We started with Clark taking a rest after fetching water for Leah’s neighbors. Leah handed him a cool drink and wiped away his sweat as she asked Clark why he had done it. 
Clark told her that Tolayts had given him tips on how to court someone. Leah told him that he did not need to court her but Clark told her that he was doing it for her father. Leah asked him not to do too much because Mr. Sol might end up asking him not to leave. Clark commented that it was what he wanted.
Mr. Sol interrupted them and said that it was time for dinner; adding that it was enough showing off for the day…  Clark felt bad and asked Tolayts what else he could do to win over Mr. Sol. Tolayts told him to fix things in the house and help out with chores. Clark helped fix a broken cupboard and even helped Leah with the laundry.
Aunt Jack decided to hide Jigs’ passport and return ticket so that he could not return to the Philippines.  She called Clark and asked him what he was doing in the Philippines. Clark told her that he had to leave to overlook some work that a client wanted him to do and Aunt Jack asked him why he had not told her he was leaving if it was work related. Clark told her that he did not want to put her in a position where she would have to lie to Jigs since he would not take it well once he knew. Aunt Jack reminded Clark about the situation with Leah since she did not want him to fight with jigs. Clark told her that she also needed to understand that there were things that one could not control.
Clark told Leah that he had spoken to Aunt Jack and told her that he was there for work. He also told her not to worry about Aunt Jack since they were doing what they had to do for her father’s sake.
Jigs refused to go to work and told Aunt Jack that he wanted his passport back so that he could go back to the Philippines. Aunt Jack tried to reason with him so that he could not leave but Jigs told her that if she did not want him to leave, she should get Clark to return to America. Aunt Jack told him that Clark could not go back since he had work but Jigs said that she was too trusting and could not see what was happening right in front of her. He also decided that he would find a way to return to the Philippines if Aunt Jack did not want to help him.

Clark spent the weekend at Leah’s house and managed to win most people over as he played with the children and sang karaoke with the neighbors. Tiffany talked to Mr. Sol and gushed about Clark but Mr. Sol told her that fetching a couple of buckets of water did not make him a great person. Tiffany told him that no matter what Clark did, he was never going to see him as a perfect man for Leah.
After the Karaoke session, Clark and Leah went to sleep and Clark told her that he missed seeing her carefree and laughing like the way she had been when they sang. He said that his presence was good for her and to think that he had only been with her for two days. He wanted to stay longer so that she could keep being happy. Leah told him that it was enough and they no longer needed to convince her father but Clark told her that he had spoken to Mr. Sol and he expected it of Clark so that he could prove that he was a good husband for Leah. He asked Leah what Mr. Sol liked and she told him that he loved his family and held work to  a high regard. Clark asked what kind of work he did and Leah told him that he drove for a living.
Clark went and took over Mr. Sol’s Jeepney and said that he would drive it for him. Mr. Sol was surprised and asked Leah if Clark could drive the Jeepney. Clark insisted that he could do it and Mr. sol asked Leah to go with him so that she could collect the money; he was not sure that Clark could multi task.
Clark and Leah drove the Jeepney and managed to get the day’s quota. They later went out to eat some street food and Clark told her that it was good to work and not get tired at the end of the day because you were with the one you love. Leah told Clark about her dream of buying back her father’s jeep as well as their house but it seemed as if it would not be possible. Clark asked her if she had given up going back to America after they had worked so hard for her green Card. Leah said that everything in America reminded her of all the things that their mother had done.
Clark finally had to leave and Mr. sol told him that he had to return the following weekend because he had already planned something for him. Clark said that he would return and Mr. Sol thanked him for taking care of his Jeepney and his daughter.
After Clark left, Leah told Tiffany that she was worried about her situation with Clark since it would only get harder for them to break up if they kept seeing each other.  As she slept, Leah thought about how she wanted to be with Clark but she did not want to break up his family since Jigs would not accept their relationship.
Leah went back to her job hunting and Clark managed to set up the furniture shop which really impressed his grandmother. She gushed about it to Aunt Jack and Jigs when they video called her and Jigs could not help but roll his eyes when his grandmother said that Clark would restore their business.
On Friday, Clark video called Leah to ask her what kind of gift he could get for Mr. Sol when he visited them on Saturday but Leah told him not to go there because she no longer wanted to pretend with her father and she had a lot of problems. Clark told her that he would help her with all her problems and Leah said that if he wanted to help, he could do so by not visiting their house
Jigs managed to get the money to buy a ticket back to the Philippines by selling his shoes and gadgets. He found his passport among Aunt Jack’s things and was just about to leave when Aunt Jack arrived. He told her that he was going back to the Philippines and there was nothing she could do to stop him. Aunt Jack had enough of trying to convince him so she took out his suitcase and threw it out. She told Jigs that if his sole purpose in life was to chase after Leah, then he could leave. She complained about all that she had to do to get Jigs to America so that he could make something for himself but if Leah was more important to him, he could go. Jigs felt guilty and tried to talk to her but a crying Aunt Jack went into the bedroom and slammed the door behind him. That was where we ended…

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