told Tenten that Serena had already told her that she suffered from such   anxiety attacks since her accident. Tenten told her that he had been scared when Serena’s mood had changed all of a sudden.
When Tenten went home, he was bothered by Serena’s condition and so he decided that he would help her regain her memories and tell her the truth. He also rejected Binggoy’s phone call so that he would not be swayed to change his mind
Tenten was very serious during breakfast when Taps and Dodoy tried to tease him but things took a different turn when Binggoy walked in. His parents were overjoyed to see him return from Thailand but Binggoy went straight to Tenten and told him that they needed to talk. Tenten got up and immediately, the two of them started fighting. They dragged each other outside where they started throwing punches at each other but Dodoy, Taps and the rest of their friends were able to separate them before things got serious. Dodoy and Taps told them to get into the house and when they were alone, they asked both Tenten and Binggoy what the problem between them was.
Tenten told his parents about what they had done to Serena and that it was their fault that she had lost her memory. Dodoy was so upset and a pain in his chest when he tried to deal with the revelation and when both Binngoy and Tenten went to attend to him, he told them to get out of his house.
After a while, Dodoy and Taps joined Tenten and Binggoy outside and told them that they needed to go somewhere. Dodoy took his sons to the police and told them to lock the guys up for kidnapping. The officer was puzzled and told Dodoy that no one had reported his sons for kidnapping so he could not arrest them Dodoy said that he needed them to pay for the crime so he insisted that the boys be locked up in jail. The offricers therefore took Binggoy and Tenten in a police cell.
Mummy Tap was worried about her children so she asked Dodoy to reconsider and forgive the boys for what they had done since they were their children. Dodoy agreed and got Tenten and Binggoy released.  They were however punished for what he did and had to clean their apartment building as well as do laundry and iron everyone’s clothes. They tried to appease Dodoy by buying him his favorite snacks but he was still upset. Tenten talked to mummy Taps and apologized to her. He also told her that he was going to tell Angel the truth about Serena.
Meanwhile, Angel and Serena bonded at their house and Angel asked Serena if she thought Tenten was a nice guy. Serena told Angel that he was okay but added that she often caught him staring at her with a weird look on his face as if he did not like her. Angel told her that it was not the case.
The next morning, Serena received a call from Tenten and he told her that they needed to talk so he asked her to meet him at the studio. Angel was surprised by the call and when she told Serena about it, Serena teased her and told her that it must be something serious so maybe he wanted to break up with her or ask her to marry him. Angel was not thrilled about the possibility of either.

Angel arrived at the recording Studio as Tenten played his first ever composition. He was playing the parts that Serena wrote and when Angel walked in, she was amazed that Tenten had already completed the song.  Tenten told her that the song had the lyrics from the start and it was Serena who had written them. Angel misunderstood him and told Tenten that it was amazing that Serena had given such good critic to the song and went ahead to write the lyrics. Tenten was very serious when he clarified that his songs had been inspired by Serena and that he had met her long before he met Angel. He also showed her a picture of him and Serena; one that they had taken in Bohol. Angel was taken by surprise but she urged Tenten to tell her all about her story with Serena. Tenten told her all about being penpals with Serena, to meeting her when she went to Manila, how they fell in love and eventually about the kidnapping and about how Serena lost her memory.  Angel was hurt by the fact that fate was playing a cruel trick on her since the guy that she loved was her sister’s lost love. We however ended with Angel telling Tenten that he had to tell Serena the truth since he was the reason she had gone back to the Philippines and held the key to unlocking her past.

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